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Before downloading please consider the following. this is an update of my previous

torrent. some IDIOT claimed that my torrent contained a virus therefore my account
and torrents were deleted. I managed to get my account re-opened but i do not have
the hashes from my torrents so i cannot recover them. if you decide to download
this torrent there are going to be some ground rules.

1. understand that the patch shows up as malicious in some virus scans i.e. a
trojan, back-door, virus etc. if it shows up as i stated DO NOT REPORT THIS TORRENT
AS HAVING A VIRUS!!!!! unless you actually install and get a virus.
the reason that it shows up as malicious is because the patch injects code in order
to bypass the activation.

2. This is an extremely large file so you WILL have to seed, also do not limit your
upload speeds while downloading. everyone deserves a chance to download at optimum

3. There are always new people in p2p sites such as this one who will from time to
time require help. i ask that you either help those who need them or reserve your

4. Understand that once you install the crack and run the application you will
always be asked for an activation code. this is normal, always choose to activate
later. you will know if that cracked worked or not based on the amount of lessons
you can do. if you are unrestricted it worked. if you have limited lessons chances
are that you either did not place it in the proper place. or that your anti-virus
program is preventing you from using it, or it deleted it.



the following items are included:

Rosetta Stone ver. 3.3.5

Rosetta Stone patch
German v3. lvs. 1,2,3
Italian v3 lvs. 1,2,3
chinese (mandarin)v3 lvs. 1,2,3
French v3. lvs. 1,2,3
Japanese v3. lvs. 1,2,3
Russian v3 lvs 1,2,3
Spanish (spain) v3. lvs. 1,2,3
Spanish (latin america) lvs. 1,2,3
English (U.S.A) v3 lvs.1,2,3
Arabic v3 lvs. 1,2,3
Portuguese v3 lvs. 1,2,3 (with audio companion)

For Hebrew thank jsir and click here (only levels 1 and 2)

Peanut-Lover at 2009-03-01 20:01 CET:

I thought I posted this before....

Arabic Audio comnpanion:

and the Latin American Spanish - All are of Version 3, in seperate torrents,
Level 1:
Level 2:
Level 3:

you have the option of downloading the entire torrent, or A subdirectory


NOOBS: if you are having any problems installing anything check this tutorial that
i made just for you, cause gee golly whiz i care :p

------------->HOW TO INSTALL<--------------

1. (optional) deactivate your anti-virus. again the crack can be treated as a virus
and deleted. if it is deleted you will not be able to unlock the full lessons.

2. open both "Rosetta Stone v3.3.5 for windows" folders. within those folders you
will see 2 files, a folder named "crack" and an application named

3. double click the "RosettaStoneSetup.exe" file and install RS. after installation
the program will ask you if you would like to launch the application, Say NO

4. close anything that opens and now go back to within the "Rosetta Stone v3.3.5
for windows" folders and open up the "crack" folder

5. you should now see another file named "RosettaStoneVersion3.exe" RIGHT click
that file and choose "copy"

6. on your computer go to: Start/My Computer/C drive/program files/rosetta

stone/rosetta stone version 3

7. you should see several files. RIGHT click on an empty space within that folder
and choose "paste"

8. your computer may notify you that an existing file with the same data already
exist, would you like to overwrite it. OVERWRITE IT

9. double click that file you just installed and RS should launch

10. choose to never register and create a profile.


12. if you followed the first step then: REACTIVATE YOUR ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM!!!

------------------->HOW TO ADD A LANGUAGE<----------------------

1. download and install one of these programs: "magic iso" "power iso" "daemon
tools" etc. (you can find them in this website)

2. select a language, like german level 1 for example.

3. RIGHT click on the file (the extension should be .ISO)

4. you should see the program that you installed within that pop-up menu (magic iso
for example)

5. drag your mouse over magic iso (or whatever you decided to go with) a new window
should pop up. select "mount"

6. after you "mount" the image a new pop-up should appear containing the files
within that iso. close that pop-up

7. open rosetta stone and select to "add a language"

8. RS will ask you if it can add 600MB's in your computer. agree

9. And the last and most important step (drum roll)... HAVE FUN :) <--- thats
exactly what i look like in person, dashing aren't i?

----- / -----
----- / TROUBLE SHOOTING -----

***Rosetta Stone ERROR 1117 SOLUTION(error in speech component)

-allow Rosetta Stone access via your firewall.

***Rosetta Stone ERROR 2122 SOLUTION (database is out of date)

-find and delete the "tracking.db3" file to find this file you must first go into
your folder options and enable the view hidden files/folders option

*for XP* go to: Start/My_Computer/C_drive/Documents and Settings/Rosetta Stone

*for Vista* go to: Start/My_Computer/C_drive/Program_Data/Rosetta Stone
Start/My_Computer/C_drive/Documents and Settings/Application_Data/Rosetta Stone

***"Fatal Application Error: #2120"

slamma_jamma_1 at 2008-11-22 06:58 CET:

well I got it to work by opening from the rosetta stone folder. The shortcut was
giving the error.
What is really strange is that I have "Your Uninstaller! 2008 pro" and it doesnt
even show rosetta stone. I have no idea how to uninstall this thing. hehe

This is a great download BTW :)



- some anti-virus programs are hyper active and treat the patch as malicious due
to its ability to generate code. first try finding and deleting the "tracking.db3"
file read the top ^^ if that doesn't work then: will have to take a chance and trust me (although i probably wouldn't do the
following if somebody told me... )
2. deactivate your virus scanner TEMPORARILY
3. on this page click "download this torrent"
4.when the torrent pops up with the contained files choose "select none" it should
be on the right side and center
5. scroll down to "rosetta stone v3 app and crack and click on the plus sign (+)
6. do the same for "rosetta stone v.3.3"
7. put a check on the box next to "rosetta stone v3.3 - patch.exe the patch again
9. install the patch in start/my computer/program files/rosetta stone. and run the

***********PATCH IN USE ERROR*************

Movie_Angel at 2008-11-17 18:57 CET:

Wonderful torrent Deified, I bow to you.

