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What are the Pros and Cons of a Tropical

Cyclone in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, the southwest monsoon provides the

majority of the country's precipitation. The southwest
monsoon, brings rains, and does not specifically pass
through the Philippines in normal conditions instead, it is
directed toward to southern China for the majority of the
season, with only a weak current passing through the
Philippines. The monsoon winds strike us more directly
at the height of the season on their way to Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, and northern China. Rain is rare in most parts of
the world when typhoons or LPAs (Low Pressure Area)
are absent, but when they hover or travel near or
through the country, these typhoons and LPAs drag the
country southward. Rain is infrequent in most parts of
the world when typhoons or LPAs are absent, but when
they hover or travel near or through the country, they
drag the southwest monsoon towards us, ensuring that
we have enough rain during the season. As a result, more
rain is available for rising rainy-season crops. The
downside is self-evident damage from flooding, gale-
force winds, and other factors.

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