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11572021 Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne a'Alret Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne d'Albret Luther Quest Discussion Group: General Discussions: Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne d'Albret Posted by Juan Jeanniton (Casusconscientiae) on Monday, March 15, 2021 - 5:02 pm: Mr. Gorman, you replied: "How does a discussion of "JEANNE D'ALBRET, QUEEN OF NAVARRE: RIGHTEOUS DEBORAH OF THE FRENCH PROTESTANT HUGUENOTS OR ACCURSED JEZEBEL OF CALVINISM??" relate to the purpose of this discussion board? "We are not interested in politics, philosophy, government, or other religions unless these subjects are directly related to the LCMS, ELS, WELS, ELCA or other Lutheran Church bodies." Guidelines". I was planning to formulate another case of conscience concerning the true and accurate interpretation and application of all the Bible verses teaching the divine order of Creation according to the Lutheran Confessions, and I framed this question in reply to some comments you made to me earlier on my thread about Women in Church Music, in which you apply the male headship law (precisely the male headship law formulated in the divine order of creation of the sexes) not just to the home and church, but also to the State: but then it would follow that women are ineligible for public and civil offices in the state, I was just giving you some background information on Jeanne d'Albret and the frame of the government of her petty realm of Navarre, and her Ecclesiastical Ordinances. The one excuse that anti-suffragists and anti-feminists, especially of the LCMS and WELS, will plead in defense of Jeanne d'Albret and her Ecclesiastical Ordinances is precisely that the polity of that petty kingdom was that of constitutional, parliamentary monarchy as I had explained in my sources; and therefore the king reigned but did not rule - instead he could not act except in conformity to the advice of his ministers: it is his ministers that were the real rulers of the realm: therefore when a woman holds the title of reigning queen, she is not the real ruler of the realm: they are, therefore it was no violation of the divine order of Creation for a woman to hold the title of reigning queen of Navarre, since she would reign but never be the real ruler of the realm, neither in civil, nor ecclesiastical affairs - the real rulers of the realm were the ministers, it was their decisions, not hers, that counted, and all these ministers were adult males ONLY. And by the way, I would rather that Jeanne d'Albret had converted to Confessional Lutheranism than Calvinism, and not tried to establish the Protestant religion by force. Luther himself said "The pen, not the fire, is to put down heretics, The hangmen are not doctors of theology. This is not the place for force. Not the sword, but the Word, fits for this battle. If the Word does not put down error, error would stand, though all the world were drenched with blood.” Now, would that be a satisfactory explanation of how my proposed thread on Jeanne d'Albret relates to the purpose of LutherQuest? If not, well then I vn utharqustopepbnidicustOoard-ain op acion-quckBdo-prnlBHTTP_REFERER=191225964posindon-311164 42 11572021 ‘Cases of Conscience Concerning Jeanne &'Albret request to have this thread on Jeanne d'Albret permanently removed, and I will not pursue this proposed thread any longer. wv luherque 5 gfeg-bnkdiscus¢O/board-admin ogi?acton=quick&do=printSHTTP_REFERER=13/1325358posindex=311184 22

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