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Classroom Based Assessment 1: A Person of Commitment

A Person of Commitment
During a period of three weeks, with support/guidance by
the teacher, students will research and report on a
person whose religious beliefs or worldview have had a
positive impact on the world, past or present.
The learning outcomes assessed will, to an extent, depend on the person chosen. Some Learning Outcomes that may
be particularly relevant to CBA 1: A Person of Commitment are set out below.

1.3. Engage with members of a faith community associated with one of the five major world
religions studied in the specification and who an appreciation of how the religious beliefs of

the community influence the day-to-day life of its members


1.12 synthesise and consider the insights gained about how people express and live out their
beliefs, religious or otherwise

2.8 present stories of individuals or of groups in the history of two major world religions what
have had a positive impact on the lives of people because of their commitment to living out of
their beliefs

3.1 examine different sources of values and ways in which the values of a person relate to their
everyday life choices, their relationships, and their responsibilities to others

3.2 reflect upon and discuss what it means to be moral, why people living in society need to be
Living our

moral and what are the influences on and sources of authority for a person’s moral decision-

3.9 synthesise and consider the insights gained about the norms, values and principles that
inform decision-making and actions in the lives of people

Possible ways of selecting a ‘Person of Commitment’

A person known to The founder or A religious leader or A person of faith A person who does
the student who is member of an world leader who associated with one not associate
living a life of organisation or of a has made a positive of the five major him/herself with any
commitment and community impact on the world religions studied in religion yet
making a positive committed to the specification or demonstrates
difference in the helping others. belonging to commitment to a
world at a local, another major world worldview and
national or religion. values that have
international level impacted positively
on the world at a
local, national or
international level.

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