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Engineering Geology 285 (2021) 106051

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Geohazards and human settlements: Lessons learned from multiple

relocation events in Badong, China – Engineering geologist’s perspective
Wenping Gong a, *, C. Hsein Juang b, Janusz Wasowski c
Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University, SC 29634, USA
National Research Council, Institute for Geohydrological Protection, via Amendola 122 I, 70126 Bari, Italy


Keywords: Mountainous regions are inherently susceptible to geohazards, such as landslides and debris flows, with the
Geohazard threat of natural disasters compounded by human activities (mainly settlements). Lessons learned from past
Human settlement events that involved the interactions between human activities and geohazards are helpful for future site se­
lections of human settlements in mountainous regions. To this end, the events associated with county seat re­
Mountainous region
Three Gorges Reservoir
locations in Badong, a typical county in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China, are studied from an
engineering geologist’s perspective. Over its history, the county seat was relocated multiple times, with the first
relocation traced back to the Song dynasty (960–1279 CE) and the last two relocations linked to the Three Gorges
Dam project. By studying geohazards and their interactions with human activities in these county-seat re­
locations, and through the reconstruction of these events, we secure insights into decision-making for these
events. As part of the reconstruction of these relocation events, we analyze a giant pre-historic landslide, whose
discovery ultimately prompted the third relocation. Using the case history of this landslide, we also discuss and
emphasize the importance of proactive monitoring of geohazards for disaster resilience enhancement, recog­
nizing that our knowledge of nature is vastly incomplete.

1. Introduction Government data indicate that each year thousands of geohazards occur
in mainland China, causing more than hundreds of deaths and a direct
Geohazards such as landslides and debris flows occur throughout economic loss of billions of RMB, as shown in Fig. 1(a-c) (NBSC, 2018).
much of the world and often lead to a loss of life and property (Aleotti With accelerated population growth and limited land resources,
and Chowdhury, 1999; Dai et al., 2002; Petley, 2012; Iverson et al., human settlements are becoming a necessity in mountainous regions
2015). The impact of geohazards is particularly harsh when they are susceptible to landslides and debris flows (van Steijn, 1996; Van Den
concurrent or closely associated with other disastrous events such as Eeckhaut et al., 2007; Frattini and Crosta, 2013). This trend is especially
flooding. Terms like a cascade of hazards or consecutive disasters are used evident in developing countries, where many construction projects have
in the literature to emphasize the importance of anticipating such linked been carried out in mountainous regions (Sidle and Ziegler, 2012; Zhou
events for timely risk management and mitigation (Gill and Malamud, and Zhao, 2013; Li et al., 2014; Juang et al., 2019). With a total in­
2016; AghaKouchak et al., 2018; Pescaroli et al., 2018; de Ruiter et al., vestment in billions of U.S. dollars, the Three Gorges Dam in China
2020). For example, on 9 October 1963, a 270 million m3 mass slid into represents a prominent example of a megaproject located in a moun­
the newly constructed Vajont Reservoir (Italy). It generated a huge wave tainous region (Highland, 2008; Tang et al., 2019a). According to Liu
that overtopped the dam and killed nearly 2000 people (Genevois and et al. (2007), in the few years following the impoundment of the Three
Ghirotti, 2005). Another dramatic example comes from Zhouqu County, Gorges Reservoir (TGR) in 2003, over 5700 geohazards occurred in the
China, where a massive debris flow took place on 7 August 2010, TGR region (Fig. 1d). The susceptibility to landslides and debris flows in
destroying more than 200 houses and killing approximately 1700 people the mountainous areas can be compounded by ongoing climate changes,
(Dijkstra et al., 2012). Indeed, despite the progress in mitigation efforts, especially under extreme weather conditions (Nadim et al., 2006; Lama
geohazards still pose a major threat to humans. For example, Chinese and Devkota, 2009; Huggel et al., 2012). Moreover, land-use change or

