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Read the text below, write the new vocabulary that you get from the text short

short while to be enjoyed by the guest. In meals, people keserakahan

behind. also eat politely, without showing greed or gluttony, and 10. Gluttony :
hosts usually asks pardon if not able to serve a bountiful kerakusan
Title : Cyberbullying New Vocabulries: of meals. 11. Bountiful :
Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a threat or attack carried 1. Harassment : Another etiquette of Indonesians is using the right hand, 12. Pardon : maaf
out through electronic messages as the media. Bullying usually Gangguan whether to shake hands or pay money. This tradition 13. Punctuality :
occurs only in the real world, but it also occurs now in 2. Interpreted : originates from Muslim customs. Slight bows are usually ketepatan waktu
cyberspace. Ditafsirkan given to guests, elders, or more respected people. Some
3. Hatred : Kebencian 14. Striking :
Indonesians, mostly Muslims, also touch their heart area
Cyberbullying is a new event because of the development of 4. Insult : Menghina menyolok
lightly after handshaking. Indonesians do not have the
communication technology. Nowadays, it is interpreted as a 5. Anxiety :
habit of explicit confrontations, they mostly avoid 15. Rarely : jarang
hurtful act that is done intentionally through the computers, Kegelisahan
conflict or tend to settle one in a well-mannered way.
cellular and other electronic devices and those who are bullied 6. Carried : Dibawa
cannot defend themselves. 7. Intentionally :
dengan sengaja However, a weakness common among Indonesians is
Why can this occur? their bad punctuality, we even have an Indonesian term
Cyberbullying is done by sending comments that contain for it: jam karet (rubber watch). Another striking feature
hatred on blogs, social media, e-mail, and posts in order to of Indonesian etiquette is that opposite sexes, especially
insult others. This can lead to reduced self-confidence of in more rural traditional areas, rarely display their
someone which leads to anxiety, and depression. affection publicly.
Cyberbullying is a crime that must be avoided. This is a
psychological threat for individuals. For those reason, mental
preparation and regulating emotions are needed when using
internet. Please write an explanation text based on the picture below after that you have
to record your voice to retell the text:

Title : Etiket (Indonesian Etiquette) New Vocabulries:

Etiquette is a great deal for Indonesians. However, in 1. Crowded : ramai
crowded places like bus rides, roads during rush hour, 2. Matches : korek
and public shows like sports matches, Indonesians might api
strike as having bad etiquette for pushing and shoving 3. Bargaining :
around. In marketplaces, Indonesians have the habit of tawar menawar
bargaining too much. Women and foreigners might 4. Foreigners :
experience being catcalled by Indonesians. orang asing
5. Banters : olok
However, this does not purely mean etiquette doesn’t
exist in Indonesia. In Indonesian homes, there are
humorous banters and lots of laughter. People have the 6. Uncrossed :
habit of sitting properly with their feet on the floor, with tidak disilangkan
legs uncrossed, while senior guests are allowed for 7. Treated : diobati
better seating. Guests are always treated well in a polite 8. Manner : cara
manner, and drinks and snacks are usually served after a 9. Greed :
better seating. Guests are always treated well in a polite 9. Greed :
manner, and drinks and snacks are usually served after a keserakahan
Read the text below, write the new vocabulary that you get from the text short while to be enjoyed by the guest. In meals, people
behind. also eat politely, without showing greed or gluttony, and 10. Gluttony :
hosts usually asks pardon if not able to serve a bountiful kerakusan
Title : Cyberbullying New Vocabulries: of meals. 11.Bountiful :
Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a threat or attack carried 1. Harassment : Another etiquette of Indonesians is using the right hand, 12. Pardon : maaf
out through electronic messages as the media. Bullying usually Gangguan whether to shake hands or pay money. This tradition 13. Punctuality :
occurs only in the real world, but it also occurs now in 2. Interpreted : originates from Muslim customs. Slight bows are usually ketepatan waktu
cyberspace. Ditafsirkan given to guests, elders, or more respected people. Some 14. Striking :
3. Hatred : Kebencian Indonesians, mostly Muslims, also touch their heart area menyolok
Cyberbullying is a new event because of the development of 4. Insult : Menghina
lightly after handshaking. Indonesians do not have the Rarely : jarang
communication technology. Nowadays, it is interpreted as a 5. Anxiety :
hurtful act that is done intentionally through the computers, Kegelisahan habit of explicit confrontations, they mostly avoid
cellular and other electronic devices and those who are bullied 6. Carried : Dibawa conflict or tend to settle one in a well-mannered way.
cannot defend themselves. 7. Intentionally :
dengan sengaja However, a weakness common among Indonesians is
Why can this occur? their bad punctuality, we even have an Indonesian term
Cyberbullying is done by sending comments that contain for it: jam karet (rubber watch). Another striking feature
hatred on blogs, social media, e-mail, and posts in order to of Indonesian etiquette is that opposite sexes, especially
insult others. This can lead to reduced self-confidence of in more rural traditional areas, rarely display their
someone which leads to anxiety, and depression.
affection publicly.
Cyberbullying is a crime that must be avoided. This is a
psychological threat for individuals. For those reason, mental
preparation and regulating emotions are needed when using
internet. Please write an explanation text based on the picture below after that you have
to record your voice to retell the text:

