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Title: Cause Of Pollution And How To Overcome The Problem Of Pollution


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Introductory Remarks

Good morning to my friends, my name is Fiona Tieh Sui Hua. Today,I am going to talk about the
cause of pollution and how to overcome this problem.

Reveal Topic

Do you know that the air quality in our country is getting worst? Air pollution is the presence of
substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or
cause damage to the climate or to materials .Due to the air pollution ,we have the disaster of lung
cancer. As everyone know that we need air to survive ,so good quality of air is very important to
us .So, we need to know the ways to overcome air pollution to protect our earth.

IV. Preview

Cause of pollution and how to overcome the problem of pollution


I. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia atmospheric chemistry and pollution expert Prof Dr Mohd Talib
Latif said increasing industrialisation has caused air pollutants to spike over time. Our air quality has
been decrease due to the industrialisation.

A. The activities of industry will release the toxic gases and the gases will spread into the air and
cause the air quality to become worse.

i To overcome this problem, the government should enforce the laws so that the industry can use
the air filter to filter the toxic gases.

ii. The government should also fine the industry who do not install the air filter.

B. The activity that cause the air pollution is open burning. Most of the people doing the activities of
open burning that will release gases that will cause the health problem. The gas carbon dioxide will
cause global warming because the heat is trapped and it will cause the earth become warm. To
overcome this problem, we need to avoid open burning and plant more trees so that we have better
quality of air.

II. Next, the air quality become worse because of numerous using of car. Because of the numerous
using of car, the air pollutant released will cause the air quality becomes worse. To overcome this
problem, we need to reduce our driving. We can use the public transport ,ride a bicycle and walking.
We can also use car pool to reduce the air pollution.

A. Next, I am going to talk about water pollution. There are many effects that will cause the
water pollution.

i The effect of water pollution is the use of fertilisers and it will cause the acid of the soil. When rain
falls ,the polluted water will flow into the river and this will cause the water pollution.Way to
overcome this problem is to use organic fertilisers so that it do not cause air pollution.
ii. Next ,the effect of air pollution is human throw the rubbish randomly into the river. To overcome
this problem, government should enforce the laws so that human will have own responsibility to
throw the rubbish into rubbish bin.

B. Last but not least, I am going to talk about the effect of land pollution. The effect of land
pollution is deforestation. Deforestation will make our earth become less tree and less oxygen so
that we will feel very warm because lack of tree. To overcome this problem, we need to plant more


I. Summary of Main Points

The causes of air pollution , water pollution and land pollution will brings many effects to our life
.We need to reduce the pollution to protect our earth.

II. Concluding Remarks

We need to try our best to overcome the pollution that might bring disadvantages to our earth.

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