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (W. Gong), (C.H. Juang), (J. Wasowski).
Received 30 July 2020; Received in revised form 4 January 2021; Accepted 13 February 2021
Available online 20 February 2021
0013-7952/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
W. Gong et al. Engineering Geology 285 (2021) 106051

geomorphic change brought about by human activities can also have a River, was then selected as the county seat (Fig. 2). The records in
profound impact on geohazard activity and the occurrence of disasters Daqing Yitong Zhi (Mu and Pan, 2008), another ancient book published
linked to slope surface processes (Sidle et al., 2004; Wasowski et al., during the period 1686–1842 (Qing dynasty), indicated that in 981–983
2010; Cendrero et al., 2020). CE (Song dynasty), the county seat of Badong was transferred to Xinling,
Limited choices of settlement locations in mountainous regions a town located on the south bank of the Yangtze River. However, sub­
imply a higher risk to the settlers as, out of necessity, they often have to sequently, the county seat was moved back to Jiuxianping before its
occupy the only available flattish ground of alluvial terraces or debris final transfer to Xinling. The exact timing of these county seat transfers
flow fans, which are susceptible to both flooding and geohazards and the reasons behind them are not known, though historical accounts
(consecutive disasters). The Zhouqu County event (Dijkstra et al., 2012) can be found in the poetry literature (Lu, 1925; Chen, 2003) and local
serves as a painful reminder of this dilemma and the geohazard threat in legends.
mountainous regions. Thus, an improved understanding of the in­ An archaeological survey in 1984 discovered the ruins of Jiuxianp­
teractions between human activities and the natural environment is a ing. Later, a comprehensive study of the Jiuxianping Site in 1994
necessary pre-requisite for the efforts aimed at the reduction of impacts concluded that most ruins would have been submerged below the
of geohazards in mountainous regions (Van Den Eeckhaut et al., 2007; designed reservoir water level of the Three Gorges Dam. The Jiuxianp­
Zimmermann and Keiler, 2015; Lyu et al., 2018; Juang et al., 2019; ing Site was excavated from 2001 to 2003, involving an archaeological
Wasowski and Pisano, 2020). area of 28,000 m2. Many cultural relics from the pre-Song dynasty were
This paper explores the past relationships between human activities unearthed, and the layout of the county seat in the Song dynasty was
and geohazards in the TGR mountainous region. In particular, we revealed (SCTGPCC and NCHA, 2010). The reconstructed urban devel­
investigate the causes of the repeated relocations of the Badong County opment of the county seat during different periods in the Song dynasty is
seat. Badong County is located about 69 km upstream from the Three shown in Fig. 3(a). Below, the possible timing and reasons for the
Gorges Dam (Fig. 1d). Throughout its history that goes back to the Sui transfers of the county seat during the First Relocation period are
dynasty (598 CE), the county seat was relocated three times (Fig. 2). The assessed.
First Relocation included a series of county seat transfers in the Song The subsurface stratigraphy of the Jiuxianping Administrative Zone
dynasty (960–1279 CE), likely due to the Yangtze River floods and suggests that the county seat was submerged four times and rebuilt three
geohazards events. The Second Relocation during 1982–2003 was pri­ times during the Song dynasty (SCTGPCC and NCHA, 2010). In partic­
marily due to the Three Gorges Dam’s construction and secondarily to ular, four layers with different cultural relics were recognized, and all of
the debris flow hazard. The Third Relocation took place between 2007 them were overlain by sandy units of flood origin (Fig. 3b). Thus, it is
and 2017 under the threat of the reactivation of a giant landslide. By apparent that during the First Relocation period, the county seat was
reconstructing these relocations, we aim to better understand the in­ likely transferred four times from Jiuxianping (on the north bank of the
teractions between human activities and geohazards and the rationale Yangtze River) to Xinling (on the south bank). These transfers were
behind the decision-making, thus providing insights into the sustainable likely due to the Yangtze River floods. Except for the last transfer, the
development in mountainous regions. county seat was moved back to Jiuxianping each time after the floods.
Thanks to the presence of cultural relics, the probable times of these
2. The First Relocation (960–1279 CE): from Jiuxianping to county seat transfers can be estimated: 1) Early-Middle Northern Song
Xinling Town (consistent with the records in Daqing Yitong Zhi), 2) Late Northern
Song, 3) Early Southern Song (in agreement with the poetry of Si Rong),
According to Yudi Guangji (Ouyang et al., 2003), a book containing and 4) Middle-Late Southern Song. Notably, the county seat in Jiux­
geographical records edited during 1111–1117 (in the Song dynasty), ianping was the most prosperous in the Late Northern Song period, as
the Badong County was set up as a county-level administrative unit in evidenced by the extent of the Residential and Commerce zones shown
598 CE Jiuxianping, a town located on the north bank of the Yangtze in Fig. 3(a).

