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Vocabulary List Ticket to Berlin: Episode 18 - Berlin (2)

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Rikscha, -s (f.) - a carriage with two wheels for Personenbeförderun g, of from one
People, mostly on bicycles, are pulled

Ostel - s (n.) - a certain s Hostel in Berlin with → furnishing admissions s from the
former GDR (formed from: Ost + Hostel)

Sausage, -würs te (f.) - a fried or deep fried sausage, which with hot sauce and
Curry powder is eaten d

Hug, -en (f.) - a gesture in one the arms around someone puts and it to be

World Clock, -e n (f.) - here: a very large clock on Alexanderplat eg in Berlin, on the one
can see the current times in different time zones

little miss s - something not create; not achieve something

End station, -en - the last stop on a certain route; the goal

Mensa, -s / -e n (f.) - a kind of simple restaurant, which to a university belongs

a decision is made - a decision is imminent / will be made

Projection, projections (m., Mostly in the singular) - the distance that someone someone
is ahead of other things

huge - colloquial for: very large

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Final Score - the result at the end of a game; the final result
come to something - here: have / received something in total

Limousine, -n (f.) - here: a long, luxurious vehicle with a large seating area for

the passengers
Airfield, -plätz e (. M) - a place on the planes start and land; a little one

Flight, -flüg e (m.) - a tour with a helicopter rotor r or an aircraft, mostly

about a city where you end up where you left


submerge n - here: disappear ; not because his

MPs - n (m./f.) - of / elected representatives / i n the people in a parliament

Berlin bear, -en ( middle ) - a figure; the heraldic animal of Berlin and a → landmark of

chill (from the English) - umgangssprachlic h for: to recover

something to climb - the highest point of something with great effort to reach

Raft, rafts (n.) - a kind of flat boat, which often made together bound n logs
is built

gawk - look at someone or something for a long time / stare n (negative)

Gas lantern, -n (f.) - a lamp, the gas operated is

shine - blink; sparkle

Helicopter, - (m.) - an aircraft with a propeller on top

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KaDeWe (n., Only in the singular) - Abbreviation for: Kaufhaus des Westens; a big

Department store in Berlin

City monkey, - n (m.) - roughly: someone with a monkey (unnatural , vain) demeanor,
who lives in a big city; the title of an album by the musician Peter Fox

cross - go over something ; from one side of something (e.g. a river

or one street) go to the other

popularly known - as it in popular terms is

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