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Dear <insert college name here>

Everyone is telling you why you should accept them and how amazing they are. But I thought I would
change it up. So this is why you shouldn’t accept me. (keep in mind I am writing this at 12 years old on

First of all, I get distracted very easily. So no matter what I’m learning there’s always gonna be a time
where I’m either day dreaming or doodling. On all my books and notebooks, even on my hand there’s
always gonna be little drawings and doodles. And in the process of getting distracted I also get bored
very often. If there’s nothing to do, then I’m ‘bout to explode.

Moreover, when someone is getting punished or yelled at, I can’t stop myself from yelling back or
standing up for the person getting yelled at, which can get me in a lot of trouble. I mean I got suspended
for 3 days in 6th grade because I stood up for my friend.

Thirdly, I rush everything, from editing a YouTube video to shooting the actual footage. I never take
my time in doing whatever it is that I’m doing. That’s just me, the word patience doesn’t exist in my

Growing up in Lebanon, you never know what to expect. I mean, there was a fire in October 2019, 3
days later we are in a revolution for over a year. Our economy fell apart before the pandemic and our
currency lost more than 80% of its value. I would say living in Lebanon at the time that I did affected my
personality in a lot of ways. That’s the reason why I don’t make plans/schedule nor stick to them and
leave everything to the last minute.

In addition, I fall asleep anywhere, I mean ANYWHERE no joke, if I told how many times I fell asleep in
6 grade alone, you’d lose count. And my future professors, sorry about my handwriting, grammar and
everything in between.

If you would ask any of my friends to describe me in one word, let me save you the time its: Crazy. I
mean I dyed my hair purple and blue in 2020, then I had to change it to black or I couldn’t go back to

Also, I talk a lot in class, ask any of my teachers. If we had a yearbook (I know but welcome to
Lebanon) I would be voted most likely to get their own talk show because I talk way too much.

Plus, I think I have a problem with commitments. I joined a basketball team, then quit. Derbake for 3
years then quit. Guitar for 2-3 years than quit. (I’m still learning from the internet tho) if it wasn’t for my
parents forcing me and my brothers in karate for the past 8 years, my older brother and I would’ve quit
a long time ago.

So, whoever is reading this essay, sorry for wasting your time and thank you for taking the time out of
your day to read this. I know, this isn’t what you would expect but if I was like everybody then how
would I stand out. I believe that everyone is unique and special in their own way.

Thank you again for your time.


Myriam Kassouf

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