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Laboratory investigation of Logic gates using MultiSim.

A. Building a simple circuit.

Navigate to
logic-fundamentals---theory--simulation-and-dep.html and locate the article entitled
Teaching Digital Logic Fundamentals - Theory, Simulation and Deployment. Have a read of this and
complete any tasks suggested up to number 14 at the sentence This process can be modified to allow
students to gain a comprehensive knowledge of different logic gates.

When you have completed this, have a go also with the OR gate, NOT gate, XOR gate, NAND gate
and NOR gate.

Select the gates from

                                            Database: Master Database
                                            Group: Misc Digital
                                            Family: TIL
                                            Component: As required.
B. Using NAND gates.
NNAD gates are often preferred to using such as AND, OR and NOT as they can be configured to
provide the logic of other gates.
Have a go at simulating the following circuits and determine what they are equivalent to.

Select the gates from

                                            Database: Master Database
                                            Group: Misc Digital
                                            Family: TIL
                                            Component: As required.



On this input try a high

input a low input and not



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