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Unit Test: Problem B

Class Interval f C Xm f * Xm Xm^2

240 - 259 5 5 249.5 1247.5 62250.25
220 - 239 5 10 229.5 1147.5 52670.25
200 - 219 12 22 209.5 2514 43890.25
180 - 199 13 35 189.5 2463.5 35910.25
160 - 179 5 40 169.5 847.5 28730.25
140 - 159 10 50 149.5 1495 22350.25
Total: 50 162 1197 9715 245801.5

Mean: 194.3 Q1
Median: 180.7 Q3
Modal Class: 181.7222 (180-199) D1
Standard Deviation: 31.18346 D9
Variance: 972.4082 P10

Median: L 179.5
L + ((N/2 - cf)/f) * h f 50
cf 22
h 20
n/2 25

Mode: L 179.5
L+((fm-fm-1)/((fm-fm-1)+(fm-fm+1)))*w fm 13
fm-1 12
fm+1 5
w 20

Quartile: L
Qc=kn/4 k
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n
f * Xm^2 Class Inter f C Xm f * Xm Xm^2 f * Xm^2
311251.3 240 - 259 5 50 249.5 1247.5 62250.25 311251.3
263351.3 220 - 239 5 45 229.5 1147.5 52670.25 263351.3
526683 200 - 219 12 40 209.5 2514 43890.25 526683
466833.3 180 - 199 13 28 189.5 2463.5 35910.25 466833.3
143651.3 160 - 179 5 15 169.5 847.5 28730.25 143651.3
223502.5 140 - 159 10 10 149.5 1495 22350.25 223502.5
1935273 Total: 50 162 1197 9715 245801.5 1935273

Quartile: L (the class lower number minus 0.5)

Qc=kn/4 k (the nth of quartile)
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n (total frequency)
cfb (lower cummulative frequency)
fc (the class frequency)
i (class interval)

Quartile: L (the class lower number minus 0.5)

Qc=kn/4 k (the nth of quartile)
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n (total frequency)
cfb (lower cummulative frequency)
fc (the class frequency)
i (class interval)

Quartile: L (the class lower number minus 0.5)

Qc=kn/4 k (the nth of quartile)
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n (total frequency)
cfb (lower cummulative frequency)
fc (the class frequency)
i (class interval)

(the class lower number minus 0.5)

(the nth of quartile)
(total frequency)
(lower cummulative frequency)
(the class frequency)
(class interval)
ber minus 0.5) Quartile: L (the class lower number minus 0.5)
Qc=kn/4 k (the nth of quartile)
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n (total frequency)
cfb (lower cummulative frequency)
fc (the class frequency)
i (class interval)

ber minus 0.5) Quartile: L (the class lower number minus 0.5)
Qc=kn/4 k (the nth of quartile)
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n (total frequency)
cfb (lower cummulative frequency)
fc (the class frequency)
i (class interval)

ber minus 0.5) Quartile: L (the class lower number minus 0.5)
Qc=kn/4 k (the nth of quartile)
Qn= L+((((k*n)/4)-cfb)/(fc))*i n (total frequency)
cfb (lower cummulative frequency)
fc (the class frequency)
i (class interval)
lower number minus 0.5)

mmulative frequency)

lower number minus 0.5)

mmulative frequency)

lower number minus 0.5)

mmulative frequency)

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