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Cicco Cigar Trivia Quiz June 30th Mee7ng

Cigar: Nate Cicco Aniversario 1965 Liga No.4

1. In 1965 Nat Cicco started out by selling hand rolled bargain cigars using quality remnants
from well know manufacturers for their filler tobacco. Which one of the sizes below did they
A. Toro
B. Robusto
C. Corona
D. Governor
2. In what year did Zander-Greg, Inc., a Pasadena, California-based importer/distributor,
acquired the distribuQon rights for the enQre Nat Cicco lineup of affordable cigars?
A. 1990
B. 1999
C. 2003
D. 2007

3. Nat Cicco’s Aniversario 1965 celebrates the Rejects cigar’s creaQon date, and
features connoisseur touches … extra aging, pigtail cap, and wrapper-enclosed
foot . What year was it introduced?
A. 2008

B. 2010

C. 2012
D. 2014
4. Picadura tobacco refers to what characterisQc ?

A. Hand picked

B. Tobacco seconds
C. Remanets

D. Cu]ngs
5. The Nat Cicco line includes a variety of cigars, many of which sell for less than $3. Which
line below does not sell for under $3?
B. Cuban Style
C. Jamaican Rounds
D. Rejects

6. Where did the name Nat Cicco come from?
A. Name of the founder
B. Name of the tobacco grower
C. A take off from the name of the cigar manufacturer
D. Name of the present owner

7. The Nat Cicco Elephant Ear cigars are named for what reason?
A. They are gray colored
B. They have an ear shape
C. They have a shaggy foot
D. Who knows?
8. Zander-Greg is the owner and distributor of Nat Cicco cigars. They also carry a large
number of other items. Which of the following do they NOT carry?
A. Coffee
C. Hookah Tobacco
D. Gloves
E. T-Shirts
9. Where is Zander-Greg located?
A. Nicaragua
B. Florida
C. Virginia

D. California

10. Where do the filler, binder and wrapper come from?
A. All from Nicaragua
B. Nicaragua, Mexico, Nicaragua
C. Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico
D. Nicaragua, Nicaragua, Ecuador

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. C

7. C

8. E

9. D

10. D

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