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Name : Jennifer


Honorable juries, the audience, ladies & gentlemen. My name is Jennifer from Methodist Junior High
School. Allow me to deliver my speech under the theme “ DEMOGRAPHY “.

What is demography? Demography word comes from Greek that consist “demos” word that means society,
citizen, or inhabitant. Demography itself means the statistical study of population, including of human
So, I want to ask you guys. Do you know what the main problem now related to our citizen is? Education
relates with poverty. Education & poverty are always connected. Let us imagine, if they don’t have much
money, they can’t get a qualified education. If we don’t have a qualified education, then we will be a poor
person without job and income, and it really gives a harm impact for us and for our nation. We know that
education covers the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people. That’s why our citizens need
education to help them to achieve their dreams.

Ladies & gentleman. Let us imagine, if all citizen really concern about education & than strive hard for it, I
believe we can build a greater Aceh and also build a better nation. But now the question is, how about if our
citizen can’t get a qualified education, even after they have worked hard for it because they are traped in
“POVERTY”? Poverty is a circumstance where there’s no ability to fulfil their basic needs, such as
education, place for stay, health, and food. Education gives knowledge and build character. If our society
can’t get a qualified education because they don’t have the financial ability support, then they won’t have
the opportunity to get a qualified education. Poverty must be eradicated or at least decreased so that our
country can develop better because education helps us to improve the quality of our lives.

In the present time, poverty has become the main attention for our government. Poverty problem connected
with education becomes a vital strength to compete with other countries. From time to time, to get more
qualified and prestigious education, people must pay an equal price while the poor aren’t capable for it. The
consequence is that their education & their knowledge are far from standard. Many children even can’t
continue their study because of poverty. There are some factors why poverty happens:
1) A low standard of education.
2) Traditional and conservative mindset.
3) Apathetic attitude to new things or change

These factors are worsened by some extrinsic aspects like:

1) Unequal number of population and the available working field. This makes unemployment
increasing and create more poor people.
2) Inequality of education. It makes greater gap between the high educated and low educated society
3) Corruption cases that still happen which directly influences the progress of our country’s education
system; like infrastructure and facilities.

If these things constantly occur, then some destructive effects may also grow higher in number and create
more damage for our country. Problems that need to be aware are:
1) Criminality
Criminality is the after effect of unemployment because they don’t have the capability to make
money to fulfil their needs. No more bail for them to take care their life, so, they take a shortcut like
robbing, stealling, or deceiving. They just have 2 choices; all duck or no dinner! Do criminal to eat
or do no criminal and they’ll starve.
2) Health
Clinic and hospital apply an expensive medicinal cost. So, they lost their right to get a health facility
when they get illnesses or diseases, because they don’t have any money to pay for it.

Based on the demography of our country, some solutions to lessen or decrease the poverty can be taken for
action. We, especially the government, may conduct things like:
1) Increase the working field
Unequal distribution of population and modernization makes lots of our society who don’t have a
qualified education became unemployment. So government must provide and open more working
fields that are evenly distributed in Indonesia to help them get a job
2) Make some useful programs to help decrease proverty, like increasing food distribution and
providing health service for poor people.

What I just explained is some possible and feasible alternatives to reduce the number of poverty. But to
make it more than just a theory, we must apply it wholeheartedly with a good intention to prosper our
society so poverty might be pushed down and our citizen can get a qualified education that bring benefit for
their future for the sake of our next generations.

I strongly believe, if we work hard, study hard, and always learn and learn from the past mistakes then we
can achieve success. Without hardwork and good education, then we are already failed in becoming a
reliable young generation and our existence for this beloved country would be a waste. It is not as easy as a
pie, but nothing is impossible if we work together, hand in hand, in building better nation. Always learn &
never give up!
That’s all of my speech. Please accept my appology if made any mistake. Thank you and God bless you.

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