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Aims of Education INTRODUCTION Human life is the best creation of God, has got two aspects: the biological and the socio-cultural. Biological aspect is found in plant and animal life. But the sociocultural aspect is the rare distinction of human life alone. It is only man who is capable of being educated. Through education, he tries to seek new ideas and new ways of life. It is again through education that he promotes his intelligence and adds his knowledge with which he can move the world for good or for evil, according to his wishes. Thus, he attempts to understand himself in relation to the world about him and to transmit that knowledge succeeding generations, Our life in the complex world is governed not only by the biological process, but also by a social process. While the functioning of the organism is the biological heredity, education is his social heredity. With biological heredity alone, he would be nothing better than an animal, But he has social heredity that makes him a man who is now capable of governing this world. Education is vital process of social life, Without education we are not able to have a normal and prosperous life, and human race would be no better than animal race. Eating, drinking, sleeping, and sexual life are common to both animals and men. It is only knowledge and education, where they different. Education not only comes from the books and school teachers, but also from knowledge and experience by socialization. MEANING OF EDUCATION Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another. Etymologically, the word “education” is traced to different sources of derivation. According to the one view the word education is derived from Latin word “educo” means [lead out" here E means ,,out of” while ,,duco“ means ,,I lead" in other words it means ,,] lead out of darkness into light” and here ," denotes the teacher. There is another view that the word ,,education™ is derived from the word ,educare", meaning .,to rear” ,,to bring up" ,,to nourish". This meaning implies that the child is lacking and she is to be brought up with certain preconceived ideas. for which, she is to be fed with knowledge in proper way so that, child or student can utilize his innate power to achieve his ends in other words, it means that the child is to be brought up according to certain aims and ends in view. There is also another view that education is originated from the word »educere™ meaning ,,to lead out’. This implies ,,growth from within". The child already possesses some innate powers and capacities. Education is the process of developing these powers, nothing from without is to be imposed on child. ‘There is yet another view, that in the term “Education” comes from the word .Educatum" which means the act of “teaching or training”. ‘According to the above stated Latin words, Educare and Educatum, education is something external, which is imposed from outside, But according to the word ,,Educere” it is growth from within, The modern educationalists are of the opinion that the word “Fducere” is more acceptable as it allows more freedom to a child. Accordingly, the child is not to accept imposition, but has to observe, think and draw conclusions for himself. Therefore, education means ,,.to lead out", ,,to lead forth", or unfold the hidden talents of man". It is very much the art of developing and cultivation the various powers of mind, physical, mental and moral. However, it should be noted clearly that nothing can be drawn, unless something is put before hand, means the growth of the child will not take automatically, it needs certain knowledge and experience, so we have to give him knowledge and experience before we expect to draw out the best in the child. “Education is the deliberate and systematic influence exerted by the mature person upon the immature through instruction, discipline and harmonious development of physical, intellectual, aesthetic, social and spiritual powers of human being according to individual and social need directed towards the union of the educand and his Creator as the final end.” Hence, education can be looked upon a process of providing desirable knowledge and experience to the child so as to develop his inner powers to the maximum possible extent, In other words, education” means both the acquisition of knowledge and experienceas well as the development of skills, habits, and an attitude which helps a person to lead a full and worthwhile life in this universe. It is in fact, a process of training the individual through various experiences of life, so as to draw out the best in him. AIMS OF EDUCATION Education is mostly a planned and purposeful activity. It must have clear aims and objectives, in view. An aim is a pre-determined goal which inspires the individual to attain PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION MEANING OF PHILOSOPHY Philosophy is a search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means. Philosophy in Sanskrit is a ‘Darshan’ which means knowledge of the truth, The word ‘philosophy’ is a combined form of two Latin words ‘Philos! and ‘Sophia’. ‘Philos’ means love and ‘Sophia’ means wisdom or knowledge. Thus philosophy means love for knowledge or passion for learning. DEFINITIONS OF PHILOSOPHY According