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Ex:3 Describe the incident and explain

1. What is the conflict in the story? How is it resolved?

Two of younger men in town, Guy Hodge and Ralph Barnhill, decided to
play a joke on Ray Buffin. Their plan was to ask a girl in town to send
Ray a love letter without signing it; and then somebody else was to take
the letter out of his hand and read it aloud for everybody to hear. The
moment Guy and Ralph understood what had happened, they ran after
him trying to stop him.
2. What are the time and the setting of the story?
The time and the setting of the story was afternoon, after watching Ray
Buffin waiting for a letter at the post-office.
3. Why do you think the author named the town Stillwater?
in my opinion the author named this city for the reason of his life, it's like
calm water,without any fuss, but sometimes the calm waters also have
storms, and the storm was that conflict or even the girl.

4. If you had found yourself in a situation similar to the one faced by the
main characters would you have reacted in the same way?
if I were in a similar situation, I would be confused, but but I wouldn't
react the same way, maybe I'd still be a little happy….
Ex:4 Tell whether the following statements are true or false, and give
evidence from the story to support your answers:
1. Ray didn’t like to receive mail.- False
2. Ray made a living delivering mail bags full of letters, magazines and
newspapers. - False
3. Grace was a very young pretty girl.- True
4. Guy and Ralph wanted to send Ray a letter signed by a girl. -True
5. Ray didn’t receive any answer to his letter that he had written many
years ago. -False
6. The joke had an unexpected happy ending.- True
Ex:7 Match each character with adjectives describing their character
traits. Support your answers with facts and examples fromthe story.
Guy and Ralph-jocular, humorous ,naive, sly, inventive, reckless, adventurous
Ray- faithful, sentimental, lovable,timid, patient, honest, proud, thoughtful
Grace- attractive, reliable, loyal

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