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Down in the deepest depths of hell raised I,

The most inviolable, imperceptible and the most endearing King of Vice.
I am the spirit of demise, master persuader, a devil in the form of a male spectator
Where I come from there is no breeze
Grass are not green
Dark clouds plunder
And the sun withholds its shine
For I am the avenger of death, The King of Crimes
My magic has held captivation of humanity throughout the bygone days
At the age of six, my mind only left wonder to kill, masquerade and rob leaving you in pain
At your suffering I smile, at your demise I rise,
For I am the enslaver of your life
Every year you see me I get stronger, increasing my methods of transgression
With my tricks and my maneuvers results in belligerence and depression
You give me all of your possessions because I am the emperor of sadness
For if you do not of what I say you’ll be left in madness
I am your worst nightmare dressed in black with a big hat
You will be cursed if not I get your belongings
For I am the midnight robber, the slayer of kings and greatest killer amongst all killers

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