to Plato, Knowledge of the eternal nature of things, which in fact, knowledge of the true nature of different things is Philosophy. Aristotle defined Philosophy as a science which discovers the real nature of supernatural things. According to Fichte, Philosophy is a science of knowledge. Russell called Philosophy a logical knowledge of basic principles of different sciences. MEANING OF EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY Educational Philosophy can refer either to the application of philosophy to the problem of education, examining the definition, goals and meaning of education, or to any particular vision of of approach to education. Philosophy of education is "the philosophical study of education and its problems..its central subject matter is education, and its methods are those of philosophy". SCOPE OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUACTION Aims and ideals of education. Interpretation of human nature. Educational values. Theory of knowledge Relationship of education and various area of national life and various components of the system of education. VY VVY ROLE OF PHILOSOPHY IN EDUACTION > Determining the aims of education, > Harmonizing old and new traditions in the field of education > Understanding and deciding the nature of subject matter. voy vvy¥ > Providing the educational planners, administrators and educators with the progressive vision to achieve educational development. Preparing the young generation to face the challenges of modern time. Understanding the nature of learner. Influences teaching methods and techniques. Explains how subject matter guides students learning activities should. Finding out behavior trend in order to carry out one’s philosophical position. In brief, it is a philosophical process of solving educational problems through philosophical method, from a philosophical attitude to arrive at philosophical conclusions and results. Thus, it aims at achieving general as well as comprehensive results. KKK it through appropriate activities. Educational aims are necessary in giving direction to educational activity. MEANING OF AIMS IN EDUCATION ‘All human activities can be classified as those with aims or those, which are aimless. By and large, one can discover an aim or a purpose in human activities. That is why it is observed that man is purposive by nature. There can be illustrations of activities, which are aimless. Refugees wandering in search of shelter and peace without knowing, where they get it, mentally deranged persons engaging in mad behaviour, children behaving like monkeys and destroying valuable articles can be illustrations of aimless activities. But a cynic can discover aims even in these activities. He may discover that the search for security itself may be an aim of a meaningless wandering of a refugee; a search for emotional balance may be the purpose of a madman's action or a child's destruction. Like this, one can try to find a meaning and an aim in all human activities. But let us be concerned with activities, which are acknowledged as purposeful. ‘A purposeful activity can be defined as one, which comprises three stages. It has a beginning, an cnd and an intervening process. John Dewey (1915) defines an aim thus: "An aim implies an orderly and ordered activity, one in which the order consists in the progressive completing of a process." Note that there are two terms in this definition viz; orderly and ordered. Orderly activity means a systematic activity, which may be sequential or multi-sequential. There should be internal consistency and coherence in the activity. Ordered activity means that which has a direction. Direction is felt at each successive step. An aim, therefore, is a systematic activity, which is carried out with a sense of direction at each stage. An aim means a foresight of the outcomes in advance, of the end, the consequences, and the fruits of action. The sense of direction is to be felt, experienced and discovered at each stage from curriculum planning, organisation, provision and through its monitoring by means of periodical, terminal and follow-up evaluation. It should be in view in planning and management of all educational processes within a system. Critical philosophy in its classification of “aims of education” suggests that aims are not ends that are extrinsic to what we actually do in schools and classroom. They refer more to principles of educational procedure than extrinsic end points. NEED OF AIMS OF EDUCATION Education is @ purposcful activity. By education we imend to bring certain desirable changes in the students. Education is a conscious effort and, as such, it has definite aims and objectives. In the light of these aims the curriculum is determined and the academic achievements of the student are measured. Education without aim is like a boat without its rudder. Aims give direction to activity. Absence of an aim in education makes ita blind alley. Every stage of human development had some aim of life. The aims of life determine aims of education. The aims of education have changed from age to age and thus it is dynamic because the aims of life are dynamic. FACTORS DETERMINING EDUCATIONAL AIMS The factors that contribute for the determination of educational aims are philosophy of life, views about human nature, religious