Title : Etiket (Indonesian Etiquette) New Vocabulries:

Etiquette is a great deal for Indonesians. However, in 1. Crowded : ramai
crowded places like bus rides, roads during rush hour, 2. Matches : korek
and public shows like sports matches, Indonesians might api
strike as having bad etiquette for pushing and shoving 3. Bargaining :
around. In marketplaces, Indonesians have the habit of tawar menawar
bargaining too much. Women and foreigners might 4. Foreigners :
experience being catcalled by Indonesians. orang asing
5. Banters : olok
However, this does not purely mean etiquette doesn’t olok
exist in Indonesia. In Indonesian homes, there are 6. Uncrossed :
humorous banters and lots of laughter. People have the tidak disilangkan
habit of sitting properly with their feet on the floor, with 7. Treated : diobati
legs uncrossed, while senior guests are allowed for 8. Manner : cara
After the fermentation stage, the beans contain a high level of moisture, which
needs to be reduced to avoid overdevelopment, which can affect the taste. In
most places of origin, cocoa beans can be dried in the sun. However, in wetter
climates this is not possible so alternative methods are used. After drying, the
beans are then sorted before being shipped to manufacturers around the world.

4. roasting
Chocolate maker roasts dry cocoa beans. The baking time and temperature will
vary according to the type and quality of the beans, as well as the purpose of the
chocolate maker. Apart from being an important factor for flavor development,
the roasting process also reduces moisture content and kills the surrounding

5. Cracking & Winnowing

After the roasting process, the outer shell becomes thin and brittle. The beans are
then cracked, after which the shell can be won out of the cocoa beans, which are
also known as cocoa beans.
Chocolate or Chocolate is a term for processed food or beverage products from
6. Grinding & Conching
cocoa beans. Chocolate making is a complex and delicate process that can be
These two processes are usually combined into one using melangeur. First, the
manipulated in certain ways to achieve a certain taste or texture. The meticulous
cocoa beans are ground into a thick paste called cocoa mass. This paste consists
and evolved processes of the torso are in the unique and delicious taste that
of cocoa solids and cocoa butter, the natural fat from cocoa beans. During the
comes from an extraordinary plant. Here is how to make chocolate in 9 processes.
conching stage, some chocolate makers add additional ingredients such as sugar,
milk or vanilla. This step can take anywhere from two hours to two days.
1. Harvesting
The cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) grows in tropical climates around the world,
7. Tempering
and has the property of having flowers and fruit on the tree at the same time. The
This is the process of raising and lowering the temperature of the chocolate so
fruit of this tree is known as the cocoa pod which grows on the trunk and
that it forms the right consistency through crystalline processing. Without being
branches. Picking is usually done with a machete, and take great care to ensure
tempered, the chocolate will turn out dull and brittle, lose its seductive shine and
that the flower pads on the tree are not damaged so that more pods can grow
ready-made chocolate snap.
8. Moulding
2. Fermentation
Once softened, the melted chocolate is poured into the selected molds and
The beans are mixed or turned to allow this process and the temperature
pressed against a hard surface to remove any air bubbles.
naturally rises to approximately 40-50 ° C. This stage is a major factor in the
development of cocoa flavors and can take up to eight days, depending on the
9. Wrapping
type of cocoa bean being processed.
After the chocolate has cooled and hardened, it will be checked for quality
control. The final bar is then carefully wrapped in foil or paper packaging to keep
3. Drying
it fresh, and labeled with the date and best ingredients list before. After a long 4. Interest
journey from bean-to-bar, chocolate is finally ready to be enjoyed. This vegetable will flower with the aim of being a means of sexual reproduction in
flowering plants.
So the conclusion is that if we want to make chocolate with a distinctive or
delicious result and taste then we have to go through these steps to get satisfying 5. Fruits
results. The result of this reproduction will produce fruit that will develop eggplant until it
is ready to be harvested.

So growing eggplant vegetables is easy. Eggplant will go through several phases

and finally it will grow fruit that we can consume and to get the benefits of these

Vegetables are a general term for plant-based foodstuffs which usually contain
high water content and are consumed fresh or after being minimally processed.
Such as eggplant is a fruit-producing plant that is made into vegetables. The taste
is unique, it also has various health benefits, one of which has the potential to
reduce the risk of heart disease. The content of this vegetable is nutrition. Not
only vitamins, minerals and fiber in them are also a source of the benefits of
purple eggplant for our health. Here are the steps to planting eggplant and

1. Land (soil)
First we have to prepare fertile wet soil in the pot that will be used for planting.

2. Seeds
After we prepare the soil and pot, the next step is we plant the eggplant seeds.

3. Shoots
We have to give the eggplant sunlight to help it in growth. A few days later the
seeds will appear small shoots and then will develop into a large plant.

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