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Examples of Argumentative Essays

When it’s time to stand your ground and make a strong case, allow these excerpts to
help get you started.

"Gun control has been a controversial issue for years. A vast majority of citizens believe
that if gun control is strictly enforced, it would quickly reduce the threat of crime. Many
innocent people feel they have the right to bear arms for protection, or even for the
pleasure of hunting. These people are penalized for protecting their lives, or even for
enjoying a common, innocent sport. To enforce gun control throughout the nation
means violating a person’s Constitutional rights. Although some people feel that the
issue of gun control will limit crime, the issue should not exist due to the fact that guns
are necessary for self defense against crime, and enforcing gun control is violating a
citizen's second amendment right to bear arms."

An argumentative essay fromBogazici Universityoffers a bit of a dramatic flair, which is

important to making a strong argument.

"Throw out the bottles and boxes of drugs in your house. A new theory suggests that
medicine could be bad for your health, which should at least come as good news to
people who cannot afford to buy expensive medicine. However, it is a blow to the
medicine industry, and an even bigger blow to our confidence in the progress of
science. This new theory argues that healing is at our fingertips: we can be healthy by
doing Reiki on on a regular basis."

Essay By Example dives deeply into an argument touting the benefits of online gaming.

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