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Title Should Be Centred And Written In Times New Roman 15

Words In Maximum

First Author Name and Co-Author(s) [written without any title]

e-mail address

Abstract (size 12)

Times New Roman size 12, space 1. explicitly contain the purpose, methods, and
results of the research to the paper based on the research results, while the paper
reviews without the use of the method. The abstract consists of a minimum of 150
words and a maximum of 250 words in each abstract language + keywords
containing brief discussion in two languages (Indonesian and English).
Keywords: Contract; International Agreement; Freedom of Contract Principle.
[Written in English, Should reflect important words or phrases in the article,
consisting of 3-5 words, Times New Roman, Size 12].

Introduction is first part of the article. It must state the background of the article.
The background is a brief description of the importance of the topic and its
discussion, a preliminary data should be provided, and the basic theory must be
presented. In this part, the legal issues, which will be discussed in the article, must be
stated. If the article is the result of a legal research, the research method used to
analyze the legal issues should be mentioned. First line of paragraph must be 1 cm
indented and there is no space between paragraphs (no before and after space).

Sub Title
The Sub Title should be titled corresponding to the legal issue that will be
discussed in the respective part. Each sub title should be written in bold without
numbering. First line of paragraph must be 1 cm indented and there is no space
between paragraphs (no before and after space). The discussion in this part should be
the result of the analysis of the legal issues as stated in the Preface.

Generally, it contains the answers of the legal issues stated in the Preface. It
must be delivered briefly and clearly corresponding to the points that is found in the
analysis. First line of paragraph must be 1 cm indented and there is no space between
paragraphs (no before and after space).

Bibliography [Placed in the last part of the article and contains all the references used
in article. The references must be written in alphabetical orders of the authors names,
while the regulation must be written according to the hierarchy of the regulation and
the year of the enactment. Total bibliography of at least 15 references, with a
composition of 60% journals, of 20% books and another 10%].

Agus Yudha Hernoko, Asas Proporsionalitas dalam Kontrak Komersial (Laksbang
Mediatama 2008).

G.H. Treitel, The Law of Contract (Thomson 2003).

Roy R. Goode, Goode on Commercial Law (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2016).

Daniel P. O’Gorman, ‘Redefining Offer in Contract Law’ (2013) 85 Mississippi Law

Journal 6.

Law Number 5 of 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair

Business Competition (Indonesian State Gazette Year 1999 Number 33,
Additional of Indonesian State Gazette Number 3817).

1. YURIDIKA applies footnote as the citation model as follows ( and refers
to the citation style of OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of
Legal Authorities). Authors can take advantage of Mendeley Reference Manager
to facilitate them in citing the references.
2. Some citation style that are not regulated in OSCOLA shall use the example as
1) Regulations (legislations, acts, laws)
The type of regulation, number, year, tittle (followed by year and number
where the regulation recorded in the state gazette)

Law Number 5 Year 1999 concerning Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices

and Unfair Business Competition (The Republic of Indonesia State Gazette
Year 1999 Number 33, Annotation 3817)

Ministry of Internal Affairs Regulation Number 80 Year 2015 concerning

Local Regulatory Drafting (The Republic of Indonesia Statute Book Year
2015 Annotation 2036)

2) If the references cannot identify the exact publisher and the year published, it
shall be written with;
a) [s.n] sine nomine / without publisher.
b) [s.a] sine anno / without publication year.
c) [s.l] sine loco / without city publisher.

Buku Nama penulis, judul buku (nama penerbit (spasi) tahun terbitan).[halaman kutipan]Titik
Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Pengantar Ilmu Hukum (Prenada Media 2009).[50].
Philipus M.Hadjon,[et.,al.], Pengantar Hukum Administrasi Indonesia (Gadjah Mada
University Press 2005).[213].
Jurnal Nama penulis, ‘judul artikel’ (dengan tanda petik), (Tahun jurnal), volume (spasi)
nama jurnal.[halaman]titik CONTOH :
Sri Winarsi, ‘Pengelolaan Tanah Kas Desa Di Era Otonomi Daerah’ (2005) 20
Y Sogar Simamora, ‘Penyalahgunaan Keadaan Sebagai Bentuk Pelanggaran Terhadap Asas
Kebebasan Berkontrak’ (1993) VIII Yuridika.[52].
Makalah Nama penulis, ‘Judul Makalah’ (dengan tanda petik) (spasi) Nama Kegiatan,
(Penerit Tahun).[halaman] Titik CONTOH :
Yance Arizona, ‘Konstitusi Dalam Intaian Neoliberalisme: Konstitusionalitas Penguasaan
Negara Atas Sumber Daya Alam Dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi’, Konferensi Nasional APHK
(Intrans 2016).[7].
Internet/media online Nama penulis, ‘judul tulisan’ (dengan tanda petik), (Publikasi, tahun
publikasi) <alamat portal website/online>, tanggal diakses/unduh (ditulis accesed). CONTOH :
Lon L. Fuller, ‘The Morality Of Law (Eight Ways To Fail To Make Law)’ (Yale University
Press, 1964) <> accessed 20 September 2014.
Perundang-undangan Nomenklatur peraturan perundang-undangan beserta nomor, tahun,
dan judulnya CONTOH :
Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan
Usaha Tidak Sehat
3. The use of ibid, for the same page

4. References digest
 Author, Book tittle (italic), (Publisher (space) Year);
 Author’s name shorted by the author’s last name in an alphabetical order.
 Blogs dan wikipedia are not a reliable source for academic writings. It shall
not be cited in the manuscript;
 E-Book references shall mention the authors’ name and publisher;
 References use font Times New Roman, size 12 space 1 (before and after

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