I was having the same problem as doom_doubt. Being told the file was in use and I
needed to close it and try again. BUT! Thanks to adm845's suggestion (right click
on the folder where you istalled rosetta stone, ie. c:program files(86)rosetta
stonerosetta stone v3 go to properties, click the security tab, click edit, then go
through the different group or user names, then click on "full control" for each
one. This should allow you to install the patch without getting the "file in use"
error message--this works for Vista as well as XP), I am now running Rosetta Stone
v.3.2 on BOTH my XP desktop and Vista desktop. This is why I love places like least when we all try to help each other enjoy the applications we take
time to upload/download.



jhejka às 2011-01-13 22:25 CET:

When I try to install RosettaStoneSetup it says that it couldn't find the requested file. Any ideas? I'm running a

64-bit Windows 7

lampshade123 às 2011-01-17 07:34 CET:

this torrent works great! follow all the steps and everything works fine. no viruses. thanks for uploading this

awsome torrent. learning spanish(latin american) for when i go to argentina and portugese for when i go to


Shayb00gz às 2011-01-18 07:50 CET:

@Defied, do you have Levels 4 & 5 for Spanish (Latin America)? Or does anyone else know where I can find it?


Cxnt- às 2011-01-18 22:39 CET:

No seeds on this either eh? Wonderfulllll.

Cxnt- às 2011-01-18 22:48 CET:

Someone seed, please.

Andando6 às 2011-01-19 08:59 CET:

DEIFIED: I just wanted to say thank you so much for a wicked torrent. I have not had one problem with this

download!!!!!!!! 100% clean and working!!!! I know that it is clean as I have a comp that I do not use for the

internet and only has about 4 programs on it so if there was a virus with this torrent I would know straight

away where it had come from!! (I have this installed on both my laptops and neither has a problem with it) So

again thank you DEIFIED:)

spike52390 às 2011-01-23 08:06 CET:

PLEASE HELP!!! Will this work on a Macbook Pro 10.6????

TylerrelyT às 2011-01-24 11:37 CET:

Thank you for the great torrent, you have been very helpful. Everything was going great until I tried to mount

and load a language.

I attempted to load mandarin level 1 and I encounter a pop up that say's 9123 there was an error in the

application. I haven't seen this is your help information, or in the thread. Please help if you are able. I would

really like to use this torrent.

Thank you.

Wicstar às 2011-01-30 18:18 CET:



Good day All,

I was unable to install the languages after RS installation.

The reason why was because MyWinLocker was blocking the Mounting ISO to connect to Rosetta Stone.

-Go in control panel and uninstall MyWinLocker Suite.

-Mount your language image

-Add language in Rosetta Stone.

Enjoy your new language :P

windorf559 às 2011-02-01 00:55 CET:

does any one have a link/download for Japanese audio companion lvls 1-3 that would be awesome

Solistrebel às 2011-02-02 08:27 CET:

wow great work :) followed to a T and now Im learning spanish......and will try for the other languages at some

point learned new tools to the torrent trade ty for sure

Sarak13 às 2011-02-03 23:19 CET:

Thanks for the torrent. I d'/ed it a few months ago, worked perfectly.

Just helped a friend d/l it. Upon attempting to run the setup exe, we get this error:

"rosettastonesetup.exe is not a valid Win32 application"

Any idea what went wrong?

long4U92592 às 2011-02-04 08:11 CET:

If you get the 2123 error after installation or the application will not launch, check your anti-virus software. I

had to uninstall Avast in order to get this version to run correctly.

franklb às 2011-02-06 17:19 CET:

HI Deified, Great torrent thks very much. Installed on win 7 no prob at all. now wold like to put on my

daughters mac. I am assuming the same app and crack will not work and have had no luck in finding one. Any

ideas? thks!

DASHIZNIK às 2011-02-07 04:28 CET:


aydracula às 2011-02-09 03:05 CET:

Hello Users, help me. I am having problem mounting the language on my laptop. I use a Windows 7 bit 86.

Anytime I try to mount, it says mounting failed!

HeyItsSunshine às 2011-02-11 03:08 CET:

Does anyone know how to make this work for mac? I can't get passed the activation code part for locked


miked2003 às 2011-02-13 18:18 CET:

I am still having trouble adding the languages. The only program I can find that seems to work with windows 7

is Power ISO. I successfully registered it using the crack I downloaded here. However when I right click on a

language, click on Power ISO, I dont see a "mount" command". Its says add image, or add to Rosetta Stone. I

have tried doing both. But when I go to Rosetta Stone and click "add a language" I still wants me do insert a

disc. What gives.

Do I have to use it this way, or can I burn the language to a disc then do it that way?

hotfish21 às 2011-02-16 19:06 CET:


Can anyone please upload vietnamese levels 1, 2 and 3 as one language pack? Thanks in advance

hotfish21 às 2011-02-16 19:09 CET:

miked!! I had the same problem!! If you are using magic iso with windows to mount, it wont work. Use virtual

cd clone to mount instead. Virtual cd clone should work

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