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Accordingly, what is the fifth macro skills in English?

Viewing is the fifth macro-skill today. It refers to perceiving, examining, interpreting, and

construction meaning from visual images and is crucial to improving comprehension of print and
nonprint materials [3]. This is the skill to be taught as the learners are exposed on multimedia.

Also, what are the 5 language skills? categorize language learning into five different skill
areas: reading, listening, speaking, writing, and cultural awareness (this last one is relatively new).
All of these skills are interrelated, but they can develop and different rates.

Furthermore, what are the macro skills in English?

Macro skills refer to the primary, key, main, and largest skill set relative to a particular context. It is
commonly referred to in English language. The four macro skills are reading, listening, writing, and

What is the importance of macro skills?

Learning and consistently seeking to improve these macro skills are important for effective
communication and to be successful in many different perspectives. Ideas, emotions, opinions and
feelings need to be conveyed in different manners and in a variety of ways.

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