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Emotional Freedom Tecnnique - EFT

This article is not a translation of Gary Craig's official EFT guide. It is written based
on my personal experience with EFT and expresses my personal opinion about this
system. (Dmitry).

In the early 1990s, American Dr. Callahan developed a problem-solving technique he called
Thought Field Therapy (TFT). Callahan said he discovered it while working with a patient
with severe hydrophobia. By clicking on different acupuncture points on the patient's body,
he found that the fear of hydration instantly and forever disappeared in an unknown

This discovery served as the starting point for the creation of the TFT system, which
developed over time into a very coherent and effective therapy, and gave birth to a whole
series of absolutely fantastic in their effectiveness tools for working with psychological
problems, some of which will be discussed below. Although Callahan claims to have
developed his technique independently, there is a clear predecessor (or parallel
development) of it, namely TFH (Touch For Health) by John Thie -
which takes us back to the work of George Goodheart, the "father" of modern kinesiology
(also known as "muscle testing"). However, this is completely unimportant - the only
important thing is that WE can now usefully extract from all this.

Energy therapy techniques are divided into two classes. The first is contact, that is, those
that provide for an acupressure effect on certain energy points on the human body to get rid
of problems, and non-contact, which work purely with the subconscious. Both have their
advantages. In this part, we will focus on contact techniques, and in the next - about
contactless, working directly with the subconscious. I highly recommend studying and
practicing both types of therapy, at least for experience and understanding of the processes.

In this part, special attention will be focused on a technique called the EFT - Emotional by
Freedom Technique ( Emotional Freedom Technique) developed by Gary Craig. The reason
that prompted him to develop the ETF is that Callahan's TFT was a very complex process,
where each type of problem had its own procedures, using a lot of muscle testing to get
answers from the subconscious. The training of TFT itself lasted several years and cost
about 100 thousand dollars, which made it problematic for widespread use. Gary decided to
simplify the TFT, and brilliantly coped with the task by developing the ETF, for which
progressive mankind should be grateful to him, since this made it possible for hundreds of
thousands of people to really solve their problems.

It is an extremely direct technique and can be easily learned without any philosophical or
other indoctrination. Children can learn to use it in a few minutes. Even animal lovers can
use it on their pets.

In short, the process looks like this:

In the process of recalling a traumatic experience or sensation, several times, one or two
fingers are lightly pressed on a series of points on the body, which are the end points of
energy paths.

In most cases, a single pass through all points significantly reduces negative emotions,
unless similar or stronger emotions emerge that lie deeper than the processed point in a
dormant state.

As stated above, there is no need for a "theory" behind this simple process - it just works.

For example, for many advanced professionals, Gary Craig's "statement of discovery" ("The
cause of all negative emotions is a disturbance in the body's energy system") is actually of
little importance.

By itself, this does not explain anything, since "any" problem can be viewed as a violation
of the "energy system". Moreover, assigning a "single cause" to any phenomenon in general
is a serious short-circuit in the mind.

Also, if “negative” emotions are “disturbances,” then what are “positive” emotions?

The scale of emotions is quite transparently based on the same physical manifestations, it
does not matter - subtle or not, perceived "positive" or "negative".

From the point of view of the provider of processing (i.e. the therapist working with the
client), pressing certain points of the case may have nothing to do with the energy system at
all. Some might argue that the core of EFT is what is known as the "duplication process"
and that tapping on the dots is simply a distraction strategy that prevents the mind from
building its usual barriers to prevent the person from seeing (and thus resolving) past
trauma. In other words, a person is given some kind of "occupation" in the process of
confronting a problem, which in itself can increase the ability to confront this very problem
to the point of its complete resolution.

Apart from theories, the "revelation statement" works very well for most people, slightly
shaking up widespread belief systems.

ETF can be safely applied independently, without any therapists, moreover, as will be
further discussed in subsequent posts, it can be applied contactlessly, remotely, and even on
animals or babies.

So EFT(Emotional Freedom Technique) is in some way a kind of acupressure, impact on

acupuncture points on the human body, or more precisely, it is a kind of "meridian therapy"
in which the points of "energy meridians" are influenced. In fact, it seems to me that the
work in the case of the ETF takes place at a much deeper level than just the body's energy
system, namely at the subconscious level, but for simplicity, let's agree with Gary Craig.

