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Trivia Quiz March 18, 2021 Mee5ng

Tonight’s cigars: Gurkha Nicaraguan Series Magnum 6x60

1. How many different brands of cigars are sold by Gurkha Cigar Company? 

a. 20

b. 40 

c. 80

d. over 100

2. Kaizad Hansotia, founder and owner of the Gurkha cigar company

purchased the brand 30 years ago for how much?

a. < $150
b. < $1,500
c. < $15,000
d. < $150,000

3. The headquarters and distribution center for the Gurkha Cigar Group are
located in:

a. Tampa, FL
b. Estil, Nicaragua
c. Miami, FL
d. Tamarac, FL

4. What was the 2020 Cigar Aficionado rating for the Gurkha Nicaragua
Series - Belicoso?

a. 88
b. 89
c. 90
d. 91

5. At its debut in 1900, Gurkha came in three sizes—Churchill, toro and

torpedo—and they retailed in duty-free shops for how much per cigar?

a. $1 - $4
b. $6 - $9
c. $10 -$13
d. $14 - $17
6. Hansotia started working with the Toraños in 1998; the first cigar brand
made by the Toraños was the Gurkha Master Select. When they came out,
the Master Select retailed for:

a. $3 - 5
b. $6 - 9
c. $8 - 12
d. $12 -15

7. Kaizad Hansotia, founder and owner of the Gurkha cigar company stepped
down as company chairman in 2019 due to:
a. Illness
b. Pursue other activities
c. Inflammatory remarks on social media
d. Contract disputes

8. Who makes the Gurkha Nicaraguan ?

a. American Caribbean
b. Aganorsa Leaf
c. PDR Cigars
d. Las Lavas S.A.

9. All told, Gurkha produces around how many cigars a year, most of which
are affordable to the average smoker of premium cigars.
a. > 1 million
b. > 3 million
c. > 5 million
d. > 7 million

10. In 2012 Hansotia’s company changed its public name to Gurkha Cigar
Group. What was its name before then?

a. Nepalese Cigars
b. Beach Cigar Group
c. Kazaid Cigars
d. Hansotia duty-free cigars

Tie Breakers:
1. AMS is a term to designate what color of the wrapper?

2. Volado is a grade of filler tobacco. What part of the plant does it come from?
(Bottom, middle or top?)

1. D 

2. A

3. D 

4. B

5. D 

6. C 

7. C 

8. B

9. B 

10. B

Tie breaker:

#1. Candela or green wrappers

#2. Bottom


The term Gurkha was originally a name given to Nepalese fighters who
carried those bad ass Khukuri swords. You know, the one the man on the
Gurkha label is holding? Well, during the British occupation of nearly
the entire world in the late 1880s, colonial soldiers became enamored
with the skill and history of the Gurkha warriors in Nepal. As a tribute to
these warriors whom the British defeated, all the cigars the colonial
soldiers made were called Gurkhas instead of cigars. The name spread
through the British colonies, eventually finding its way to India which
explains the Portuguese man’s brand name of Gurkha.

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