Fig. 1. Geohazard statistics (earthquakes and collateral seismic hazards excluded) in the period 2000–2017 in mainland China and the Three Gorges Reservoir
region: (a) Number of geohazards in mainland China (Note: collapses are referred to the slope instability problems for the slope with dip angle greater than 60◦ , such
as rockfalls, rock avalanches, and topplings; and, the others are referred to debris flows, ground fissures, ground subsidence); (b) Number of casualties due to
geohazards in mainland China; (c) Cost of geohazards in mainland China; (d) Location map and distribution of geohazards in Three Gorges Reservoir region.

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Fig. 2. Routes of the three main relocations of Badong County seat (background aerial photo of 26 February 2017) (Note: 65 m contour represents the water level
before the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir; and, 145 m and 175 m contours represent the operational water levels of the Three Gorges Reservoir).

Fig. 3. History of urbanization and impact of geohazards at Jiuxianping Site during the First Relocation period (960–1279 CE) of Badong County seat (see Fig. 2 for
the location of the Jiuxianping Site): (a) Plane layout of the county seat in Jiuxianping in the Song Dynasty; (b) Subsurface stratigraphy at the Administrative Zone in
Jiuxianping; (c) Areas affected by geohazards (landslide and debris flow) in Jiuxianping during the Middle-Late Southern Song period.

In light of the above findings, an interesting question arises: why was must have been a popular site for human settlements, which might be
the county seat transferred back to Jiuxianping three times, but after­ the reason for the repeated rebuilding of the county seat there after the
ward, a new location (Xinling) was preferred? A geomorphologic floods. Further, the north river bank generally receives more sunlight
assessment of the area around the Jiuxianping indicated that the terrain than the south bank; and, in the context of the Chinese “Feng Shui,” the
was moderately sloping and located close to the river. Thus, Jiuxianping houses are preferably south-facing. Finally, according to traditional

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culture, Chinese people are reluctant to leave their hometowns. All these elevation of 99 m were expected to be submerged. This problem affected
factors might have favored the rebuilding of the county seat in only a small part of Xinling; the involved residents and factories were
Jiuxianping. relocated in 1979–1983. In total, 55 families and three factories were
The final abandonment of Jiuxianping may be attributed to the resettled at the foothill of the Jinzi Mountain, with a cost of 35 million
landslide and debris flows, which, respectively, hit the western and RMB (CCBCA, 1993). It was a small-scale relocation compared to the
eastern parts of the county seat (Fig. 3c) during the Middle-Late resettlement program initiated later by the Chinese Government for the
Southern Song period (SCTGPCC and NCHA, 2010). Evidence for the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. The Three Gorges Dam project
occurrence of a damaging landslide comes from a 200 m long gravel prompted a relocation of more than 1.1 million people from the ex­
road between the west Tomb Zone and the west Residential Zone. The pected inundation areas, including the whole town of Xinling, to
archaeological survey report (SCTGPCC and NCHA, 2010) indicated that accommodate the planned TGR operational water level of 145–175 m.
the relics from the Middle-Late Southern Song period were unearthed at Thus, the county seat of Badong again had to be relocated. Following the
both left and right sides of the road, while these relics were not recommendations of two consulting firms (Xie and Tan, 2008), the
discovered along the road. As such, we may infer that the landslide with county seat was relocated to Huangtupo, 1.0 km west of Xinling (Fig. 4).
an estimated width of 200 m destroyed the houses built in the Middle- The construction of the new city at Huangtupo started in 1982.
Late Southern Song period and transported their remains down to the Pieces of evidence of slope instability, including ground displacements,
Yangtze River. Elsewhere, in the eastern part of the county seat, the cracks, and rockfalls, were observed during the construction period. An
subsurface stratigraphy revealed a mixed gravelly-sandy deposit of in-depth site investigation conducted in 1988 by a third consulting firm
debris flow origin (SCTGPCC and NCHA, 2010). This deposit layer was indicated the presence of two giant ancient landslides at Huangtupo,
found above the cultural layer of the Middle-Late Southern Song period, which was later confirmed by a fourth consulting firm in 1989. How­
implying that the debris flow was a destructive agent in the eastern part ever, after seven years of construction activity and an investment of
of the county seat. more than 180 million RMB, the new city with a size of approximately
200,000 m2 had been built at Huangtupo. Many residents and factories
3. The Second Relocation (1982–2003): from Xinling Town to in Xinling had already been resettled there. Hence, public debates arose
Huangtupo as to “whether the new city of Huangtupo was indeed built on the site
with huge landslides and what to do next.”
Xinling Town is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River The resettlement debate was interrupted by a series of catastrophic
(Fig. 2) and the north slope of the Jinzi Mountain, characterized by a debris flows that occurred on 6 August 1991 on the north slope of the
dip-slope structure. Considering the local geological setting, the town Jinzi Mountain (Fig. 4). The debris flows were triggered by an intense
area at the foot of the mountain could be susceptible to landslides and storm (i.e., 183 mm of rain in 11 h). With a total volume of 300,000 m3,
debris flows during the rainy season (from May to September). More­ the debris flows destroyed the southern part of Xinling. Overall, three
over, most of the town’s houses were distributed along the Yangtze River people lost their lives, 171 were injured, and 2591 houses were severely
bank and, therefore, potentially vulnerable to flooding. Nevertheless, damaged, with a direct loss of 90 million RMB (Tan, 2015). Under such
except for the flood in July 1981 that destroyed 213 houses in Xinling circumstances, the enthusiasm about the new city of Huangtupo was
(CCBCA, 1993), catastrophic geohazards or flood events had rarely been reignited as people desperately needed new space to move into, while
reported over the past 1000 years. Hence, following the First Relocation the threat of potential future landslides was ignored. Subsequently, the
in the Song dynasty, the county seat remained in Xinling for a long time. old county seat in Xinling was submerged in 2003, following the rise of
The recent threat to the town came from the Gezhouba Dam, the first the TGR water level. By that time, most of the residents and factories had
dam on the Yangtze River constructed between 1971 and 1988. Upon been relocated from Xinling to Huangtupo.
completing the Gezhouba Dam, the town’s houses located below the

