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Assignment: CWJ#1 - 

Holiday, Rain, Favourite Verb

Creative Writing Journal entries are smaller assignments that will allow you to write on a
topic outlined in the instructions. There is often a variety of options while also providing
some guidance with the topic choices. The CWJ assignments differ from the regular
'Assignments' in that they offer you choices that are not as restrictive in their content. 
The grades for the CWJ entries range from 5 to 8 marks while the 'Assignments' are
generally worth more marks.

There are 15 CWJ entries in this course so make sure you read the corresponding
rubric to help guide you with the expectations for this part of the course. As a guideline,
you should write a couple of paragraphs for each CWJ assignment but feel free to write
more if the topic interests you.

Your first CWJ assignment options are below.  Choose one and begin your journey into
the creative writing world.

1) Your favourite holiday memory

2) A holiday destination you've always dreamed of visiting

3) Rain - anything that comes to mind when you read this word.

4) Your favourite verb

Assignment: CWJ #2 -  ThinkWell

Title this assignment entry: CWJ #2 – If I were an animal.

If I were an animal...
Jennifer is a painter. She is also a lion. She's happiest either napping or painting If
you disturb her nap, she is grumpy, and if you disturb her painting time she will
turn on you. When she goes on an excursion to view art, she becomes focused on
her purpose. She scans the gallery and stands in wait off to the side until she has a
painting all to herself to admire. Nothing and nobody intimidates her.
Kurt is a poet. He is also a spider. He spins intricate and beautiful poetry that holds
you in its web He is always writing and rewriting. He is purposeful and careful in all
his actions from cooking to driving.
What kind of animal are you? What qualities does that animal embody that you
identify with temperamentally? Describe yourself as this creature.

Assignment: CWJ #3 - Pet Peeve

Write about what really peeves you.  Make sure you provide a great deal of detail and
the reasons 'why' this item peeves you.  Please write 2-3 paragraphs for this
assignment and feel free to include personal experiences in your writing.

Assignment CWJ #4 Literary Devices - Alliteration ... to Flashback

Literary devices are an author’s narrative techniques that add texture, energy, and
excitement.  This helps grip the reader’s imagination and convey information.  In short –
literary devices make your writing better.

There is a Moodle Book titled "Literary Devices. In this Literary Devices Book are 24
different literary devices. For this CWJ #4, you are to read and understand the first 8
literary devices - Alliteration, Allusion, Analogy, Characterization, Conflict,
Connotation/Denotation, Euphemism, and Flashback.  

For each of these 8 listed literary devices is an activity.  Complete these 8 activities and
submit them as your CWJ #4.

You should note that this assignment is worth more than the others. 

Rubric Marking:
Each literary device task completed correctly     /16 

Assignment: CWJ #5 YouTube Video

What YouTube video has inspired you?

Find a YouTube video that inspires you and explains what inspires you in two
paragraphs. Provide the url to the video so I can view it.  What is it about the video that
inspired you? Share your thoughts using personal insight and/or experiences.
Assignment: CWJ #6 - Observing People

It is important for a writer to become observant of the world around him or her.
Please complete the following pre-writing observation assignments.


Choose to observe people for one hour in one of the following suggested
places. Watch the interaction between different types of people. (ie) couples-
young, middle-aged, older/ parents and children/ friends having coffee/etc.
Record everything that you find interesting about the people you observe.
Make sure to include details of each observation - lots and lots of details. 

When describing your observations make sure to include body language,

smells, facial expressions, tone of voice, anything that will add depth to your
writing that allows the reader to experience what you observed.

Use the 'Observation Template' to help guide you through the process of
observing.  Please submit this document in your assignment

People- people in a park, people at the zoo, people at a ball game, people in a
mall, people on campus, people in a hockey rink, people in your school
cafeteria, library, hallways...
Creative Writing 20 - Observation Template
When observing a person or group of people it is important to include the basics. Use
this template to help guide you in your observations and then after you have taken down
your notes, share these observations in fully developed paragraphs.
Introduction: Jot Notes: Literary Devices: that can
Include a full description of be used to enhance this
the location of your portion of observation:
observation. The setting is
critical for the foundation of
the observation.

Body paragraphs #1 - #3: Jot Notes: Literary Devices:

Include the people/animals
that are being observed.
What are their actions?
What are they saying?
What is their body
language saying?
Are there any smells that
affect the observations?
What external factors are
affecting the
people/animals’ behaviour?

Conclusion: Jot Notes: Literary Devices:

Include final thoughts and
reflections on your
observations. These may
be new insights to people’s
behaviours that you found
What did you find common
What did you find unusual?

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