The founding tenet of EFTis the following: "The cause of all negative emotions is the
disruption of the normal functioning of the body's energy system." In the process of EFT
therapy, you concentrate on the problem (well, not so that you dive directly into it, you just
need to keep the problem in sight), after which, by acting on the meridians, you eliminate
the disturbances in the energy system for this particular problem, which automatically leads
to the disappearance of the problem itself. Problems. That is, the experience remains,
naturally, but the emotional charge and pain that could determine your whole life disappear.

EFT is used to treat everything from headaches to war syndrome and serious psychological
trauma from childhood. The author of the technique himself, Gary Craig, says - try EFT on
everything you can. It is generally believed that EFT can help 80% of the time immediately.
The remaining 20% require more detailed and persistent study. Phobias usually disappear
within minutes, as if they never existed ...

So, closer to the body, as they say.

Working with EFT consists of the following parts:

1. Clarification of the actual problem itself- getting the best description of it. Headache,
Stomach discomfort, right hand hurts, Chef is a brute and I hate him, these are all great
descriptions to work with. If you work with someone, always ask the person to describe the
problem on his own, do not invent it for him. The problem should be described by the
“recipient of the therapeutic service” himself

. 2. Evaluation of the subjective strength of the problem on a 10-point scale . Do not try
to compare with all the headaches that have been in life and find out how this particular
pain relates to them. Just at the moment, subjectively determine how much the problem
bothers you. If you are not able to correctly assess the severity of the problem on the "scale"
- just try to guess, or take "from the bulldozer"
3.Setup - this part of the process is aimed at suppressing the so-called "Psychological
reversal" - subconscious resistance to treatment. It is said to be present in 40% of cases. PR
is exactly the reason that does not allow you to get results from therapy, and this is not only
about psychotherapy. Unwillingness to solve the problem (naturally, subconscious) is the
main reason why any treatment does not work. Be it psychotherapy or classic pills.

So, during the setup process, we repeat the phrase "Even though __________________ I
deeply and completely love and accept myself" three times. In the blank space, write your
problem - for example, "Even despite this headache, I deeply and completely accept and
love myself." “Even though my boss is a brute and I hate him, I deeply and completely
accept, forgive and love myself,” etc. At the same time, we tap with the pads of our fingers
(I use three fingers at once) of one hand, the "Karate Point" on the other hand is that fleshy
part of the edge of the palm with which karatekas break bricks with shouts of

We tap perceptibly, but not painfully, all the while we repeat the setup phrase three times.
Alternatively, you can rub a place on the chest called the Sore Spot - there the sensitivity is
increased, you can find these points by pressing on the chest above the nipples somewhere
approximately in the middle of the chest ...
In short, if you feel that there is a place where pressure becomes painful - this is there is that
very place. The authors of the method say that rubbing this point (either of the two) when
pronouncing the Set-up phrase is somewhat more effective than tapping on the karate point,
but if you don't like or find it difficult to do this, then you can also knock on the karate point

4. Tapping- tapping with your fingertips on the points of the meridians. Approximately 7
times (approximately - which means approximately, there is no need to steam and count
down to one time - maybe 5, maybe 10 times), we tap with the fingertips of one hand
(gently but decisively - that is, so that the tapping felt , and on the other hand, so as not to
hurt yourself), in turn, all the points from the list, in the order in which they are given
below. At the same time, we repeat the “salt” of the problem at each point. For example -
"This headache - go to the next point - this headache - trace point - this headache - etc." or
"Chief of cattle - trace of a point - chief of cattle - trace of a point - chief of cattle - etc."

We tap on one side and not on two at once (there will not be enough hands). On which one -
no matter how comfortable it is and knock, it happens that my hand gets tired and I change
my hand and accordingly switch to tapping points on the other side of the body. You can tap
one point on the left side, and the next one, for example, on the right, if it's more
convenient, that is, the side does not matter, only convenience is important.

