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Amelia Vega (SMP Methodist)

Human rights enforcement in Indonesia.

Ladies and gentlemen,

What makes us, human, different with other creations? The most precious gift that a human
has is human right, which affects the existence of our life; since the day we were born until the
very last breath that we breathe. We should also remember that nobody may take away this
fundamental right from us; not the government, not our colleagues, and not even our parents.

Good afternoon, the honorable juries and beloved audience. My name is Amelia vega. I’m
from Methodist junior high school and I’m proudly like to call myself as a warrior of human
rights because on this lovely opportunity I’m standing here now would like to share the
implementation of human right for all of us here through my speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll begin with a question; what is actually human rights? In a simple
definition, it’s the a basic rights for all human to do and to obtain everything related to the
fulfillment of the needs of the life without any prohibition. We are free to choose how we live
our life. We have rights to live, to care, to be loved, build a family, to socialize and to give
opinions; those are the essence of human rights.

There are so many people around the world who support the human rights enforcement to
decrease the number of criminality. Considering that, how can we just sit and wait and do
nothing while they are fighting and struggling for human rights for the sake of humanity? Let us
put ourselves into a condition when we are not being treated well by the other people. How
would we feel about it? There are still bullying cases that happened in front of our eyes, perhaps
in our working office, campus, or in our school, and ironically, maybe we just stayed still and
watched it happen while thinking, “Ah, as long as I safe then I don’t care”.

Ladies and gentlemen,

As human, we have thoughts, hands, and the capability to stop the human rights violations
that are still happening surround us. We have mouths to speak the truth out loud, to encourage
the victims of the raping, bombing, or terrorism. We as human with souls and dignity, have a
hearts&minds of sincerity to help and to know the importance of helping those in need and in
standing up with them who are losing their security. Therefore, let us use our senses in our body
to at least encourage one life because in this digital era, one simple action; like posting our
humanity-contained videos or pictures on our social media accounts, can be viral cause they can
motivate others and they may continue the good things we did and then influence the community
and the community can influence a region and a region can influence all the whole country, and
eventually; the world. One action can change the mindset of human rights in our society.

ladies and gentlemen ,

What is the good impact of enforcing human rights in our country? By making the
implementation as a priority, we can accept and tolerate more about the gender equality but some
of us still can’t accept the fact that men and women should be treated equally without
discrimniation. We had previously proven that we are on the right track in building gender
equality by having the fifth president of Indonesia, Mrs.Megawati, as the first female who could
be the president of Indonesia. We have lots of great people who fought for human rights and
even lost their lives because of what they fighting for; Munir, Wiji Thukul, are some names who
died because of defending their and the others’ rights to live their lives peacefully.

There are still many heroes who are fighting for human rights. They struggle hard until this far.
They will be remembered and commemorated as the defenders of humanity; the warriors of

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m standing here with the courage I have as a junior high school student,
would like to invite all of us here to join me to become individuals who can be channels of
blessing and advantage for other people and to be the agent of change for the sake of our country
and for better future of Indonesia. Those will depend on how we act and react? Lets think and
contemplate about it carefull; what can we contribute with our hands? What can we do with our
talents, what can we give with our mouths. Every single thing is decided by ourselves. We can
start fixing and building our nation from small and simple things. A small thing is a small thing,
but faithfulness in a small thing is a great thing. Don’t let the fear rule over us. It might be
difficult but it is possible to be done. Maybe it’s a difficult task to do but if we do it together then
we can definetly overcome it! The decission is ours, ladies and gentlemen, if we make the right
choice then the result will be for our beloved country and for us ourselves.

That’s all of my speech and I’m sorry if I have made mistakes. Thank you and God bless you.

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