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1. In groups, discuss a situation where you have experienced the halo or reverse halo effect. What
was the outcome of the situation?
I have experienced the HALO EFFECT.
During my early years of teaching, there was an exam administered to all teachers in the Division
handling 3rd and 4th graders. Luckily, I got one of the top scorers. From then on the school would give
assignments like talking and discussing in front of my colleagues, giving me the grade level chairmanship
etc. etc.
Well I think its a bias, I really don’t feel I deserve such WORKLOAD just because of a mere test. I think
I topped the test because I am newly graduate and most of the other teachers have already forgotten the
ins and outs of Biology and Algebra..

2. Think of at least five perceptions you had today. What influenced those perceptions? Were your
perceptions correct?
a. The Philippines is not prepared for an online distance learning modality
b. Teachers are overworked undercompensated and undervalued
c. It is not right to sacrifice the quality of education despite the Pandemic
d. The schools are not yet ready for a face-to-face learning
e. The government should think of more ways to help their teacher’s health, like a more
comprehensive health insurance, or a hospital exclusively for teachers and their family alone
etc. etc.
These perception on Philippine Education is a result of what I have experienced during the past
months, Having weak internet connection, overpriced yet poor quality modules, struggling learners and
parents just to cope up with the lessons and people getting infected with the virus, losing jobs etc etc all
because of this pandemic. What a great struggle just to survive..

3. In groups, discuss a school, personal, or work situation where your perception was wrong. What
was the outcome?
I think, THIS is an example of misjudgment, or having the wrong perception.. Just a
while ago I was thinking of giving up answering all these activities in Human and Public
Relations. But after hours of digging these out. I actually enjoyed it. It seems like I was just
talking to myself and I was able to let my thoughts flow without thinking what might other people
say after reading these.

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