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Koval Anastasiya

Even good boys are capable of doing wicked things

Evil is viewed as something visible. Most people consider thieves, criminals to do
ill. On the other hand, evil starts from little things which people tend to ignore in
themselves and even good people can do them. This is depicted in the novel of
William Golding ’Lord of the flies’. The author conveys this message through the
relationships and the deeds of the characters on the desert island – Piggy and Ralf.
Ralf is depicted as a young handsome boy who was raised in a decent family with
his manners acquired, but lost his innocence getting into the island. Firstly, the
major thing which is revealed as a good one is his appearance which makes
everyone to elect for him. Secondly, he establishes some rules to survive on the
uninhabitant island. As a result, he embodies the democratic principals which
stands him out from other characters and persuades a reader in his noble nature. On
the contrary to his good side, Ralf was depicted as a hero who did ill as well. The
one thing to mention is his relationship with Piggy whom he called by his
nickname although Piggy warned Ralf against calling him like that. In addition, his
reaction to Jack’s breaking Piggy’s specs proves his minor deeds as evil as well.
Besides, he took part in killing Simon and didn’t try to prevent others from doing
this. To sum up, Ralf’s being raised in a good family didn’t prevent him from
doing ill
Piggy illustrates the idea of rationality and progress, but his childhood finished as
soon as he crossed the line of good and evil. Firstly, his reason and ideas to ignite
fire, make a shelter relate him to a positive character who depicts his rationality
and adultlike nature among other children. This can be proved by the quote
“Which is better—to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?”.Contrary to this, he
participated in Simon’s killing which instills the idea of his ill nature. Unlike Ralf,
who tried to admit their involvement in Simon’s killing , Piggy was determined to
hide Simon’s from himself trying to reassure Ralf in their innocence. On the next
morning “That's right. We was on the outside. We never done nothing, we never
seen nothing”. As a result he possesses some virtues but he corrupted his nature by
doing little evil.
To sum up, William Golding

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