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Buluran, Ma. Carmela Francez D.

Activity: Problem of Freedom

The principle of existentialism that “existence precedes essence” means that we define our
own essence, we exist first and then we develop who we are. It illustrates how each one of us,
humans, are a blank slate who later develops from nothing in to something. That we become who
we are one by one, preceding the choices we make.

According to Sartre, freedom and responsibility complement each other and goes hand in
hand. Consequently, human beings are always free and consequently responsible for their actions
regardless of any circumstance. That we always have a choice and it is impossible not to. That
even not making a choice is a choice, because we chose not to choose.

For Sartre, we are blank slates and there is nothing innate within us upon birth. That there
is nothing to develop, only choices we have to make that leads us to become the person we are and
that we choose our own essence. Sartre believes that human being is “responsible for everything
that happens in their lives except the fact that they are responsible for everything”. And that the
problem with having to make the choices for ourselves is a freedom that is loaded with burden.
That the fact that we have the power to control the outcome of things respective of the choices we
make, we have the freedom to affect not only ourselves but everyone around us.

And because our choices affect everyone and not only ourselves, it becomes a burden,
which is a problem. For regardless of our intentions, the consequences of the freedom to choose
the choices we will make will always be linked to us,

Sartre’s belief in the concept of essential freedom raises the conviction that “free beings,
people are responsible for all elements of themselves, their consciousness, and their actions”.
Consequently, even irresponsibility is a result of a free-willed decision to let go of control of one’s
actions and their consequences. Sartre believes that when it comes to responsibility and freedom
is that morality is a subjective effort that is guided by the principle of free will through individual

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