Fig. 4. The Second Relocation (1982–2003) of Badong County seat and the catastrophic debris flows that occurred in Xinling in 1991.

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4. The Third Relocation (2007–2017): from Huangtupo to m3, and 19.9 million m3, respectively.
Xirangpo and Guandukou It should be noted that unlike the first two investigations, the last
four all indicated the presence of ancient landslides at Huangtupo,
The resettlement program in the TGR region led to a massive urban although with varying degrees of evidence and knowledge. However,
expansion in the reservoir area, with most people resettled in the cities. only the sixth investigation revealed the subsurface stratigraphic
In this process, the plans for the new Badong County seat foresaw a configuration at Huangtupo, thanks to a vastly increased investigation
population of 90,000 in 1993. Meanwhile, another investigation con­ effort (i.e., a large increase in the number of boreholes and the use of
ducted by a fifth consulting firm in 1992 re-confirmed that the urban exploratory tunnels). The accurate stratigraphic configuration, coupled
area of Huangtupo occupied the site of an ancient landslide (Tan, 2015). with frequent landslides at Huangtupo and the improved understanding
The new city construction began in Xirangpo (Fig. 2), while the con­ of landslides during the past two decades, led to the final diagnosis of the
struction activities in Huangtupo slowed down. In 1995, two landslides Huangtupo landslide. The need to have an adequate site investigation
occurred in Huangtupo (Tan, 2015): the 60,000 m3 Erdaogou landslide effort in such an event was demonstrated.
and the 128,000 m3 Sandaogou landslide (Fig. 5). The Erdaogou land­ Considering the risk of landslide reactivation by the long-term
slide killed five people and destroyed three houses, with a direct eco­ reservoir operation and the human activities in Huangtupo, a compre­
nomic loss of 20 million RMB. There were no casualties reported in the hensive landslide monitoring system, including underground and sur­
Sandaogou landslide case as an emergency evacuation was enforced face components, was built in 2003. With the aid of this monitoring
before the landslide event; however, its economic losses were more system, several landslide reactivations have successfully been forecasted
significant. Later, during the impoundment of the TGR, three other (Tan, 2015). The Third Relocation of Badong County seat, from
landslides occurred in Huangtupo (Tan, 2015; Fig. 5). It became evident Huangtupo to Xirangpo and Guandukou, was initiated in 2007 and
that Huangtupo was not a suitable location for the new county seat. completed in 2017. In this relocation, over 15,000 Huangtupo residents
Following the two catastrophic landslides in 1995, another site were resettled in Guandukou, where 2351 new houses had been built,
investigation was undertaken at Huangtupo by a sixth consulting firm while the government and commercial operations were moved to Xir­
from 2001 to 2002 (Tan, 2015). In particular, two exploratory tunnels angpo. The direct cost of the Third Relocation was more than 1.17
(with a total length of 504 m) and 71 boreholes (with a total length of billion RMB (Tan, 2015). The buildings constructed at Huangtupo dur­
4341 m) were made to reveal the stratigraphic configuration at ing the previous relocation were demolished to reduce the overloading
Huangtupo. The subsurface investigation further proved that Huang­ on the Huangtupo landslide.
tupo was the site of a giant ancient landslide (69.2 million m3 in vol­ For this third relocation, the sites of Xirangpo and Guandukou were
ume). As depicted in Fig. 5, the Huangtupo landslide can be further carefully and thoroughly investigated, although the investigation efforts
divided into four ‘smaller’ landslides: the Yuanyichang, Biandianzhan, were not at the same level as those at the site of Huangtupo landslide.
No.1 Linjiang, and No.2 Linjiang landslides. The volumes of these four These investigation efforts were considered adequate, as they benefited
‘smaller’ landslides are 13.5 million m3, 13.3 million m3, 22.5 million from the accumulated knowledge of geohazards and the observation

