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Cali hosts the World Salsa Festival with reported 44,000 attendees and scored of dancers, artists,
trRiners, enthusiasts and musicians that travel from across 7 countries for this 4-day event.

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Did you even visit Colombia if you missed out on this crazy Salsa feat in Cali?
Celebrated anmually in September in Cali, a South-western Colombian city
nestled in the Cauca Valley, is the World Salsa Festival in none other than the
Salsa Capital of the world. That's right! With over 200 academies, over 40 clubs
dedicated to salsa and various bars and places where Salsa kicks off as a nightly
ritual, Cali is world-famous for Salsa and nowhere in the world is Salsa
experienced as it is in this beautiful city! Trust us; you will be doing yourself a
great favor if you manage to make it to Cali to witness the city's fierce love for
the amazing Afro-Caribbean style of dance that has garnered love from all
across the globe. The city is famous for its own spin on the dance style: "salsa
caleña' that is a brilliant display of speed, unique choreography and colorful
costumes. Cali hosts the World Salsa Festival with reported 44,000 attendees
and scored of dancers, artists, trRiners, enthusiasts and musicians that travel
from across 7 countries for this 4-day event. The festival was inaugurated in
the year 2005 and since then has remained an essential part of the cultural
integrity and industry of the city as it attraets thousands of tourists, allows a
safe outlet to the marginalized communities, especially the youth to find their
salsa calling and save themselves from evils of homelessness, drugs and
prostitution. Besides the main start of the festival, the competition that draws
the best of the best salsa dancers in the world, the festival offers something
for everyone! Think you're a novice and can never shake a leg? Let the festival
prove you wrong! International guests and local salsa trainers from various
academies in the city will help you shake it off in no time with various workshops
and training camps! Enthusiasts can also become a part of fascinating discussions
exploring the roots of this fiery dance form with incredibly talented academics
and specialists. The rocking concerts display a mix of insanely talented musicians
from arund the globe to play the best classical salsa music there is! All this and
so much more prove why Cali is indeed the Salsa Capital of the world. Why not
head to Colombia and witness the glory yourself?

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