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Nama : Reynaldi Fathurohman

Weekly test 8&9


*Pola Bersamaan

Long term

1.Everynight Roni sleeps, while he sleep walking

2.Everyday Ahmad ride bycicle, when he goes to class

3.Next week Roni will run in field, while he listens music

Short Term

1.Diva is singing, while Ika is dancing

2.Yesterday Ahmad was singing, when Rala was eating noodle

3.Danang is eating, while Diva washing dishes

*Pola Berpotongan

Tanpa Durasi

1.when Ahmad comes, usually Roni sleeping

2.when Ahmad studying, Roni Calls him

3.when Rala sleeping, Roni waking up him


1.While Diva throwing up, ika has been singing for 3 minutes

2.After Danang has been sleeping for 5 minutes, The alarm rings

3.When Ahmad has been waiting for 2 hours , Roni Comes

* Pola Beruntun

Tanpa Jeda

1.Everytime Roni meets Ika, he always happy

2.Before Rala eats food, he always angry

3.when Roni sings, he always sad


1.when Ahmad has taken a bath, he always goes shopping

2.After Ahmad woken up from bed, he goes to class

3.When Roni had eaten, he played football


1.After Ika had been waiting for 3 hours, finally Diva came

2.when Ahmad had been cooking for 1 hours, he gets sneezed

3.While Rala has been sleeping for 30 minutes, he wakes up

Peringkasan K2K

1.They are listening to the music, while they are reading books

Abr : They are listening to the music, while reading books

Red : Reading books, they are listening to the music

2.Fadel Ran away, after he circumized by a doctor

Abr : Fadel ran away, after circumized by a doctor

Red : Circumized by a doctor, Fadel ran away

3.Before Romi studies grammar, she always prepares

Abr : Before studying, she always prepares

Red : studying, she always preapares

4.Diva is cooking, she is holding spatula

Abr : while cooking, she is holding spatula

Red : Cooking, she is holding spatula

5.after ahmad has taken a bath, he always hangout

Abr : after having taken a bath, he always hangout

Red : having taken a bath, he always hangout

6.After she has graduataed, she will get a job

Abr : after having graduated, she will get a job

Red : having graduated, she will get a job

7.Ahmad goes to bed after he has taken a bath

Abr : after having taken a bath, ahmad goes to bed

Red : having taken a bath, ahmad goes to bed

8.after fadel had finished breakfast, he went for a wakl

Abr : after having finished breakfast, he went for a walk

Red : having finished breakfast, he went for a walk

9.when i went up stairs in the midnight, i saw the moon

Abr : when going up stairs in the midnight, i saw the moon

Red : going up stairs in the midnight, i saw the moom

10.when he rode a horse, he felling down

Abr : when riding a horse, he felling down

Red : riding a horse, he felling down

Adjective Clause

1.Romi who plays /game is happy

2.ahmad who is arrogant boy is ugly

3.the boy who is the player football is smart

4.Rala who asked the money was calling his father sister who is nurse is very kind brother who is studies is cute

7.Aldi whom is kind is smart boy

8.aldi who is handsome boy is very sholeh

9.the phone which is white is mine

10. aldi whom is rich man is handsome

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