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aT THE END of the thirty years war most alliances were formed on the basisi of

(growing royal power and maintaning)

aT THE START of the thirty years war most alliances were formed on the basisi of
(religious identity)

after losing the english civil war this king of england was tired and then put to
death (charels i)

at the time that peter the great took the throne what group of people were the most
essential part of production for the russian economy was (serfs)

by the mid 1600 what area of euorpe was the least dependent on the labor of serfs
(the nations of western europe)

consifered an elightened despot this monrch of trussia estab;lished (fredrick the


following there independece from spain the netherlans prospered because (they had
stable government)

how did absolute monarchs seek to centralize power (all answers listed)

i was first stuart king was very smart but lacked common sense (james 1)

i was king of spain i conspired to kill elsabeth and reture to englind a catholic
nation once again (philip ii)

i was the protestent queen of englend that was very well liked got along with
parlament but had t oput op with people trying to kill me (elizzabeth 1)

iVan the terribles curlty was aimed mainly at wich group of people (boyers the
russian nobles)

it was a declaration of religous tolerance issied by henry iv anc can (edict of


king philip ii of spain sought to increase his power by proposing marrige to (queen
of englind elizabet)

peter the greats main reason for visiting the west was to (learn about western
customs and technology)

philip ii led many wars to defend which religon *(chatholic church)

russian noble men had to pay tax if the did not? (shave there beards off)

tHe idea that nothing can ever be know for certaine in literature (skepticism)

tHe magnificant palace built for louis xiv to help him control the nobles was
called (pallece of versallies)

tHe time period when charles ii took the throne was called (restoration)

tHe treaty entitled peace of westphialia started the moderan day of waht ruling
power (states)

tHies war that went on for three decades was sparked by religous conflict and
resulted in the incresed power of france the wakening of spain and (the thirty
years war)

tHis puritan leader ruled england afrer the end of the english civil war (oliver

the sight for st petersburg was chosen because it was near (water roughts to

the spanish armada was defeted by small faster english ships lead by (fransis

the war of the austrian succession was fought over the possession of lands (maria

these people wanted to make th anglican church less catholic said it had too many
ceremonies (puritans)

under maria theresa austrias greatedes enemy was (perusia)

wHo was over thrown in the glorious relovution (james ii)

what became of frances most powerfull ruler and boasted I am the state and i am the
sun king (louis xiv)

what did the defeat of the spanish armada do for rhe religion in england
(garenttied that englind would reman a prodestant)

what document was signed by william and mary in 1689 (english bill of rights)

what empire did the hapsburg family rule (austria)

what english law prevented monarchs from jailing people for purly political reasons
and from indefinitly holdign prisoners withought trial (abeus corpis)

what type of governemt did the english bill of rights created (created a
constitutinal monatchy )

what was the main cause of the eight civil wars that were fought in france between
1562 and 1598 (religous diffences)

what was the main concern of russia under peter the great (westerniszing russia
and reconecting to europe)

what was the name for an economic theroy practiced by many countries during this
time when the goal was to export more products tahn you import (mercaatalism )

when oliver cromwell defeted charles i in the english civil war the the king of
england was (exicuted by axe)

which absolute monarch was known as the sun king and for saying i am the state
(lous xii)

which absoulte monarch tuled spain and uses armada to attack the english (philip

which small state built a large and efficient standing army of 40000 men and became
an army with a country (prussia)

who did the calaliers support during the english civil war (king)
who did the round heads support during the english civil war (parliment)

who inherited the austrian throne only after charlest the vi had the other europian
powers sign an agreement declaring they would recognize the heir (maria theresea)

who was louis xii chiefs minister he strenghthned the monarchys power (cardinal
rachuli )

who was lous xiv financial advisor (jeon batise colbert)

who was the leader of the round heads durin ghte englihs civil wat (oliver

who were the french government agents who collected taxes and administered justice
under loux (intenedets)

why did peter the great build the city of st pearersburg (he wanted a city on a

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