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I PREffiiUffi I

Writing I report @... Read this writing task. Underl ine the three
points you need to include in your reporL
(!. Choose from the listA-D two reasons why you
would write a report.
A to tell someone about something you have done and Writing task
you think they might be interested in While studying in the UK, you recencly anended a sban
B to tell someone what you think they ought to do about course on improving your memory. The Course Dia:am-
something has written to you asking for a report.
C to give some feedback on something that other people Read the extraer from the Director's letter below, the
may wish to do course programme and your diary. Then using the
D to offer suggestions for improvements to something you information appropriately, write a report for the Direaor
have done saying what you enjoyed about the course, explaining
what you were disappointed with and suggesting how
(!. Which sentence in each pairA and B uses formal aspects of the course could be improved.
language? In what way is the language formal?
1 A I think the content of the course was very good.
We are asking some participants for a short report. Oid
B In general, the content of the course was very good.
you enjoy the course? Did your memory improve? A/so
2 A We could not hear the lecture because we were at please Jet me know if you have any recommendations .
the back.
Many thanks
B We were unable to hear the lecture as we were at the
b ack. Course Director
3 A The library had an impressive collection of books,
giving us plenty to choose from.
B The library had an impressive collection of books. - - ~-=

This was good as we had plenty to choose from. Day 1: Lecture: 'Brain power'
Seminar: discussions
4 A The meals weren't very good.
B The meals could have been better. Day 2: 'The skills you need'
Practice sessions: increase your memory
Day 3: Film: 'What you can achieve'
Using formal language
When you write a report or a proposal , you
Lunch is provided. Special library facilities.
should use formal language. This means using:
• objective structures, e,g, the passive ;
Monday Ait l:tJo tech ricat. •
• full forms rather than contractions; No choice for tunch!
• complex sentences ; Tuesday Sessions bri/Ji,a,nt.
• more formal/less frequent vocabulary; Library eúJsed aftenvards!
• dispassionate vocabulary [i .e. not too strong Wednesday Test interesting ...
or emotional).

Premium C1 Level Coursebook.Pearson ~ Work in pairs. Decide:

• what information to include in your report;
• how many sections you need;
• what heading to give each section.

