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Daniel Rodriguez
Nicolas Herrera
Santiago Mancera

English 4-5x


Qatar, an Asian country with enough technology and infrastructure, being a very attractive
and dreamed destination for young people wanting to know new cultures, this country will be
in charge of holding the 2022 World Cup, thus becoming the country with the most tourist
traffic during this year.

Picture 1: ​

Entry requirements:

● Electronic or machine readable passport valid for at least six months from the
date of entry to Qatar.
● Entry and exit ticket.
● Proof of accommodation
● Demonstrate sufficient funds for the stay.
● Polio Vaccine Certificate if arriving from Afghanistan or Pakistan
Picture 2: ​

What to bring?

To go on vacation to Qatar it is necessary to bring, apart from enough money to spend and a
good camera to take the best pictures, a variety of clothes for hot climates since in this
country it remains with quite high temperatures throughout the year that can reach 41.5
degrees Celsius in July and the lowest with 12 degrees Celsius in winter which is in January.

Picture 3:

Although its culture is similar to that of many other Arabian countries of the Persian Gulf, it
has great adapted variations after several of these countries migrated to Qatar, thus
adapting a new culture based on the mixture of all these what It produces that from one
country to another a cultural difference is noticed with its neighboring countries.
In Qatar they follow Sharia law as the foundation for their government and their main religion
is Sunism.

Picture 4: ​


There are three types of cabs in Qatar: Karwa, Uber and Careem. Uber and Careem can
only be hailed through their respective apps.
Karwa's iconic turquoise cabs can be hailed at cab stands, on the street or via the app.

as various transport , we have by hiring a limousine with driver , also like any city you can
rent a bike , in Doha we have the metro that was proposed for the Qatar world cup , in buses
you can move to every corner of Doha and you pay with a smart card .



Qatar hotels are prepared to accommodate an upper-middle class type of tourism.In Qatar
you can find budget accommodation in hostels, designed for travelers traveling on a smaller
budget and for whom a shared room and basic, yet quality services are sufficient.

The large hotels in the financial district or tourist areas.In addition, Qatar is a stopover on
many Qatar Airways routes. Stopovers in Doha can be from a few hours to a little more than
a day, so you can visit the city in a small three-hour tour or do it on your own. For these
stopovers, Qatar Airways itself offers the possibility to stay in a Doha hotel.



Despite its small size, and in addition to being the venue for the 2022 World Cup, Qatar is a
country that offers many attractions and adventures. Therefore, to plan our itinerary it is
essential to have a price reference guide in Qatar
To travel to Qatar we must take into account what time we are going, between searches we
have a trip from Colombia to 1237 dollars

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