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Create an Ottoman

Open SketchUp and save as new file Ottoman Hands-On.skp. First make 0.03 x 0.03 x
0.05 m legs and layout them in a 0.30 x 0.30 m square.

Draw a circular base just above the legs with a 0.25 m radius.
Create the body by pushing the circular 2D to 0.25 m height.

Seat Surface
Delete the top face of the body then select the circular edge. Click on the Generate Soap
Skin tab in the Soap Bubble dialog box.
Soap Skin
Choose whether to use 10 divisions or to increase them. In this example, we used 20
divisions. Press Enter after finalizing the number of divisions and watch the rendering

Soap Bubble
Select the Soap Skin output (appears flat), and click on the Generate Soap Bubble tab in
the Soap Bubble dialog box. Input -250 for the pressure.
Soften/smooth edges of the generated Soap Bubble. If some lines still remain, erase

Apply an appropriate color/material to the finished product.
Once done, click Save.

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