Here is the sequence of points:

EB = beginning of the eyebrow

SE = lateral of the eye
UE = under the eye
UN = under the nose
Ch = chin
CB = beginning of the bone CollarBone
UA = armpit
BN = under the nipple (approx. 2 to 3 cm)
Th = Thumb
IF = Index finger
MF = Middle finger
BF = Little finger
As for the BN point (it is not in the picture) - under the nipple - for men, tapping it is not a
problem, with women it is more difficult, they need to knock where the chest ends and the
body begins. Some "schools" do not use this point at all, but instead of it the very first point
is put on the top of the head. That is, the sequence will start from the top of the head, then
the eyebrow, the eye, etc., but do not use it under the nipple. It is for yourself to
experimentally decide what is better and more effective in your particular case.

By the way, I prefer to tap with the pads of two fingers - the index and middle. It's easier
this way. You quickly get tired of knocking with one finger.

After you have tapped all these points (about 7 times in each, while concluding the meaning
of the problem), we proceed to the next step:

5. Gamma By tapping constantly on the Gamut Point (see the picture), the following set of
actions is performed (you do not need to repeat the problem at this time)
• Close your eyes
• Open your eyes
• Move your eyes to the maximum right down
• Move your eyes to the maximum left down
• Make a full circle with your eyes in one direction
• Make a full circle with your eyes in the opposite direction
• "Hum" any melody for a couple of seconds
• Count to 5
• Again "hum" any melody for a couple of seconds

6. Then we repeat the tapping procedure (tapping with your fingertips on the
corresponding points ) as described in point 4.

Together, this is called a "ham sandwich" - the two tapping routines are like a roll, and
tapping the scale point and doing things is like a ham in between.

This thing is one "round" or "cycle" of EFT. The entire EFT consists of these cycles.

Then we do this: take a deep breath and exhale, and evaluate the problem again on a
subjective scale. It may not decrease (rarely) or decrease by 1-2 units, or disappear
altogether (it also happens). If it disappeared (zero on the scale), we go happy to go about
our business. If it has not disappeared, but has decreased, then we continue the whole
procedure from point 3, while in the setup we say “Even though I still feel a headache, I
deeply and completely forgive and accept myself” or “Even though the fact that I still have
this problem, I deeply and completely forgive and accept myself ”- that is, we are now
working with the remnants of the problem. Pay attention to this.

After the end of the second "sandwich", we again evaluate the state on a subjective scale
(here all the time there is an assessment in comparison with the initial state), if something is
left untreated - that is, more than zero - we repeat the "sandwich". And so on until there is
zero. Please note! We do not take prisoners! There is no need to bring it to the "two" and
leave - it hurts, but now it is not strong and you can leave it that way. You must always
bring the problem to a complete resolution. To zero. If you had a fear of rats, then a
complete zero is the ability to pick up a rat and not experience any unpleasant emotions.
This is all quite realistically achieved in 10-15 minutes EFT, by the way.

That's the whole EFT procedure. You can actually learn it in just 5 minutes, you just have to
remember the sequence of actions.

Examples of solving specific problems:

1. Headache.

We measure the intensity of the problem on the "subjective scale of discomfort" - how
much headache we have. For example, on 6.
Set-up: tapping our fingers on the Karate Point, we say: "Even though I have a headache, I
completely accept, forgive and love myself." We repeat this phrase 3 times, knocking on the
Karate Point.
We make tapping, while saying “This headache, this headache” ...
We make a “scale” (while saying “This headache” is not necessary)
Again we make tapping, while saying “This headache”.

This is 1 EFT cycle. After its completion, we look at how our headache has changed. For
example, it is already only 4 on the scale of subjective discomfort.

Setup: tapping our fingers on the Karate Point, we say: "Even though I STILL have a
headache, I completely and completely accept, forgive and love myself." We repeat this
phrase 3 times, knocking on the Karate Point.
We make tapping, while saying “the head still hurts” ...
We make the “scale” (while saying “the head still hurts” is not necessary)
Again we make tapping, while saying “The head still hurts”.

We evaluate the problem again. Let's say there are 2 left on the "scale".
We carry out the third EFT cycle - exactly the same as the second. If there is something else
left after it, we carry out the 4th, and so on until complete victory. It only takes a few

2. My sister annoys me.

We measure the intensity of the problem on the "subjective scale of discomfort" - how
much the sister annoys us. For example, on 9 - "would kill."
Setup: tapping our fingers on the Karate Point, we say: "Even though my sister annoys me,
such an infection, I completely and completely accept, forgive and love myself." We repeat
this phrase 3 times, knocking on the Karate Point.
We make tapping, while saying “My sister annoys me” ...
We make a “scale” (while saying “My sister annoys me” is not necessary)
Again we make tapping, while saying “My sister annoys me”.