factors, political ideologies, socioeconomic problems, cultural factors and exploration of knowledge. + Philosophy: Philosophy of life and educational aims are closely related. In fact, philosophy determines the aims of education. Education is the best means for propagation of philosophy. Philosophy and education are the two sides of a coin, + Elements of human nature: Thesc clements are always considered for the determination of educational aims. For example, Idealists regard unfolding of the divine in man as the aim of education, Factors Determining Educational Aims Religious Factors Soo ‘economic Problems Religious factors: Religious factors exert their influence on educational aims. In ancient India, Buddhism emphasized the inculcation of the ideals of that religion such as Ahimsa and Truth into the prevailing educational system. Political Ideologies: Political ideologies certainly have a say in the determination of educational aims. The educational aims of a democratic political system can be quite different from that of an autocratic political set up. Socio-economic factors and problems: These factors and problems of a country definitely have a say in deciding the educational aims of that country. Cultural factors and problems: Socio-cultural heritage of a country have a great influence on the aims of education. Education has to preserve and transmit the cultural heritage and traditions from one generation to another. Exploration of knowledge: Education today is science oriented and technology based: It has to aim at exploring new information. Education must represent these factors and be related to the realities and problems and issues of life. Aims of education are also related to time and space. Therefore, they can change from time to time and place to place. All the same, there can be some common elements in the educational aims of different places. AIMS OF EDUCATION None aleve) THE VOCATIONAL AIM The vocational aim is also known as “the utilitarian aim or the bread and butter aim.” The above stated ideals of education are uscless unless these aims enable us to procure the primary needs of our life- food, shelter and clothing. Education should prepare the child to eam his livelihood and make him self-sufficient and efficient economically and socially. Education therefore, must prepare the child for some future profession or vacation or trade. The vocational aim is a narrow aim of education. Therefore, the vocational aim is not a complete aim by itself but it must be an important aim of education. Because — = It makes one economically self-sufficient. * Vocational aim gives purpose to educational activity. «Vocational education is only hope of children with lower intelligent. + Vocational education is essential for the bridging the gap in society. ‘THE KNOWLEDGE OR INFORMATION AIM Knowledge is as essential for intellectual growth as food is essential for physical growth. Knowledge is a must for good interpersonal relationship, healthy adjustment in life, modification of behaviour, self-awareness and for social growth: itis also a source of happiness, Above all knowledge is indispensable for all right action and it is the source of all power. Ibis knowledge which makes a realist a visionary successful in any profession. Because of all these, attainment of knowledge should be an important aim of education. THE CULTURAL AIM Every individual has to become cultured and civilized through education. Cultural development is manifested through the development of an aesthetic senses and respect for others culture. The cultural aim of education has been suggested to supplement the narrow view of knowledge aim. The cultural aim of education is no doubt a nice aim as it produces men of culture. But it is ambiguous and has too many meanings It cannot serve as the major aim of education. THE SOCIAL AND INDIVIUUAL AIM Every individual is considered as a productive member of the society. Through education the individual child should be provided with the required assistance to become a use full member of the society, irrespective of the socio-economic status. Keeping this aim in mind, educationalists have to help learners to develop a healthy, purposeful, productive exploratory and controlling adjustment with the environment. Society is the result of the inter-relations of individuals. It consists of big and small groups and there are sub groups within each group. Education helps the child to understand this interrelation of individuals and the possibilities of various groups. Peaceful existence of society is determined by a phenomenon of balancing and counter-balancing between various social forces. By creating a social order, education ensures the effective functioning of this phenomenon and prepares students to safeguard the peaceful existence of society. Education not only helps in the formation of social norms and their implications but also train the learner to them. Effective utilization of social resources is essential for the progress of the society and education equips the leamers to harness the social resources in an Eco-friendly as well as people friendly manner. By the way of education, students realize the importance of social values and justice, fair play, healthy competition, harmony, etc. in short, education instill a sense of