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Name_____________________________________________________________ Sec.

Part 1.

1. Use the following terms to fill in the labels in the illustration below.

Terms: Anterior chamber, Optic nerve, Choroid, Posterior chamber, Ciliary body,
Pupil, Cornea, Retina, Iris, Sclera, Lens, Vitreous cavity, Optic

a._________________________________________________________ h._________________________________________________________
b._________________________________________________________ i._________________________________________________________
c._________________________________________________________ j._________________________________________________________
d._________________________________________________________ k._________________________________________________________
e._________________________________________________________ l._________________________________________________________
f._________________________________________________________ m._________________________________________________________

2. Identify the
cranial nerves that are
responsible for the following
eye functions.
Eye Function Cranial Nerve
Eyelid movement
Pupil constriction
Pupil dilation
Visual acuity

3. Identify the causes of the following assessment findings of the eye that are
associated with aging.

Assessment Finding Cause

Arcus senilis
Yellowish sclera
Dry, irritated eyes
Decreased pupil size
Changes in color percept

4. Describe what is meant by the finding that the patient has a visual acuity of OD:
20/40; OS: 20/50.
5. Identify the assessment techniques used to obtain the following assessment data
Assessment Data Assessment Technique
Peripheral vision field
Extraocular muscle
Near visual acuity
Visual acuity
Intraocular pressure

Part II. Case studies

1. Betsy Waters, an 82-year-old patient, had right-eye cataract surgery and implant of an
intraocular lens. The nurse provides discharge instructions; special wraparound
sunglasses; a padded, metal eye protector for bedtime; and a prescribed antibiotic,
corticosteroid, and NSAID eye drops.

a. What discharge instructions should the nurse provide?

b. What instructions should the nurse provide on applying eye drops?

2. A.G., a 58-year-old African American woman, was seen in her ophthalmologist’s office for
a routine eye examination. Her last examination was 5 years ago.

Subjective Data
• Has no current ocular complaints
• Has not kept annually scheduled examinations because her eyes have not bothered her
• Takes metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor) for hypertension
• Has a family history of glaucoma
• Uses over-the-counter diphenhydramine (Benadryl) for her seasonal allergies

Objective Data
• BP: 130/78 • HR: 72 bpm Ophthalmic Examination
• Visual acuity: OD 20/20, OS 20/20
• Intraocular pressure: OD 25, OS 28; by Tono-Pen tonometry
• Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy: small, scattered retinal hemorrhages; optic discs
appear normal with no cupping
• Visual field perimetry: early glaucomatous changes, OU Collaborative Care The health
care provider prescribes betaxolol (Betoptic) gtt 1 OU. The nurse instructs A.G. on the
reasons for the drug and how to do punctal occlusion.
a. Why should A.G. have been seeing an ophthalmologist on a yearly basis even though
she had no ocular complaints?

b. What should the nurse teach A.G. about administering the eyedrops?

c. Why is it permissible for A.G. to use her antihistamine? What would the nurse have
told her if gonioscopy had revealed angle-closure glaucoma?

d. Will A.G. be able to discontinue her eyedrops once her intraocular pressures are
within the normal range? Explain your answer.

e. If topical therapy does not control A.G.’s intraocular pressures, what should she be
told about alternative therapies?

f. Describe the probable appearance of A.G.’s optic discs in the future if her glaucoma
is left untreated. What would her visual complaints be?

g. Priority Decision: Based on the assessment data presented, what are the priority
nursing diagnoses? Are there any collaborative problems?

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