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Albert Einstein 

This is a picture of Albert Einstein winning the Nobel Prize in 1921, 


Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Wurttemberg, and died April 18, 
1955, in Princeton, New Jersey. He was a German-born physicist who developed the special 
and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his 
explanation of the p
​ hotoelectric effect​. Einstein is generally considered the most 
influential physicist of the 20th century. H
​ is work continues to help astronomers study 
everything from gravitational waves to Mercury's orbit. He came up with the famous E= 
mc^2. It is uncertain what is IQ is because when he was alive there were no "IQ tests" for 
him ta take, yet we know he is a genius.  


Albert didn’t have the best reputation as a student. He skipped class, and his professors 
never took him seriously. Not to mention, Albert never performed spectacularly in school. 
He did so poorly that he nearly decided to drop out, and just sell life insurance. After 
graduating, Albert had to work many odd jobs to sustain himself. Albert’s father died 
believing he was a complete failure. Einstein was absolutely heartbroken. Eventually, he 
found legitimate employment as a patent clerk. Every day, he would sit down, review 
patents, and analyze mathematical equations, and Einstein loved it! 

Family and Health 

He had to divorce his wife, and lose his children. He was also alone in his theoretical work, 
but only he remained convinced that his work was right. years into his research, Einstein 
became mentally and physically ill. The enormous amount of stress had really taken a toll 
on his health. He felt extremely exhausted and very unhappy. To make matters worse the 
second war to end all wars (World War II) has started and his years of research are put to a 
stop. Since Einstein was a Jew his life was at high risk as well. 


In conclusion, Albert Einstein and his unstoppable perseverance and an iron will eventually 
prove the scientific community wrong. His work revolutionized how scientist perceives 
space, time, gravity and light. He spent decades researching, defending his work, and 
proving the scientific community incorrectly. Einstein failed a lot and struggled a lot, but his 
story should remain us struggling is always part of us. 


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