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Nowadays a lot of people have a sense of injustice.

It can be for a variety of reasons, but

most often it concerns people who are different from most people by race, culture or
gender. Yes, one of the reasons may be race. According to this article I would like to talk
about racism the horrible discrimination that is spreading around the world and gives me a
sense of injustice.
The article outlines a horrific murder that proves once again that black people are in danger.
Just because they have black skin, people hate them and don’t properly value their lives.
Ellison a young man, who expressed himself by listening to music unfortunately became a
victim of a white man. The most horrible thing is that white people often don’t realize what a
great evil crime is that and often try to find an explanation of this crime. One of the black
leaders said that, the main reason why she came out at the rally was that white people
considered, Edison’s behavior was more important than the fact that he died because of it.
Unfortunately many people don’t understand that no one can choose to be black, white,
dark or anything in particular. God has made us and there is nothing that should make us
feel guilty for that. It is inhumane to kill the people due to their color of skin.
As we know there are many cases in the world where black people are humiliated or killed
for no reason. If we follow the story of the article I can say that killer would have been more
understanding and restrained towards the young man even if he had white skin. That why I
think that black people are born with a big burden to carry until people start thinking
differently. As Ellison said before his death: ,, there are two rules- have smile and be
whitewashed. If you don’t submit here, you are a problem’’.
Finally, I want to say that , there is a solution in everything and the main thing is for people
to understand – all people are born equal and nothing can change that. First of all, rallies,
talking about it loudly and demanding justice are the right actions that we help us to achieve
a goal.

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