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Two-player variant by Tom Pailletonne

✿ Each player chooses a fruit and takes the

corresponding dice, the third fruit is shared.
✿ Each round, shuffle all cards, then remove one.
✿ Place one card face up on the table.
✿ Deal 2 cards each and make stack of rest (12).
✿ Put the rotten fruit markers back in the box.
✿ Randomly set starting player, swap each round.
Play two rounds of the game:
✿ On your turn, place one card from your hand in
the common playing area using standard rules for
placement of cards and dice of all suits. Then draw
the top card from the common stack to complete
your hand with two cards.
✿ Take turns until the stack or all dice are used.
The second player gets the final move.
✿ Once the round is over, calculate the number of
points won by each player for the dice of their suit.
The player with the most points also scores half
of the points of the shared fruit (rounded down).
Reset the game for round two.
✿ Finally, add up the points from both rounds. The
player with the most points wins (tie = draw)!
Three-player variants by Adam Prentis
Family Fun
✿ Each player chooses a fruit and takes the
corresponding dice.
✿ Each game, take and shuffle 10 cards.
✿ Place one card face up on the table.
✿ Deal 2 cards each and make stack of rest (3).
✿ Put the rotten fruit markers back in the box.
✿ Randomly set starting player, swap each game.
✿ Use standard rules for placement of cards and
dice of all suits, playing until all cards or all dice are
used up.
✿ At the end of the game, count points. The player
with the fruit that has the most points wins (tie =
youngest player wins).

Horrid Harvest
✿ Exactly the same as the Family Fun variant, but
with different scoring. (Players choose the fruit
they do not like!)
✿ At the end of the game, count points. The player
with the fruit that has the least points wins (tie =
youngest player wins).

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