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Name : Ilyas Fadhil Sebayang

Class : DIK 20 D
Subject : 15 unknown job

Bike curier provide a valuable servise in town because town normaly has a bad
is not dettered by traffice jam and they often cross over the city fast and its really needed in this
era,every body want a fast service and bike is one of a sollution.

Body paint
Body paint is an artis job.its like normal paint but they use human body for the canvas and
use a diffrent kind of can see this on some carnaval,festival or a competition.they more
often painting on face but there is an artis that pain the whole body.

Color expert
Color expert is a job that devide color by its theory and filosofi.this job is needed for the
designer,they often help designer to pick color for they’re project like room desigen,add desigen,etc.


Hippotherapy may be used in physical, occupational, psychological, or even speech therapy,

and is becoming a popular option for children with multiple sclerosis, autism, Down syndrome, and
other conditions.

Professional Ethical Hacker

This job is a job to test a company software.they often called “a good hacker” becouse thay
ware paid to test the security system on a company so the bad hacker can’t hack the company
Golf ball diver

When you play golf and the ball got stuck in river,lake,etc. They will go dive in for you.this
job sounded really god for people who love diving,becouse thay got highly paid for that.but as you
know every job had their own challenge and for this job the challenge is mud,grass or even snake.

Pet food taster

Pet food taster is a job that taste the food for your pet and they going to check is the food is
good,fuly nutrition and healty beacause for them nobody deserve a bad food even for animal.

Bad tester

Its a joob that test bed for company or hotels.yes they got paid for sleeping on a new
bad,but its not that easy because they must know that the bad is good or not,how to lie down,dips
and is the bad is strong enough.

Water slide tester

Its a vocation and you choose to go to aqua park and go to water slide.have you ever think of
“is it save?”,and the anwer is yes because there is a job that test the water slide for you and the job
name is water slide tester and it is a hard job because they must know how much water it need,how
is the speed,ets.

Body part model

You can be this kind of model if you have an attractive part of body such as
hand,feet,face,etc.this kind of model is a model that only show their spesiffic part of often
see them in add like face wash,tootpaste add,etc.

Armpit sniffer
This job is part of deaoderan company.they are responsible to test the deoderan
product.they’re going to check how effective the deodoran is.

Rental boyfriend
If you have money and wanted to go somewhere but had no friend,in japan you can rent
a boyfriend to go with you and do all the thing you want with him.sound fun right?.
Chicken sexer
Chicken sexer is a job that indentify gander of a baby chicken.diffrent gander had a diffren
purpose.the female is to breed and for the male they only need the meet.

Furniture tester
This job is just like a bad tester but intade just bad they test every furniture.its a cool
job because you just need to sleep,sit and wriggle on the furniture to asses its comfort.

Bicycle fisher
Bicycle fisher is a real job in amsterdam.the majority is using bicycle so it is not a surprise
that alot of bicycle end up in this job is to get the bicycle out of the canal.each year
amsterdam fishes out aroun 14.000 rusty bike out of canal

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