obligation and loyalty the community and its needs. By means of social aim of education gives in the development of the society. THE MORAL OR CHARACTER BUILDING AIM Character is the cream of life and, as such, it should be the aim of education. Vivekananda and Gandhi both emphasized character building in education, Character formation or moral education is concerned with the whole conduct of man. According to Mahatma Gandhi, the end of all knowledge must be the building up of character. Education assists the child to develop certain human values, attitudes habits and Moral values like honesty, truthfulness, justice, goodness, purity, courage, reverence, dutifulness, punctuality, self-confidence, discrimination, between good and bad, observation of rules, belief in systematic organization etc., which are essential for building a desirable character. These qualitics contribute to the development of mortality and sound character. Many educationalists share the view of Mahatma Gandhi and regard character development as the supreme aim of education. THE CITIZENSHIP TRAINING AIM The child has to be educated to become a good citizen of his country. A citizen has fies. Education enables the children to to perform multifarious civic duties and responsibil grow as productive citizens by following the social and moral standards set by the society. Education should motivate the child to perform his duties and responsibilities as a citizen, for the welfare of the society. As a member of the society, he should have knowledge about his duties, functions, and obligations towards society, so that the children can successfully discharge their various civic duties and responsibilities. In a democratic set up, this aim is very important, The Secondary Education Commission in India (1951-1952) has greatly emphasized citizenship training in schools. Such training includes the development of certain qualities to character such as clear thinking, clearness in speech and writing, art of community living, co-operation, toleration, sense of patriotism and sense of world citizenship. ‘THE COMPLETE LIVING AIM Education should acquaint a person with the activities of complete living. They are bearing and rearing of children, self-preservation, activities related to social and political duties and activities related to the beneficial utilization of leisure time. ‘THE HARMONIOUS DEVELOPMENT AIM Harmonious Development means the harmonious cultivation of the Physical, intellectual, aesthetic and moral aspects of human nature. The aim of education is to produce a well-balanced personality. All the powers and abilities of the child should be developed in a harmonious manner, Mahatma Gandhi emphasized this aim of education very much when he said "By education, we mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man body, mind and spirit." Ultimately the overall aim of education is to ensure harmonious development through the achievement of the above mentioned aims. Harmonious development will enable the child to deal effectively with the problems and uncertainties of life. PHYSICAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Education prepare the child to lead a healthy life through providing the knowledge required for a healthy living and helping him to develop a positive attitude towards health. Education should also help the child to develop health conscience and respect towards his or her own health. MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT In this fast changing world, good mental health is a must to cope with the changing lifestyle and societal needs, Education should train the child by giving adequate opportunities for mental and emotional development. Now-a-days, lot of rescarch is taking place to gather more information regarding the role of emotional development on education and life. Rescarch studies conducted by Holman in 1998 shows that motional development is very important for attaining success in life, His study reveals that more individuals with higher intelligence quotient and lower emotional quotient have failed to reach higher positions in life corresponding to their 1Q when compared to individuals with normal 1Q and high EQ have managed to reach higher position which usually demands a very high IQ and leading a very satisfied and happy life. Based on his study, Holman suggested that instead of IQ, EQ should be considered as the parameter of achievements in life. According to him, placing challenges in front of a person with lowcr EQ is just like serving a delicious diet to a person who is not having the appetite. Of course, more research is needed before replacing IQ with EQ. recent studies shows that emotional development is essential to conduct proper self-appraisal, control unhealthy emotions, develop an aim in life, attain emotions maturity, ete. in fact, emotional development is must for leading a happy and content life. It is earnestly hoped that this aim will receive more attention in the coming years. SELF-REALIZATION AIM What we arc is God"s gift to us and what we become is our gift to God. Child is born with tremendous potentials and education should help the child to become what he has to become by assisting to realize his potentials and then equipping him to utilize the identified to the maximum extent possible. Self-realization