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Pension/Retirement Plans
Pension plans provide you with monthly allowances or a whole lump sum amounting to
your total contributions.
One of the most accessible pension plans in the Philippines is facilitated by the
Social Security System (SSS). This is considered as one of the easiest ways to
invest since SSS contributions are mandated by law, and are automatically deducted
from your salary.
Other institutions like banks and insurance companies also offer a variety of
pension plans.

The Personal Equity Retirement Account (PERA) has been fully implemented by law in
2016. According to financial analysts, this is the Filipino counterpart of the 401k
Contribution Plan or the Individual Retirement Account (IRA) in the United States.
PERA is a type of retirement investment plan that can only be availed through
banks, insurance companies, or any other administrator accredited by the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), the Insurance Commission, and the Securities and
Exchange Commission. PERA is a voluntary retirement contribution plan that gives
you the freedom to save and invest up to PhP100,000 annually. Also, the returns are
completely tax-free.
A few years ago, SSS launched a plan similar to PERA. They called it the SSS
Personal Equity and Savings Option (SSS PESO), which is also a voluntary
contribution plan exclusive to its members.

3. Insurance Plans
Another way to invest for your retirement is through insurance plans, wherein
contributions lead to compensations.

Aside from the financial protection it can provide your family after your death,
insurance plans can serve as your income source upon retirement. Insurance
companies have devised a variety of plans, some including critical illness coverage
(See Set For Health plan), to suit your every need. Some of them, like FWD Life
Insurance (FWD), have even devised a way to translate your contributions into
investments (See Set For Life and All Set plans), by letting you choose financial
funds that will help you make your money grow.

4. Financial Funds

Banks, insurance companies, and other institutions offer a variety of funds already
invested in a diverse set of industries. Bonds, stocks, and other investments can
be quite complicated. These institutions manage your money for you and enable you
to participate in these kinds of investments, without giving you any stress. Some
insurance companies, like FWD, even offer funds with returns in US dollars (See FWD
Fund Valuation) for more profit.

5. Real Estate
Owning a home or any property by the time you turn 50 or 60 is one of the main
goals of Filipinos, and for good reason. It�s an investment that makes sense,
especially if you can no longer rely on a monthly income for rent. The value of
your house or condominium unit appreciates as the years go by, especially if you
have chosen a good location. In addition, owning property that can eventually be
rented out can give you a source of income once you have retired.

Investments are always risky. This is the reason why there is no silver bullet or
magic wand in terms of finances. Analysts say that the key to long-term financial
security is to invest in more than one plan or a combination of any of the best
retirement savings plans. Contact your insurance agent or financial planner now to
start planning for your retirement.

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