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Cognitive and metacognitive factors.

1.) Learning is more effective if it is intentional, the students are willing and intended
to learn, physically, psychologically and mentally ready
2.) Goal setting, learning is more effective when there is a goal
3.) Connecting new knowledge to what you already know
4.) As you go to a higher level it will be more challenging for you therefore you
should think of a new strategies that will help you cope up with the challenges.
5.) Do not expect that everything will be provided by the teacher you have to think
on your own be creative and think critically.
6.) How good you are in studying it also depends on your environment
Motivational and affective factors

7.) Learning also depends on how you think and what you feel. In order to learn you
need to think positively and motivated.
8.) You are willing to explore the subject not just because of prizes or any reward
that you will gain from it. Instead you are studying because you are interested
you are well aware of the level of difficulties in studying it and you want to learn it
all starts in yourself.
9.) The higher motivations the greater effort applied.

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