also helps the child to realize his strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats so that he can exert a good control over his life by strengthening the weakness. THE SPIRITUAL AIM The idealist thinkers have opined that the spiritual development of an individual should be the supreme aim of education. Vivekananda and Gandhi both have attached great importance to spiritual values in education. THE LEISURE AIM “Free and unoccupied time” of an individual is generally known as leisure. It is that time which is utilized for enjoyment and recreation. It is also part of human life. Itis a time when we can use it in a creative way. During leisure we can pursue an activity for own sake and not for earning a living, which is dull and monotonous. During leisure we can also regain our lost energy and enthusiasm. Leisure can make our life dynamic and charming. Artistic, moral and aesthetic developments can be inspired through the beneficial use of leisure time. Children should be educated to use their leisure time usefully and creatively. INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING: Education is a universal process and it helps in creating universal understanding. The process we achieved in the field of education is the result of the combined effort of people from different countries, the scholars of all periods, the followers of all religions and members of all the races. Education is the common heritage of mankind and it is not an exclusive property of any particular nation, race or community. All educationalists, irrespective of their caste, color and creed worked devotedly towards the development of education. The man-made boundaries or restrictions cannot check the free flow of information and co-operation among educationalists. As the world has reduced to a global village due to advancements in the information technology, the aim of international understanding has conquered new dimensions, AIM OF EDUCATION IN INDIA Educational aims in India should be judged in relation to the lives of the Indian people. Indian civilization is one of the ancient civilizations of the world, AIMS OF EDUCATION IN ANCIENT INDIA ‘The aim of education in ancient India was the ultimate outcome of the Indian theory of knowledge and the corresponding scheme of life and values. People in ancient India were greatly impressed and affected by the fact of death as the central fact of life, Their one aim of life was to solve the problem of death by achieving knowledge of the whole truth of which life and death are arts and phases. The aim was not simply abstract and theoretical, There were practical and concrete aims too. The first was the acquisition of knowledge. This was evident in the Vedic period. Inculcation of social and civic duties in the minds of the students was also regarded as an important aim of education in those days. Education for occupation was another important aim. Character training and moral education was regarded as very important aim of ancient Indian education. AIMS OF EDUCATION IN MEDIEVAL INDIA During medieval age religion was the main guiding force in life and society. Medieval civilization centered round religion. The Muslim rulers of India generally took a keen interest in education, and many of them founded schools, colleges and libraries in various places in their kingdoms. The mosque was a center of instruction and of literary activity. Muslim education included those eternal teachings and values of the Quran and Haditha, which would promote moral and spiritual knowledge. Islamic education aimed at both physical and mental development of the students. Thus, it aimed at total development of personality of individual. AIMS OF EDUCATION IN BRITISH INDIA The British uprooted the indigenous system of education in India with definite intentions. The educational system established by the British was colonial in character. It was designed to prepare Indians only for taking certain subordinate positions in Government offices. It was not intended to develop among the people capacities to take leadership and initiative in different walks of life. The main educational objective can better be understood from the following declaration in the educational policy or Lord Bentinck (1835): “We want a class of persons Indian in blood and colour but English in tastes in opinion, in morals and intellect.” The Wood's Despatch declared almost the same policy. The aim of British education was to inculcate European knowledge in the minds of the Indians. AIMS OF EDUCATION IN INDEPENDENT INDIA After independence the Indian leaders realized the inherent defects in the system of education introduced by the British. Universalization of education was the need of the hour, Education must be linked with national development in all directions. With these national goals in view the Government in independent India set up different committees and commissions for educational reforms in the desired lines. These committees and commissions have formulated educational aims and objectives. INDIAN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION COMMISSION - 1948-49 Just after independence an education commission was set up to enquire into the various problems of education, particularly higher education, and to recommend proposals for its