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Good morning everyone i will be presenting the genogram of the

patient’s family

Genogram -refers to a diagram illustrating a person’s family

members, how they are related and their medical history.

Paternal side
According to the father of the patient, the patient’s grandfather was died
because of stabbing incident while he was on duty to his work. On the
other hand the grandmother of the patient was also died, their family was
unsure the cause of death. The father of the patient is the eldest of 11
siblings. He has hypertension, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of his siblings are alive
but he was not able to state each of their condition because they are in
different place. The 6th sibling was died due to car accident at the age of
18. 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th siblings were also alive, he was never known their
each condition and lastly, the youngest was died due to hypertension at
the age of 48.

According to the father of the patient all of his siblings and his parents
are in good mental health.

Maternal side

According to the mother of the patient, the patient’s grandfather was died
at the age of 87 unknown cause of death. Her grandmother was died also
at the age of 95. The mother of the patients states that her mother was
died because she is too old. Patient’s mother has also 11 siblings. Her
mother is the second eldest, she is 72 years old a senior citizen and she
has hypertension. Her eldest brother, for almost 19 years of being kidney
transplanted was surviving but at the age of 52 was died. The 3 rd was still
alive, she is also unsure the condition. 4 th, 5th, 6th siblings are having
hypertension.7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th sibling are also alive. She did not also
know their each condition. And the youngest was died at the age of 38
because he was killed by his own worker.

According to the mother of the patient all of her siblings and her parents
are in good mental health.

Patient has 6 siblings she is the second eldest she has mental illness, 1 st
and 3rd sibling are still alive they are in good health as verbalized by their
mother. The 4th was died at the age of 48 due to mild stroke on the other
hand the 5th was also died at the age of 4 days cause by infantile beri-beri
and lastly the youngest is still alive ,she is an ofw in dubai.

According to the mother and the father of the patient only mj has a
mental illness in their family. However on the father side of the patient
he mentions that they have a long distant relative/cousin had a condition.
And he verbalized “murag special child bitaw maam”

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