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Professor Johnson is one of the most fantastic people I've ever met. His creative teaching

style impresses me a lot. In class, he plays different pieces of music for us. Professor Johnson

asks questions that could invoke our thoughts to a large extent. Instead of asking for a single

answer, professor Johnson encourages us to think of multiple solutions and specifically tells us

that correctness shouldn't concern us too much. There were times when I was struggling to

determine the definite answer. However, professor Johnson guides us through our imagination to

not be limited by the strict rules of how things should be.

When we listen to music, professor Johnson asks us to write down a list of things, such as

what we hear, think of, feel, and then share with the class. Every time I communicate with other

students in the class, I get new insights and perspectives on the assigned music. Professor

Johnson's teaching style notably enriches my understanding of music; then, we can develop a

broader knowledge upon further listening.

In the listening process, Professor Johnson does not require us to identify specific timbres

or the meter; instead, we can write down what we notice changes in a particular piece of music.

He encourages us to consider more aspects of music besides pitch and rhythm, such as emotion,

context, and image. One time, I described a piece of music as a "raindrop" and wrote it down on

my list. I was surprised when professor Johnson showed his appreciation. As a result, every time

I listen to music, my imagination flies.

As we listen to varying styles of music, we identify different aspects of music. For

example, once, professor Johnson played a symphony piece in class; and I wrote: "low cello

recalls sad memory" in my notes. This phrase shows that I listen to timbre, emotion, and image at
the same time. He helps us practice combining different kinds of ideas while listening to music

and expressing these thoughts together.

Professor Johnson also asks us to produce original ideas that we think no one else would

generate. However, he never gives definite answers or corrects a student's response in class, so I

never feel much pressure when taking his course. I even become more confident in music

listening because professor Johnson inspires us to produce unique ideas instead of following


I benefit a lot from professor Johnson, who imparts knowledge and teaches me how to be

a creative listener. Let's promote his teaching style since it can arouse students' interest in music.

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