@. Make a plan of the points to be included in each

section of your re port. Discuss with a partner how
to expand the points given in the task.
@.. Write your report in 180-220 words. Use the skil ls
box and the Writing Reference on to help you.
~~~.·--~ .·.
~~ v~~ -- -_ -
Wri~ reference (Paper 2)

Report v Proposal
The layout and format of a proposal ca n be very similar to a report.
However, w here a report is usually based on an event or situation t hat
has happened or already exists, a proposal tends to be based on a
future situation or plan and is more forward looking . The
recommendations section is the most important part of a proposal.


Jhe ......... III fll ......, fMRs to In this proposal, I will describelevaluatelpresentl
de.rcrillle1lt t u Il• ••r ... assess ...
ln tltls,.art.l-~t ••• This proposal is for •..
Tltls ,.,..,,......••
desu........,.~tion ...
Feedback from student questionnaires suggests ...
DESCIIII.I& HOW VOU GOT YOUR INFORMATION Following a survey among college graduates ...
I spat. ......._rillwed severa/ members of staff ..• lnterested parties were invited to attend .. .
~ol the local po/ice force answered a There were severa/ issues arising from the last event
que.stilf. . . . . . which was not a success ...
I tñsifJad tllrwe hoteis: the Maritima; the Plage Royale and
the Shacke/ton ...
I c.ondudlld a survey among college graduates ... A focus group should be set up by ...
car ownefS wete invited to attend a focus group •. . There should be an investigation into ...
I recommend that a new centre be established ...
Most people saldlexpressed the opinion that .. .
AmNdrng to Dr Ann Wilkinson, the funding is .. . In the light of the results of the surveylquestionnaire
A hlghlsmaiVslgnificant proportion of those the introduction of a small fee would seem to be the
surwyedlrespondents said that ... best choiceloption/solution.
25" of the students .. . If these recommendations are followed, then the
A small number felt that the situation had deteriorated. situation will be greatly improved.
If these suggestions are implemented, there will be a
PRESENnNG A LIST marked improvement in the situation.
7he points In favourlagainst introducing genetically
modHied foods can be summarised as follows:
1 ...
2 .. .
7he following IHSOIIS were given for /ack of
pal'fici/Mtlon In local festivais: firstly ..., secondly •. .
AlplmenCs put forward in favour oflagainst the
introducflon ola local television channel were:
1 .. .
2 .. .
There arw a IIUifiiHw of ways in which facilities for the
parents ol.,.. children could be improved:
1 .. . CAE Gold Plus Coursebook. Pearson-Longman
2 .. .

In the light ol the results of the surveylquestionnaire
the introducflon of a small fee would seem to be the
best cltoiGiopllonlsutJon.
I would ~ therefore, the purchase of five
mote CDfiiPUC*S and laser printers.
My ~.,.as follows:
Writing Reference I

Re port Comparison with other websites
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Compared with other websites
(For work on reports, see pages 73, 107 and 119.)
for vocabulary, the site is
(i Task actual/y slightly harder to
use and some of the links are
corifusing. However, it does
A website you use regularly has asked users to have a much broader range
send in a report about their experiences of using the . / of vocabulary than most other
website. You decide to send in a report. ~.~e fact~al sites. Compared to other
m1 ormatzon
In your report: and objective general language learning
• explain what you find useful on the website and reasons for sites, it is on the whole much
why your views. better as there is a fink to get
• compare the website to other websites you use help and advice and it a/so has
• suggest how the website could be improved. links to other sites that can be
Write your report. (You should write between 220 used for grammar, etc.
and 260 words.)
Recommendations for
Make your- The website could be improved
(!.. Model answer recommen- by tidying up the layout of the
dations or individual pages and making
Website report: 'Vocabulary suggestions the links clearer, even if this
in the last
YouLik' ~ section.
means adding more words.
It would a/so be useful if Use a
Introduction there was a fink to an o~ range of
to give a
Explain the -The purpose of this report is to dictionary which students could vocabulary.
title and use
purpose of provide feedback on the website appropriate access as they are working. In
the report 'Vocabulary You Like ' and to headings conclusion, it is an effective
in the first throughout website but would benefit from
recommend how the website
paragraph. the report.
could be improved. some improvements.

Good points about the website

The website has an excellent USEFUL LANGUAGE
range of vocabulary for each fi I Openings
r / Use orma
level . and a . g~od ra~ge of/ register and Stating the purpose:
exerczses. Thzs zs partzcularly be consistent. The purpose/aim of this report is to describe/present ...
helpfol for students studying In this report I wi/1 ...
lnclude two
for exams and the number of Use a
orthree This report gives a description/presentation ...
examples given means that the range of
points in This report is intended to ...
user can real/y see how the vocabulary.
each section.
language is used in context.
The site a/so has a very easy
Final suggestions/recommendations:
I would strongly recommend ...
link for checking collocations
My suggestion is ...
so it is much easier to use than
a dictionary, for example. As
If these changes are introduced, ...
I can recommend ...
many students work online,
In conc/usion, .. .
this site is both useful and user-
In my opinion, .. .

Premium C1 Level Coursebook.Pearson

Answer •
Points to Remember •

• Think carefully about how many sections you need.

I nfr-oductlon •

• Check that you have not repeated any points.
this rtport doe.5 he.dha.cK. on the. cre.a.tlve. •

cour5e. run on Ma.~ tht5 ~e.a.r. •

@. Sample task, answers and comments •

Task 5ucct.55 ol the. coune. ••
íhue. 5t.vua.l c¡ood hits ol the. coune. .Íhe. le.kture. •

on Da.~ I wa.5 c¡ood a.nd ;¡ive. Jnt. lots ol idt.a.5 .the.n we. •
While studying in UK, you recently attended a •
conference on creative thinking. The Course Director ha.d discu55iom .Íhe.5e. má a.nd a./1 a.houtwha.t •

has written to you asking for a report. we. ca.n do húnc¡ ~nore. cre.a.tlve. . •

Read the extract from the Director's letter below In the.¡ we. ha.d a. re.ce.ftlon which a.5 vu~ nice. •
and the Course Programme, on which you have a.nd I ~nd lo5t ol f!Ofle. . We. fa.IK.e.d a. /ot a.nd this wa.5
made some notes. Then, using the information c¡ood lor Ine. . the. til~n wa.5 ver~ nice. foo .

appropriately, write a report for the Director saying •
how you benefited from the course, explaining what •
you were disappointed with and suggesting how Bits ol the. coune. they lt.55 5ucct.55lul ••
aspects of the course could be improved. 5o~ne. ta.d5 ol the. coune. lt.55 e.njo~a.hle. . Íhe. tra.ctlc •

5t.55iom foo lonc¡ . the.~ wue. two houn a.hout a.nd •

We are asking some participants for a short I couldn-'t conce.nfr-a.f;_ . Anothe.r thinc¡ tha.t ~ne.

report. Did you enjoy the course? Did you cro55e.d. wa.5 it a. discount on hooK5 hutthis wa.5 •
learn anything? Also please let me know if •
on/~ -6"7. - ha.rdl~ nothinc¡! •
you have any recommendations. •
Many thanks


In In~ view_, ~ou 5hould a.5K u5 a.// wha.t we. wa.nt a.nd •

1n~he. we. ca.n cho5e. whe.n we. c¡ . A/5o ~ou ne.e.d •.
fo 5od out the. trohlt.Jn5 a.hove. . Il ~ou wi/1 ;¡ive. hic¡c¡e.r •
dúcount ~ou ca.n c¡d ~nore. f!Ofle. .

Course Programme •

Day 1 Lecture: 'Training your •
Great! •
b ra in'
say why
Comments •

Seminar: discussions • All contenc points have been addressed. •

---- -
Day2 'Making creative ideas • The writer has used appropriate organisation and layout, but •
too long there is a lack of cohesive devices and complex sentences. •

Practice sessioñS:free • There is a limited range of language (overuse of good, nice). •

thinking • The report contains severa I basic errors (does feedback, two •
Met loads of hours about, if you wi/1 give) and the errors sometimes impede

Day 3 Film:'Great ideas' •
Practica! test /_
people! communication (made me crossed, we can chose). ..•
• The tone is too personal in places (I couldn't concentrate, •
Day 1: Evening reception ./ Only5%! made me crossed) and the register is sometimes inappropriate Q.)
Discoumon books. (bits, sort out). u
Write your report. (You should write between 180
• The target reader would be confused. r::
and 220 words.) Band 2 t..
Premium C1 Level Coursebook.Pearson a:

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