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Quick Tip
You are meeting someone for the first time, and you want to make a great firs
In my opinion, clothing has an important role on me and others. Because the
clothes show your image, they must always be clean and arranged, according to
the event, people make an impression on you how you are dressed. I would
dressed in something light and simple, model, neat, and I do not want to stand
In terms of body language, of course some people may have emotion for the first
time, but I think, that person will appreciate your sincerity and how you really
Eye contact- the person receives 80% information trought eye contact. The fact
that we don’t look trought other different parts, our attencion will be fixed on
the interlocutor will create the impresion that we interesting to him.
The handshake showed the connection or interaction beween two people.
And finaly, the insterest, when you are interested about that perso, you listen to
him, ask him various questions and interect with him, abviosly shows that you
are interesting with him.
Ex1. A complete the following exerciseson verb tenses
My name is Adam. Last week, my teacher made a presentation on symbols of
the United Kingdom. Mrs Baratu often. Describes others cultures for us.
Are you aware of the school system in United States. When I hear about it, I
didn’t think that there. Was so much of a difference between our educational
systems. What classes will you take next year? Yesterday, Felicia told me that
she will not to university next September. She wants to go to art college.

Execute- Scripniciuc Alexandra 1Tap-31

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