Fig. 5. Landslides within the giant Huangtupo landslide (UAV photography taken on 24 May 2018).

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data at Huangtupo and surrounding areas in the past two decades. ground (because Xinling Town was about to be inundated under the
reservoir’s designed water level). However, an inadequate site investi­
5. Summary of the multiple relocation events gation failed to recognize the existence of a giant ancient landslide,
which, coupled with the other geohazards induced or reactivated by the
The analysis of historical documents and geological data allows the TGR operation and the human activities on Huangtupo, led to the Third
reconstruction of the multiple relocation events of Badong County seat Relocation.
(Fig. 6). The First Relocation period (960–1279 CE) was characterized Although the site selected for the Second Relocation of the Badong
by several back-and-forth transfers of the county seat, which could be County seat may be viewed as a negative example in a siting study,
attributed to the Yangtze River floods and geohazards (landslides/debris lessons learned from the sequence of human activities associated with
flows). The Second Relocation (1982–2003) was linked to the con­ this relocation are meaningful. For example, based on the monitoring
struction of the Three Gorges Dam and geohazards (debris flows), and data regarding this giant reservoir landslide, the knowledge of reservoir
the Third Relocation (2007–2017) was related to the non-recognition of landslides has been significantly improved, and new technologies for
pre-existing and potential new geohazards (landslides) during the site stabilizing landslides have been advanced (Tang et al., 2019a). With the
selection (termed ‘siting’) for new settlements. Indeed, these multiple improved knowledge on reservoir landslides and the associated tech­
local relocations represent only a subset of the human migrations in the nological advances, the local communities’ resilience (i.e., the ability to
TGR mountainous region. The threat of floods and geohazards has long prevent, mitigate, cope with, and recover from geohazard disasters) in
played a significant role in the decision-making regarding human this region has been enhanced. Unlike the Second Relocation, the Third
settlements. Relocation from Huangtupo to Xirangpo and Guandukou may be viewed
During the First Relocation period, the back-and-forth transfers as a positive example in the siting study of human settlements,
represented a passive response of the residents to the frequent recur­ benefiting from the advances in technologies and the lessons learned
rence of natural disasters. Without the benefit of modern science and from past failures. The site choice has proved correct, as no geohazard
technologies, these transfers appeared to be an effective strategy (i.e., incidents have been reported in the newly urbanized areas since the
hazard avoidance). On the other hand, the Second Relocation could be completion of the relocation in 2017.
viewed as an active strategy since the residents had to move to higher The interactions between human activities and geohazards in

Fig. 6. Timing of the multiple relocations of Badong County seat, history of associated hazards, and the Three Gorges Dam construction.

