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1. Tell me about yourself/How will you describe yourself ?

My name Merri Tarigas, accounting graduate from Duta Wacana Christian

University. Im 20 years old, I like new things, challenges, and traveling.

2. How did you hear about this position?

Cause im a fresh graduate, I have no problem in this position because this
position is suitable for my college major.

3. Why do you want to work at this company?

because this is one big company and famous.

4. Why do you want this job?

Because this company offers my major. another reason, because im a fresh
graduate, i want to get my first job and work experience.

5. Why should we hire you?

you can see from my cv, my skills and my experience is good enough for this

6. What are your greatest strengths? (Apa kekuatan terbesar Anda?)

I'm not afraid to failed.

7. What do you consider to be your weaknesses? (Apa yang Anda anggap

sebagai kelemahan Anda?)
feeling of disappointment

8. What is your greatest professional achievement? (Apa pencapaian

profesional terbesar Anda?)
I don't think I have that yet, I'm still a fresh graduate.

9. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you
dealt with it. (Ceritakan tentang tantangan atau konflik yang Anda
hadapi di tempat kerja, dan cara Anda menghadapinya.)
when I was in college, I was once on the committee, in there I got a bad
partner, she doesn't seem to like me, maybe for a newly formed committee we
should be getting close to each other, but she didn't do it, even after a few
times I tried to be friendly because she is my senior. His attitude was clearly
different between me and the other committee members, he is friendly to the
other members. understanding that, I'm just trying to be calm, and focus on
what my job in the division..

10. Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership skills. (Ceritakan tentang
saat Anda menunjukkan keterampilan kepemimpinan.)

11. What’s a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work? (Kapan
Anda tidak setuju dengan keputusan yang dibuat di tempat kerja)

12. Tell me about a time you made a mistake.( Ceritakan tentang saat Anda
membuat kesalahan)

13. Tell me about a time you failed. (Ceritakan tentang saat Anda gagal)

14. Why are you leaving your current job? (Mengapa Anda meninggalkan
pekerjaan Anda saat ini?)

15. Why was there a gap in your employment? (Mengapa ada celah dalam
pekerjaan Anda?)

16. Can you explain why you changed career paths? (Bisakah Anda menjelaskan
mengapa Anda mengubah jalur karier?)

17. What’s your preferred salary? (Berapa gaji pilihan Anda?)

18. What do you like least about your life? (Apa yang paling Anda sukai dari
hidup Anda?)
Free and relations

19. What are you looking for in this position? (Apa yang Anda cari dalam
posisi ini?)
20. What type of work environment do you prefer? (Jenis lingkungan kerja
apa yang Anda sukai?)
friendly and on time, and on schedule

21. What’s your management style? (Apa gaya manajemen Anda?)

22. How would others describe you? (Bagaimana orang lain

mendeskripsikan Anda?)
kind, easy going, friendly but ignorant to some people.

23. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? (Bagaimana Anda
menghadapi tekanan atau situasi stres?)
Traveling, listening music, watching music video of kpop and watching anime

24. What do you like to do outside of work? (Apa yang Anda suka lakukan
di luar pekerjaan?)
reading wattpad
25. Are you planning on having children? Explain your answer. (Apakah
Anda berencana memiliki anak? Jelaskan jawabanmu.)
Not yet, im still young

26. How do you prioritize your work? (Bagaimana Anda memprioritaskan

pekerjaan Anda?)
Attention to schedules and responsibilities

27. What are you passionate about? (apa yang membuat anda tertarik?)
something new

28. What motivates you? (Apa yang memotivasi Anda?)

my parents and my many wishes

29. What are your pet peeves? (Apa hewan kesayanganmu?)

30. How do you like to be managed? (Bagaimana Anda ingin dikelola?)

31. Where do you see yourself in five years? (Di mana Anda melihat diri
Anda dalam lima tahun?)
you are more beautiful and mature

32. What’s your dream job? (apa mimpi pekerjaan mu)

become a professional director and editor.

33. What other companies are you interviewing with? (Perusahaan apa lagi yang
Anda wawancarai?)

34. What makes you unique? (apa yang membuat mu unik)

35. What should i know that’s not on your resume? (Apa yang harus saya ketahui
yang tidak ada di resume Anda)

36. What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role? (Seperti apa
30, 60, atau 90 hari pertama Anda dalam peran ini?)

37. What do you think we could do better or differently? (Menurut Anda apa yang
bisa kami lakukan dengan lebih baik atau berbeda?)

38. When can you start? (kapan kamu bisa mulai)

39. Are you willing to relocate? (Apakah Anda bersedia untuk pindah?)
yes, while I am not married I am ready
40. Is there anything else you’d like us to know (Apakah ada hal lain yang Anda
ingin kami ketahui)
I don’t have a boy friend
Merri Tarigas
Jl. Perumnas, Gg. Kapuas 1, No A9, Condong Catur.
Mobile: 0895324717217 Email:

Personal Profile Statement

An accounting graduate, ready to work in accounting with confidence able to use exel as
an application to compile a financial report, and can be trusted to be able to work with
consistency in the implementation of duties and responsibilities.


Maniamas Senior High School - Social Sciences – Graduates 2018

West Borneo, Kab. Landak, Ngabang
• became a member of the student council in high school
• active in every school event
• occupied 2st highest exam score, majoring in social studies in sociology

Duta Wacana Christian University – Accounting - 2018

DI Yogyakarta, Sleman
• become a member of the committee of the event division, accounting weekend
• become a member of the committee of the Public Relations division
• Join the members of BEM-FB, the research and innovation division

• Microsoft Excel
• Data entry
• Data analytics
• Enterprise resource planning software
• Verbal and writing skills
• Commitment to deadlines
• Problem solving
• Risk and compliance
• Time management
• 5Positive attitude
Hobbie and Interest
I like listening to music and also reading fiction books, if I have spare time I like to visit
the open air and spend time with my friends.

Licenses/ Certifications
• Socialization of The Dangers of Narcotics
• HIV / AIDS Socialization
• Health Seminar
• Socialization of Indonesian Cultural Differences
• CAREER TALK 2020 “Be Ready for New Economic in New Era”
• Peel Through The Effective Personal Annual Tax Return Reporting Seminar
Merri Tarigas
Yogyakarta, Sleman, Depok
Condong Catur, Gg Kapuas 1, No A9, 55283
(+61) 895-3247-1721-7

Maret 05, 2021

Accounting Officer
Jakarta Jaya

To Whoam It May Concern

I am reaching out to you regarding the posting for the Stock opname position i found on I have a great interest in this position and would appreciate your
consideration as a candidate for the role.
I am a fresh graduate who has no work experience. I had organizational experience when
I was in college, was a BEM member, committee member, and actively participated in other
forums. With the soft skills that I already have and I have honed in every organization that I
participate in, I believe I can work well.
I am a person who is afraid that if my workers make mistakes, making me a more careful
person at work, doing repeated checks before I finally believe that my work is error free. I am
often a perfectionist in the work I do, making my job better and better than before.
I am able to work with a commitment to deadlines. Thinking back to my experiences in the
organization and also experiences during the assignment in college, I tend to finish my assignments
before the deadline ends, I avoid bad possibilities if my work is not completed on time, therefore
when I have a loose schedule, I tend to finish my job 3 or 2 days before the deadline ends. however,
if my work is related to an activity in complicated preparation, I will finish my work at least 1
week before the deadline ends.
I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the
next steps in the hiring process. If you have any questions or need any additional information,
please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Merri Tarigas

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