improvements. It is commonly known as Radhakrishnan Commission as Dr. Commission, 1948-49. This Commission has given many important recommendations regarding higher education. It has also formulated the aims of education of India. SECONDARY EDUCATION COMMISSION 1952-53 For reconstruction of Secondary Education, Secondary Education Commission was set up (1952-53) under the chairmanship of Dr. Lakshman Swami Mudaliar, a noted educationist and ex-Vice Chancellor of the Madras University. The Commission has made important recommendations for the reconstruction and development of secondary education in the country. The Commission formulated the following aims of Secondary Education after considering the dominant needs of India. These are - 1. Developing Democratic Citizenship - The adoption of the goals of democracy and socialism necessitate the development of habits, attitude and qualities of character, which will enable its citizens to bear worthily the responsibilities of democratic citizenship. Among these qualities, which are to be fostered through curricular and cocurricular activities in secondary schools, are: + The capacity for clear thinking (clearness in speech and writing); + The scientific attitude of mind; + Receptivity to new ideas; + Respect for the dignity and worth of every individual; * The ability to live harmoniously with one another + A.sense of true patriotism; and O A sense of world citizenship. 2, Development of Personality or Character - An important aim of democratic education is the all-round development of every individuals personality. This requires that education should take into account his entire needs- psychological, social, emotional, and practical and cater to all of them. It should provide in him the sources of creative energy so that he may be able to appreciate his cultural heritage, to cultivate tich interests, which he can pursue in his Icisure, and contribute in later life to the development of this heritage. Hence, education should be so organized that subjects like life, art, craft, music, dancing and the development of creative hobbies should find place of honour in the curriculum. 3. Development of leadership - Since the youth of today assume leadership in different walks of life tomorrow, special function of the secondary education is to train persons who will be able to assume the responsibility of leadership in social, political, industrial and cultural fields. To achieve success in this work, the qualities of justice, courage, discipline, tolerance, wisdom, sacrifice, initiative, understanding of social issues, civic as well as vocational efficiency should be developed in the young men and women of our country. 4. Vocational Efficiency - One of the urgent problems of the country was to improve productive efficiency and to increase the national wealth and thereby to raise the standard of living. In this respect the commission recommended fostering dignity of manual labour and promotion of work and technical skill for the advancement of industry and technology. 5. Initiating students to the Art of living — through education the child should learn the Art of living together in harmonious relationship with each other by developing interpersonal skills and adjustment abilities. Education should enable a person to acquire the necessary interpersonal skills and adjustment abilities for successful and happy living together in society. INDIAN EDUCATION COMMISSION (KOTHARI COMMISSION) 1964-66 In July 1964 the Government of India set up an Education Commission to overhaul and reconstruct the entire field of Indian education under the chairmanship of Dr. Daulat Singh Kothari, The Commission submitted its comprehensive report in July 1966. According to it education should aim at: + Increasing national productivity; + Achieving social and national integration; O Accelerating the process of modernization; * Cultivating social, moral and spiritual values. NATIONAL POLICY OF EDUCATION 1968 The Government of India after considering the Report of the Education Commission tried to formulate a national policy of education. With this report Parliamentary Committee on education was set up in 1967. This Committee approved the recommendations of the Education Commission and formulated a national policy of education in 1968. NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY -1968- CHALLENGE OF EDUCATION POLICY PERSPECTIVE ‘After seventeen years of experiment an attempt was made to evaluate the national education policy, 1968. In 1985 the Government of India published and circulated a White Paper entitled “Challenge of Education: Policy Perspective.” On the basis of these opinions and the evaluation of different Government agencies, The Government of India declared its new education policy under the title “National Policy on Education, 1986.” The NEP 1986 specified the following aims and objectives of our education — = Allround material and spiritual development of all people + Cultural Orientations and development of interest in Indian Culture * Scientific temper * National cohesion * Independence of mind and spirit + Furthering the goals of socialism, secularism and democracy + Man-power development for different levels of economy + Fostering research in all areas of development + Education for equality Education is a