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 IMMEDIATE  RELEASE                                                                                                                                                                CONTACT:    Todd  Mitchell  

February  17,  2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                    202-­‐225-­‐5361    


WASHINGTON, DC — Congressman Leonard Lance joined pancreatic activists
yesterday to announce the introduction of the “Pancreatic Cancer Research and
Education Act.” Lance and U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) unveiled the
legislation Wednesday at a Capitol Hill press conference.

Also in attendance were Lisa Swayze, wife of the late Patrick Swayze who died of
pancreatic cancer, Julie Fleishman, President of the Pancreatic Cancer Action
Network (PCAN) and New Jersey PCAN activists Michael Weinstein and Todd

"Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths. It is a disease

without any cure or means of early detection,” Lance said. "The Pancreatic
Cancer Research and Education Act seeks to bring a greater focus on this disease
while giving researchers the tools and resources they need to develop treatments
and hopefully cures for pancreatic cancer patients."

The Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Act will establish a national Pancreatic Cancer Initiative, creating a strategic plan
for targeting the disease and giving NCI the tools it needs for earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and hope for a cure. Lance is
introducing the bill along with Sen. Whitehouse and fellow House colleague and pancreatic cancer champion Rep. Anna Eshoo

“We are extremely excited that Representative Lance got involved with the Pancreatic Cancer Research and Education Act,”
said Cohen who serves as New Jersey’s PCAN media representative. “This disease took the life of my father, and many of my
friends have battled it as well. It is good to see others that are suffering from this disease have a light at the end of the tunnel.”

During the press conference Lance praised Millburn (NJ) resident Michael Weinstein. As a pancreatic cancer survivor Michael
has not only survived but thrived for nearly five years devoting much of his energy to the New Jersey chapter of the Pancreatic
Cancer Action Network.

“Because of people like Michael Weinstein and Todd Cohen and thousands of others it imperative that Congress work in a
bipartisan, bicameral fashion on reducing the mortality rate for pancreatic cancer,” Lance concluded.

Rep. Lance is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee responsible for legislation affecting
Medicare, Medicaid, the National Institutes of Health, health-based environmental laws, children's health, biotechnology, and
food and drug safety.

EDITORS: Lance is pictured with New Jersey PCAN media representative and Edison (NJ) resident Todd Cohen. Email if you would like a high-resolution photo of Messrs. Lance and Cohen.

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