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Angie Marcela Rodríguez Ruíz - 753304

Complete each question with complete sentence answers. If the answers are not in
complete sentences they will be marked wrong.

1. At the airport Frank suggests a task for himself and one for Robin. What are each of
their tasks?

2. Quinn offers Robin and Frank an alternative form of transportation to Maketea. What is

3. When Robin meets the pilot for the first time, what is the pilot doing?

4. What damages the plane at the moment they crash land on the island?

5. Why are Quinn and Robin looking for a radio navigation beacon on top of the island?

6. After they realize they aren’t on Tamitange Island Quinn thinks that they could be on a
different island. What is the name of that island that he mentions?

7. When Robin and Quinn start to go back down the mountain, what do they see that
excites them?

8. Why does Robin fly the plane in the second half of the movie?

9. What does the hotel offer Robin and Frank in the second half of the movie?

10. Where do Robin and Quinn go at the end of the movie?

1. 1: Frank goes to look for the suitcases and Robin goes to look for the plane
2. 2: Quiin offers a boat leaving the harbor.
3. 3: The pilot is repairing the plane's engine
4. 4: a rock
5. 5: because they believed they were on an island that contained it
6. 6: Matanui
7. 7: a boat
8. 8: because Quiin is hurt and faints
9. 9: one month of free hospitality
10. 10: to Quiin's cabin

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