After 1 cycle, we see how much it annoys us. For example, there are 5 left on the "scale",
we carry out the following cycle:

Setup: tapping our fingers on the Karate Point, we say: "Even though my sister still annoys
me, I completely accept, forgive and love myself." We repeat this phrase 3 times, knocking
on the Karate Point.
We make tapping, while saying “sister is still annoying” ...
We make “scale” (while saying “sister is still annoying” is not necessary)
We tap again, saying “sister is still annoying”.

We look at the result. It happens that in this moment you realize that she is no longer
annoying at all. Or suddenly it comes to the understanding that she is annoying because she
always takes your cosmetics without asking. It really pisses me off because of this. This is
the so-called ASPECT of the problem, or its component. It also needs to be worked out.

We measure the intensity of the problem on the "subjective scale of discomfort" - how
much the sister irritates us because of the cosmetics. For example, on 6.
Set-up: tapping our fingers on the Karate Point, we say: "Even though my sister annoys me
because she takes cosmetics, I completely and completely accept, forgive and love myself."
We repeat this phrase 3 times, knocking on the Karate Point.
We make tapping, while saying “My sister annoys me because she takes cosmetics” ...
We make a “scale” (while saying “My sister annoys me because she takes cosmetics” is not
Again we make tapping, while saying “My sister annoys me, because he takes cosmetics. "

We measure the remainder, if there is something - we carry out another cycle, this time
using "My sister still annoys me because she takes cosmetics." Let's see what happened. If
the irritation has disappeared altogether, we rejoice; if not, we do another EFT cycle. If new
aspects "come out" (for example, the understanding that in fact she annoys us, because she
is older and always looks down on us), we work out, as written above, these new aspects
until they disappear. And so on, until all aspects disappear completely. When no more
aspects appear, we are free. Usually, work on a difficult problem takes no more than two

3. Traumatic experiences.

The so-called Story Protocol is well suited for dealing with traumatic experiences. In this
case, we tell (to ourselves or to an EFT therapist who works with us) a story about the
traumatic event, starting from the moment that was BEFORE the beginning of the event
itself. Example:

“I am going home in the evening, the moon is shining beautifully in the sky, the air is fresh,
the mood is wonderful, and suddenly I hear“ Eh, man ”from behind. I turn around - four
come up to me. "Hear you, you freak" - says one. I was scared!

As soon as there is an emotional reaction to what is being told, we stop the story and work
out the last phrase that caused the reaction. For example, it will be:

We measure the intensity of the problem on the "subjective scale of discomfort" - how
much "I was scared." For example, on 9 - "I almost got it in my pants."
Setup: tapping our fingers on the Karate Point, we say: "Even though I was scared, I
completely and completely accept, forgive and love myself." We repeat this phrase 3 times,
knocking on the Karate Point.
We make tapping, while saying “I was scared” ...
We make a “scale” (while saying “I was scared” is not necessary)
Again we make tapping, while saying “I was scared”.

Let's see how strong that reaction is. If there is something left, we carry out the second
cycle, this time working with the REMAINS of the problem, that is, "despite the fact that I
am still afraid" ...

And so on until we can tell this piece of history calmly and without reaction ... Then we
begin to tell further:

"And kaaak will hit me in the face!" - as soon as the emotional reaction starts, we stop and
work on “Even though he kaaak kicks me in the face…”

The tension in this piece is over - let's move on, where, for example, they start kicking us all
together. We work out every piece that causes a reaction. After working through the entire
episode, including resentment, guilt (that he was hanging around late or did not play sports -
I don’t know what will come out of you in aspects) and shame (for not being able to
"answer like a man" for example), we repeat the story from the beginning, carefully
listening to the reaction. If something else catches on, we work it out. And so on until we go
through the whole episode without a reaction. After that (if all aspects are worked out) this
thing will cease to bother us and it will be possible to tell it almost from the stage,
completely calmly.

