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RPGMakerSaveEdit is a tool that will allow you to edit saves of the games made with

RPG Maker MV, VX, and VX ACE.

It was made by Froggus from ULMF on this thread -
If you would like to give him a thanks, this is the link to his profile -
But to do so or contacting him you will need to make an account on ULMF

How to use:
To use this tool, just unpack it somewhere on your computer, run
RpgMakerSaveEdit.exe and after the window pops up, guide the editor to the save you
want to change.
When you edit the save, everything else should be pretty easy and self-explanatory
without some hardcore mumbo jumbo crap.

MVsavefile is also by Froggus. It is extremely powerful and you can edit anything
in RPG Maker MV, but you have to use a text editor. You cannot use this on VX ACE,
VX, XP, etc. Only RPG Maker MV. Run the exe and a cmd window opens up. It will ask
for the save file. Navigate to it and select the save. It will then open it
prompting to you open a json file. Use a text editor or json editor. Carefully make
any changes then return to the cmd window, type enter and hit return. It will save
the file.
I suggest using Notepad++ with JSTool plugin.

I have also included the SGEdit in here, in case anyone is playing old RPG Maker XP
and VX games. Don't try to use it on MV and VX ACE. Instructions are included in
the folder.

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