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StudentCam Rubric

5 - Advanced/Expert 4 - Accomplished 3 - Developing 2- Novice 5-4-3-2-1

Topic ● Covers topic in-depth w/ ● Covers topic somewhat in- ● Includes essential ● Information is lacking
Development effective support from depth w/ adequate information on the issue and needs more
and Connection research & interviews support from research & but needs further development
to Prompt ● Film clearly addresses the interviews development ● Does not address the
StudentCam Prompt ● Film adequately ● Does not consistently prompt
throughout addresses the address the prompt
StudentCam Prompt

Varying Points ● Film explores multiple points ● Film includes multiple ● Film includes some ● Film does not include
of View of view and takes an points of view and is multiple viewpoints but multiple perspectives
unbiased approach to the largely unbiased is somewhat biased and is clearly biased
topic or issue toward one side toward one side

Effective use of ● Effective use of B-Roll and ● Overall effective use of B- ● Somewhat effective use ● Film is lacking effective
B-Roll and relevant C-SPAN clips Roll and C-SPAN clips for of B-Roll and C-SPAN use of B-Roll and
relevant C-SPAN throughout the majority of the film clips but could use relevant C-SPAN clips
Clips ● Film is within required time more variety

Audio ● All narration sounds clear ● The majority of the ● Narration is clear and ● Narration is
and crisp. Music is narration sounds clear crisp in some parts of inconsistent and
appropriate throughout and crisp with few audio the film but is not inaudible in parts.
● All music used is licensed problems. consistent. ● Music is clearly
under either Creative ● Music is appropriate for ● Film uses some copyrighted or
Commons or in the Public the majority of the film. copyrighted music/or inappropriate
Domain isn’t appropriate

Effective Pacing ● Film moves at an effective ● Film moves at an effective ● The pacing is ● Pacing is too quick (or
& Tempo pace throughout making it pace for a majority of the somewhat effective but slow) thus making it
easy to follow the flow of film moves a little fast or too hard to follow the flow
ideas. slow in some parts of ideas.

Credits ● Includes credits for all music, ● Includes credits for most ● Includes credits for ● Does not include
B-Roll and C-SPAN clips music, B-Roll and C- some of the music, B- credits for any of the
SPAN clips Roll and C-SPAN clips music, B-Roll or C-
SPAN clips

Comments: creative b-roll- it’s cool you shot lots of your own b-roll. Interesting background on DC gentrification. GREAT job on the script- flows well. And GREAT job on the
narration! Impressed with how you weaved in your C-SPAN clips. One clips of b-roll through Georgia Ave goes on a little too long. Powerful conclusion. Just an amazing job!

Emma O, Andre P, Sephora D

Grade: 30/30

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