Please note - this is not "substitution" or "removal to the background". This is the real
disappearance of the roots. This means that after that, any immersion in this episode will be
painless. This is a pretty basic question, so don't confuse it with auto-suggestion or

We also work with any problems, as well as with beliefs. Changes can be integrated into the
subconscious not immediately, but after a few days. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that
the problem itself has disappeared, all that remains is to get to change the neural networks
in the brain, which may take some time.

Dealing effectively with problems can require you to be able to intelligently break the
problem down into aspects, as well as a certain amount of patience. Some deep-seated
problems can take time to tackle, but persistence is always rewarded.

I recommend mastering EFT, at least for quick symptom relief, if not root elimination.
Depression, fear, etc., (meaning their momentary manifestations) usually disappear very
quickly. Not all roots will necessarily disappear in one go (this may require a thoughtful
approach), but at least the general tension of the problem will go away, which will give at
least respite and clarity.

Mastering EFTon a deeper level, it may take some time and practice, so just take all the
problems you encounter (pain, discomfort, depression, etc.) and work through them. You
will quickly gain the necessary experience and be able to deftly handle this wonderful tool.
What if it doesn't work?
It happens that nothing works, even though you knock to the bruises. This does not mean
that EFT is down. This may mean that:

1. Energy toxins - alcohol, coffee, etc., do not have a positive effect on work.

2. Massive Psychological Reversal - complete blocking of all attempts at treatment by the

subconscious. It is necessary to tap "Even though I do not want to get rid of this problem, I
completely ....". Sometimes, as they say, massive PR is associated with "energy toxins" and
removing one of them from the diet can radically change the situation. Although personally
it seems to me that the client's unwillingness to let go of his problem is to blame (for
example, the belief that he is bad and not worthy to part with the problem)

3. The problem may be too generalized (generalized). For example, “my father mocked me”
will not be worked out, simply because this problem is a tangle of a huge number of
problems, in fact, and they must be solved separately.

4. Aspects, aspects - each problem can have many aspects. For example, the fear of spiders
- we tapped it, like the person says that he is not afraid. And then they tell him about a
spider that "kaaak will jump" - then the client will get rid of it ... and in the process of work
he imagined a sitting spider, and now the phobia of a sitting spider disappeared. In this case,
you need to work with all aspects - the fear of jumping spiders, creeping, sitting, etc. (there
are not so many of them - there is even an official scheme for such a phobia, and there are
only 6 or on hands and so forth.

Likewise, when working out an injury from a car accident, you can first work through the
accident itself and the client will say that nothing has decreased. But if you analyze his
discomfotr, it turns out that the focus has shifted - if earlier the very recollection of an
ACCIDENT put the client into a stupor, now it is a recollection of the headlights of an
oncoming car. After working out the "headlights", this aspect disappears, and the "screams
of passengers" come out - and so on, after working through ALL aspects, the trauma will
completely and forever disappear.

Materials A
free book by Gary Craig with instructions on EFT is in particular here: http://www.eft- (it is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, you need a free
Adobe Acrobat Reader to read). English language.
Gary Craig's website has a huge amount of information on
dealing with different types of problems and "debriefing". All this is in English, of course.

When a common person starts working with "energy therapies" (and indeed with all
effective methods of clearing "closets" in their brains), they have a very strong resistance.
This resistance basically consists of doing things:

1. Disbelief in the fact that you can quickly get rid of your problems (which seem to be
terrible monsters - why, they carried it in themselves for tens of years!).
2. Feelings "I'm not worthy of this"

Here is the second just and is made up of guilt and shame for the past. Usually a person has
"skeletons in the closet", which lead to the fact that he resists all attempts to change himself.
All the things he has done and for which he feels guilt and shame. The injustices he has
done. Bad deeds. What he said to others and inflicted some kind of wounds for which he is
now ashamed. All this creates a background called "I am bad, I am not worthy of change."
Such a background is the basis of Psychological Reversal, which simply does not allow us
to successfully work out other problems - it is just SEE in practice in the process of working
out. The more self-acceptance and the less guilt about the past, the easier everything is
worked out. The more blame for the past, the more difficult the elaboration is, with more
"creak" and gagging.Working with the past is much more efficient and faster when using
Slavinsky's techniques.

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