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## This assignment is about solving the inverse of a matrix by caching the

# result within a lexical scope of a function: "makeCacheMatrix" and

# "cacheSolve". Caching is about using memory to avoid excess computation.
# Lexical scopes, allow to create functions within a function and new
# "user defined" objects (data types) to store data within several environments

## The function "makeCacheMatrix" creates a new, unique environment.
# The inverse matrix is cached inside the object m, within the main
# environment, which is unique for EACH instance the function is called.
## The output of the function is a list with 5 named elements, which are
# the five functions defined herein: setmatrix, getmatrix, setinverse,
# getinverse and getenv

makeCacheMatrix <- function(x = matrix()) {

# Example input: Insert matrix e.g x<-matrix(rnorm(64),8,8)
## To check cached values:
# xMat<-makeCacheMatrix(x) # Run the function
# parent.env(xMat$getenv())$m # Check the cached mean
# environment(xMat$getmean) # refer to environment of "m"
m<-NULL # assigns NULL to a variable within the current environment
evn <- environment() # Save environment

setmatrix<-function(y){ # Set matrix value

x<<-y # cache the matrix - assigns value y from parent environment
m<<-NULL # search through parent environments for an existing definition of
the variable and set to NULL

getmatrix<-function() x # Get the matrix value cached with setmatrix

setinverse<-function(solve) m<<- solve # Cached value of inverse matrix is saved
in m
getinverse<-function() m # Get the saved value of inverse matrix m that was saved
with setinverse
getenv<- function() environment()

list (setmatrix=setmatrix, getmatrix = getmatrix, # creates list to house the four

setinverse = setinverse,
getinverse = getinverse,
getenv = getenv)

## The function "cacheSolve" returns the inverse of the matrix that is
# returned by makeCacheMatrix function, e.g. xMat$getmatrix()

cacheSolve <- function(xMat= m(), ...) {

## Return a matrix that is the inverse of 'x'
# Run function e.g. like this: minv<-cacheSolve(xMat = m)
# Compares matrix to what was there before!
m <- xMat$getinverse() # if an inverse has already been calculated this gets
if(!is.null(m)){ # check to see if cacheSolve has been run before
if(xMat$setmatrix() == xMat$getmatrix()) { # check that matrix hasn't
changed, and if it hasn't, sends a text message and returns the cached matrix
message("getting cached data")
m<-solve(matrix, ...)
# otherwise
y <- xMat$getmatrix() # run the getmatrix function to get the value of the
input matrix
xMat$setmatrix(y) # run the setmatrix function on the input matrix to cache
m <- solve(y, ...) # compute the value of the inverse of the input matrix
xMat$setinverse(m) # run the setinverse function on the inverse to cache the
m # return the inverse
# End

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