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mountainous regions are complex. The lessons learned from the multiple behavior, and thereby enhance disaster resilience. To study the
relocations of Badong County seat enhance the understanding of these Huangtupo landslide, a field test facility, known as the Badong Field Test
interactions. The geohazards may lead to a disturbance of human ac­ Station (BFTS), was constructed by the China University of Geosciences
tivities, even causing an abandonment of human settlements (e.g., (Wuhan) from 2009 to 2012. The BFTS consists of a tunnel complex in
Jiuxianping and Huangtupo). Whereas the lessons learned from past the No.1 Linjiang landslide and a series of ground monitoring compo­
events can guide siting studies for human settlements, and the accu­ nents (Fig. 7; Tang et al., 2015a & Tang et al., 2019a).
mulated knowledge and advanced technologies can further enhance the The tunnel complex built within the landslide allows close observa­
communities’ resilience. On the contrary, human activities (e.g., the tion of the bedrock, sliding mass, and slip surfaces. The mechanical and
Three Gorges Dam’s construction, the periodic fluctuation of the reser­ hydraulic properties of the sliding mass can be directly determined via
voir water level, and settlements) may reactivate pre-existing geo­ in-situ tests in the tunnel. The deformations within the sliding mass and
hazards or induce new geohazards. Improved understanding of these on the ground surface, the earth pressures and the pore water pressures
complex interactions is a pre-requisite for future site selections of human within the sliding mass, the rainfall at Huangtupo, and the TGR water
settlements and other engineering projects in the mountainous regions. level are monitored real-time. The monitoring data enable the stability
The impact of human activities on geohazards may be revealed through assessment of the existing landslides and potential slope failures under
two effects: increasing load and reducing resistance. For example, the the long-term operation of the TGR (Sun et al., 2016; Tang et al., 2015a
new city construction on Huangtupo increased the load (caused by new & b). It is worth noting that the test facilities at BFTS provide a
buildings). It reduced the resistance of the sliding mass (e.g., shear comprehensive means to study and monitor the Huangtupo landslide
strength of the slip surface may be reduced due to the construction and offer a model field test station for research, education, and devel­
disturbance). In comparison, the stabilization efforts (e.g., by installing opment of the next generation of engineering geologists.
stabilizing piles) can increase the resistance.

6. Monitoring as a means to enhance disaster resilience 6.1. Ground surface cracks at Huangtupo

It is vitally important to implement an effective and proactive In some cases, landslide activity can be simply assessed by detecting
monitoring strategy when facing the threat of geohazards in populated and mapping the development of cracks at the ground surface, as these
areas (Wasowski and Bovenga, 2015; Kirschbaum and Stanley, 2018). features can be taken as evidence of instability. An exhaustive field
Moreover, operational monitoring can enhance disaster resilience, investigation was conducted in 2008 to detect the ground surface cracks
especially when combined with early warning capability. The moni­ at Huangtupo. More than 150 cracks were mapped, whose distribution is
toring data can also help analyze the spatio-temporal behaviors of shown in Fig. 8. Most of the cracks were perpendicular to the landslide
geohazards, which is significant for predictive purposes. In this section, sliding direction (or roughly parallel to the Yangtze River), indicating
we take the giant Huangtupo landslide as an example to demonstrate tensile origin. The numbers of cracks identified within the four ‘smaller’
how the collection and analysis of the ground and monitoring infor­ landslides (Yuanyichang, Biandianzhan, No. 1 Linjiang, and No. 2 Lin­
mation can lead to a better understanding of the landslide activity and jiang) were 6, 40, 76, and 28, respectively. Thus, in relative terms, the
stability of No.1 Linjiang landslide might be the lowest, followed in

Fig. 7. Badong Field Test Site (BFTS) established at Huangtupo (after Tang et al., 2019a).

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Fig. 8. Distribution of the ground surface cracks detected at the Huangtupo landslide (UAV photography taken on 24 May 2018).

sequence by Biandianzhan, No. 2 Linjiang, and Yuanyichang. Further, 6.2. Ground surface displacements at Huangtupo
the density of the ground surface cracks at the toe of the Huangtupo
landslide was greater than that at the crown, implying that the reac­ The ground monitoring system at Huangtupo included the surface
tivation of this giant landslide might be induced by the failure of the toe. displacement measurements obtained using mainly the Global Posi­
The long-term operation of the reservoir might have contributed to this tioning System (GPS) and BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS).
phenomenon. The GPS monitoring relied on 25 GPS stations (Fig. 8), among which two
were set up as the reference points. Based on the GPS results, the
northeast (NE20◦ ) sliding direction of the Huangtupo landslide was
ascertained. For illustration purposes, the ground surface displacements

Fig. 9. Surface displacements of the Huangtupo landslide measured by GPS in the period between 2003 and 2009 (Note: the locations of the GPS measurement points
G1, G2, …, G23 are shown in Fig. 8): (a) Yuanyichang landslide; (b) Biandianzhan landslide; (c) No.1 Linjiang landslide; (d) No.2 Linjiang landslide.

