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Evaluation  E S S A Y S

1. What constitutes a ‘good life’ to you?

I think, a good life is a life where in we can pursue the dreams we want to have. It is the life
where we have the free will and the capacity to do the things that makes us happy. It is being financially,
emotionally, and mentally capable.

While growing up, I saw how successful some people become when they have the freedom to
do what they love. When they have the means to pursue their passion. I think that is a good life for me.
I’ve met lots of people who are stuck to do what was told to them by their parents, their decisions are
based on the situations they are in and not on the things that they want.

As much as possible, I want to avoid that. And, if by any chance, I was not able to achieve my
kind of good life on this life, I’d want my child and the people around me to experience what I did not.

2. To what extent do scientific advancements impact your idea of a good life?

Scientific advancements will for sure impact my life in this modern day living, however,
regardless of whether I was born centuries ago or if I was born centuries later, I think my idea of good
life will remain the same.

If I were to be honest, scientific and technological advancements gave me more freedom. If this
was centuries ago, women do not have the freedom to do whatever they want. Women are shackled on
the prejudices of the old ideology of the past societies. But now, because people understood and
discovered that women are as capable as men, we now have the freedom to do and choose the things
we want to do.

That is why if I may say so, scientific advancement made my idea of a good life more achievable
than it was before.

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