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11572021 Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne a'Alret Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne d'Albret Luther Quest Discussion Group: General Discussions: Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne d'Albret Posted by Juan Jeanniton (Casusconscientiae) on Monday, March 15, 2021 - 1:42 pm: JEANNE D'ALBRET, QUEEN OF NAVARRE: RIGHTEOUS DEBORAH OF THE FRENCH PROTESTANT HUGUENOTS OR ACCURSED JEZEBEL OF CALVINISM??? To Rev. Cascione, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Dettmann, Mr. Gorman, Past. Preus, Mr. Krohn, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Verne, Mr. Stricket (alias CarlVehse), and all other users of this LutherQuest Forum: Introduction - Jeanne d'Albret (alias Jeanne III), by Birth, Queen of Navarre (1555-1572), Duchess of Albret (1555-1572), Countess of Limoges (1555- 1572), Countess of Foix (1555-1572), Countess of Armagnac (1555-1572), Countess of Bigorre (1555-1572), Countess of Perigord (1555-1572), Co- Prince of Andorra (1555-1572), and by Marriage, Duchess of Juelich-Cleves- Berg (1541-1545), Duchess of Vendome (1550-1562), Duchess of Beaumont (1550-1562), Countess of Marle (1548-1562), Countess of La Fere (1548- 1562), Countess of Soissons (1550-1562), was born in France on November 16, 1528, being the daughter and sole heiress of Henry II, King of Navarre. As such she would inherit the throne of Navarre and one day hold the title of REIGNING Queen of Navarre. The first of her most memorable acts is her formal decree, on December 25, 1560, that the Reformed Protestant CALVINIST faith shall be the OFFICIAL religion of her kingdom. She had been married twice, but her second husband, Antoine de Bourbon, had died in the year 1562, thereupon leaving her to reign alone and a widow until her death on June 9, 1572. Another of her most memorable acts was the enactment of a series of Ecclesiastical Ordinances, but see https: //theonomyresources. lesiastical-ordinances- of-jeanne,html for a transcript. The Bible, however, teaches this thing called the Divine Order of Creation - according to which, the head of the woman is the man, and this headship is founded on the fact that Adam was first formed, then Eve (1 Corinthians 11:7-10, 1 Timothy 2:11-13); furthermore, the Bible forbids women from usurping ecclesiastical authority over men (1 Timothy 2:12, which is to be interpreted in the context of 1 Timothy 3:15 - Paul writes these things so that we may know how the various classes of persons ought to conduct themselves as church members). Now, the Theonomists and Reformed CALVINISTS are very proud of Jeanne d'Albret and her Ecclesiastical ovnutherquestoepnidcusdOoard din o9(acton=quikBdo=prniBHTTP_REFERER= 19 1326958posingexe911173 12 syrsre00t cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne sAbret Ordinances - they contend that the reason WHY her enacting of her Ecclesiastical Ordinances prescribing that Calvinism shall be the official religion of the State in Navarre is NOT a violation of the Divine Order of Creation of the Sexes is because Navarre was not an absolute monarchy, but a constitutional, parliamentary monarchy, according to which the king/monarch reigns but does not rule, he cannot except on the advice of ministers responsible to Parliament - the REAL ruler and governor exercising the real authority is NOT the monarch himself, but actually the ministers who advise him https://theonomyresources. lesiastical-ordinances- jeanne. html: quote: Theonomy in Bearn: the Ecclesiastical Ordinances [Jeanne d'Albret did not enact these ecclesiastical ordinances unilaterally. A group of trustees of the Estates-General of Bearn had asked the Queen to "redeem the land from idolatry." To achieve this, she mobilized many theologians and jurists, including the pastor of Nicolas Gallars (the Moderator of the National Synod of Bearn) who succeeds to Pierre Viret, and the German prince Louis of Nassau. The Synod provided a commission on matrimonial affairs and the Estates-General (with the help of a pastoral committee) determined the clauses concerning church property.] Now, the question is this: was it lawful according to these above Bible teachings (and also the Lutheran Confessions) for Jeanne d'Albret to hold the title of reigning queen of Navarre or enact her Ecclesiastical Ordinances? Can the Calvinists vindicate her from the charge of violating the Divine Order of Creation by pleading that she reigned but did not rule over Navarre when she got those Ecclesiastical Ordinances decreed in her name? Please provide a proof for your answer using the Bible and Lutheran Confessions. And for a full and encyclopedic view of Jeanne d'Albret's life, see: TO BE CONTINUED ww!?acton=quckSdo=prinl&HTTP_REFERER19/132536&postindox=311173, 22.

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