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of the Huangtupo landslide during the period between 2003 and 2009 of the reservoir water level’s fluctuation on the displacements may be
are plotted in Fig. 9. The results showed that the No.1 Linjiang landslide approximated by removing the displacements caused by the seasonal
was affected by the largest cumulative displacements (i.e., greater than rainfall. During the impoundment of the reservoir, the monthly rate of
150 mm), followed by the Biandianzhan landslide (i.e., with displace­ the displacements was slightly decreased. In contrast, during the
ments greater than 70 mm), No. 2 Linjiang landslide, and Yuanyichang drawdown of the reservoir, the monthly rate was increased dramatically
landslide. Notably, the monitoring results were consistent with the in­ (i.e., 9.0–12.0 mm/month). This influence of the reservoir water level
dications of the relative instability based on the ground surface crack fluctuation on the displacements decreased with the number of the
observations. impoundment-drawdown cycles and the distance from the river.
Although the magnitude of the monitored surface displacement In summary, the monthly rate of the surface displacements was high
varied somewhat among the GPS stations, the surface displacements during the drawdown of the reservoir and relatively low during the
generally increased with time in a stepwise manner (Fig. 9). The step­ reservoir impoundment (Fig. 10a). This pattern could apply to many
wise displacement phenomenon is a common feature of reservoir land­ reservoir landslides in the TGR region (Tang et al., 2019b). Moreover,
slides due to the periodic fluctuation of the reservoir water level and the the rate of the surface displacements was high in the rainy seasons and
rainfall seasonality (Song et al., 2018; Tang et al., 2019a). Illustrated in relatively low in other periods (Fig. 10b). It should be noted that the
Fig. 10 is the relationship between the monthly rate of the surface dis­ influences of the periodic fluctuation of the reservoir water level and the
placements of No. 1 Linjiang landslide and the time. Fig. 10 also shows rainfall on the displacements and stability of a landslide can be
data of the reservoir water level and the rainfall collected each month. complicated. The mechanical and hydraulic properties of the sliding
The fluctuation of the reservoir water level was modest from September mass, the intensity and duration of the rainfall, and the rate of the
2004 to September 2006, and the monthly rate of the displacements fluctuation of the reservoir water level can all be contributing factors.
matched the rainfall data. The monthly rate of the displacements in the The underlying mechanism may only be revealed through detailed
rainy season was about 5.0 mm/month, while in the dry season, it was coupled hydraulic-mechanical analyses.
less than 2.0 mm/month. The influence of rainfall on the displacement
was reasonably uniform within the landslide. 6.3. Pre-historic movements of the Huangtupo landslide
On the other hand, the displacements from September 2006 to
September 2009 were induced by a combination of the seasonal rainfall The subsurface landslide displacements obtained from inclinometers
and the reservoir water level’s periodic fluctuation. Hence, the influence indicated the presence of multiple sliding zones within the Huangtupo

Fig. 10. Monthly rate of the surface displacements of the No.1 Linjiang landslide versus reservoir water level (a) and monthly rainfall (b) (Note: the locations of the
GPS measurement points G1, G2, …, G22 are shown in Fig. 8).

W. Gong et al. Engineering Geology 285 (2021) 106051

landslide (Tang et al., 2015b). The depths of these sliding zones gener­ Acknowledgments
ally corresponded to the depths of weak interlayers (i.e., whose
strengths were smaller than those of the neighboring layers). In partic­ The financial support provided by the National Natural Science
ular, the tunnel excavation in the No.1 Linjiang landslide revealed three Foundation of China (Grant No. 41977242 and 41702294) is acknowl­
major sliding zones. The uranium‑thorium dating of the calcite samples edged. The authors wish to thank Professor Huiming Tang of China
from the sliding zones helped interpret the timing of the historical ac­ University of Geosciences (Wuhan) for his kind assistance in providing
tivity of the Huangtupo landslide. The results obtained from the ura­ unpublished reports and data used in this article. Professor Tang was a
nium‑thorium dating, conducted on a MAT-262 instrument at China principal consultant in the Third Relocation of the Badong County seat
University of Geosciences (Wuhan), indicated three distinctive episodes and led the construction of the Badong Field Test Station (BFTS). His
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