unique investment in the present and future. The nation as a whole is striving to attain the above-mentioned educational goals of our country, Each individual has to contribute his/her own mite for the good of the country. NURSING EDUCATION NURSING EDUCATION Nursing education is the professional education for the preparation of nurses to enable them to render professional nursing care to people of all ages, in all phases of health and illness, in a variety of settings. Need for nursing care is universal. Well qualified professional nurses are needed to take care of the nursing needs of people in any society. Nursing care is an important and integral aspect of health care. Nurses have an important role to play in identifying and meeting/solving the health and nursing needs/problems of people of all ages, in a variety of settings such as hospital, family, and commumity. S/he should teach principles of healthful living to people around and above all she has to be a model of health. The purpose of nursing education is therefore to produce well qualified and competent professional nurses to meet the nursing needs of the country. Nursing education brings changes in the behavior of student nurse so as to prepare her to play her roles effectively as an individual and as a good responsible citizen. AIMS OF NURSING EDUCATION Nursing education has its aims in common with the aims of education in general as well as its specific aims. The aims of nursing education are determined by such factors as health needs of the people in the socicty, needs of the student, philosophy of nursing, current trends in general education as well as professional education, current trends in nursing, needs of the time, advances in science and technology and so on. Some of the specific aims of nursing education are the following: 1. Knowledge Aim: Nursing education should impart scientific and up-to-date knowledge in the area of biological, behavioural, social, medical and nursing sciences. Nursing education at the same time should aim at inculeating the appropriate nursing skills and the right attitude in the students. Theoretical and practical knowledge is essential for rendering intelligent and efficient nursing services. Professional nursing practice is based on scientific and nursing principles, Any nursing education curriculum should have sufficient theory content and practical experience. 2. Leadership Aim: Nursing education should aim at the preparation of nurses as good leaders, Nurses are responsible for the quantity and quality of nursing care, They have to assess and monitor the quality of care. They have to participate in decision-making and policy-making with regard to health matters and allocation of resources of health development. They have to plan, organize and manage health care programmes in the community. They have to evaluate the quality and structure of health care services. They are to collaborate and coordinate the health care functions of the members of the health team. The nurse leaders are also responsible for effective nursing education, nursing education should, therefore, aim at identifying potential nursing leaders and facilitating their development. 3, Professional Development Aim: Nursing education should aim at the professional development of each individual nurse. She should be trained to keep up the ethies and standards of her profession. Each individual nurse should be educated in a manner so as to enable her to develop the appropriate skills and attitude essential for professional practice of her vocation. She should also in tum contribute for the growth and development of her profession. 4. Personality Development Aim: This is also an important aim of nursing education. Nursing education should contribute for the all-round development of the individual in all aspects. It should mould her character and help for the individual is personal as well as professional development. S/he should grow and develop as a person of selfawareness, sclf-direction and self-motivation. 5, Research Orientation: Ongoing rescarch is essential for the growth of the profession. Nursing education should prepare nurses who have inquisitive mind and approach and who can add to the body of nursing knowledge through participation in scientific BIBLIOGRAPHY investigations. 6. Democratic Citizenship: Nursing education should inculcate democratic values such as respect to individuality, equality, toleration, co-operative living and faith in change through persuasion. The murse also has to be a responsible and contributing citizen of the country. 1. Basavanthappa BT. Nursing Education. Jaypee Brothers; 2003. 2, Nerja K. Textbook of Nursing Education. Jaypee Brothers Publishers; 2003. 3, Gulani K-K, Kapoor Dr. Bimla. eGyanKosh: Education: Its Meaning, Concept, Aims and Philosophy [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan 28};Available from: 1643 4. NURSING EDUCATION IN INDIA [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan 28];Available from: hitp://! 5. MEANING, AIMS AND PROCESS OF EDUCATION [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan |;Available from: Material/16/Part]/ED/English/SM- pat CONCEPT AND MEANING OF EDUCATION [Internet]. [cited 2011 Jan 28]:Available from: hitp/ id=763

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